Universität Wien

A. Bachelorstudium Unterrichtsfach "Bewegung und Sport"

UF BuS 01 compulsory module - Introductory Module

UF BuS 02 Compulsory Module: Training of Motor Skills and their Application in Exercise and Teaching in Sports

UF BuS 03 Compulsory Module: Fundamentals of Anatomical Structures, Physiological Processes and Actions in Case of Emergency and of Injuries, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching

UF BuS 04 Compulsory Module: Mechanical Principles of Human Movement and Technologies of Computer Science in Sports, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching

UF BuS 05 Compulsory Module: Processes of Education in Exercise, Play and Sports, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching

UF BuS 06 Compulsory Module: Individuals, Development, Actions and Groups in Sports and Exercise, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching

UF BuS 07 Compulsory Module: Sports and Exercise in Society, History and Culture, Addressing Heterogeneity and Disabilities, Health Promotion, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching

UF BuS 08 Compulsory Module: Preparing, Evaluating and Reflecting on Teaching in the Subject of Physical Education

UF BuS 09 elective subjects

UF BuS 10 Subject-Based Teaching Practice

UF BuS 11 Bachelor's Module

Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33