Special Teaching Programmes
Here you find details on Individual Degree Programmes, e.g. Development Studies or Nursing Science, Multidisciplinary Degree Programmes e.g. Risk Research or Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Science and Social Studies of Science, Interdisciplinary Degree Programmes like the Master Programme Gender Studies, language courses and various preparatory courses.
Individual Degree Programmes
Celtic Studies
- 160401 VO [ de ga ] Einführung in eine goidelische Sprache - Neuirisch - Basiswissen
- 160402 VO [ en ] Archaeology of the celtic world
- 160403 UE [ de ga ] Exercise to a Goidelic Language - Introduction to Modern Irish - Pronunciation and conversation practice
- 160404 UE [ de ga ] Exercise to a Goidelic Language - Einführung in die Textlektüre und die Strukturen des Neuirischen
Numismatics and Monetary History
Interdisciplinary Degree Programmes
Master Ethics for Teachers and Professionals (641)
Master Gender Studies (808 [3] - Version 2013)
Fields of Application (15 ECTS)
- 240049 SE+UE Practical Experience
- 240102 SE SE/PR (research-) project development
- 240119 VO Practical field of Gender Studies
- 240205 SE+UE Practical Experience
Basics of interdisciplinary Gender Studies (15 ECTS)
- 240050 UE Guided Reading
- 240098 UE Guided Reading - French Feminisms. Gender theories in francophone thought
- 240199 VO VO Introduction Gender Studies
- 240200 UE UE Introduction Gender Studies
- 240204 UE Scientific Scriptorium (4 ECTS) - gender-reflected writing-workshop
Individual In-Depth Studies (15 ECTS)
- 070355 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Beiträge der Universität zum Abbau von Vorurteilen in unserer Gesellschaft:"Welch triste Epoche, in der es leichter ist, ein Atom zu zertrümmern als ein Vorurteil!" (Albert Einstein zugeschrieben)
- 140015 VO [ en ] Race, Gender and Sexuality in African Literature
- 140121 VO [ de en ] ( SGU ) VM1 / VM7 - Critique / Contradiction / Resistance
- 180108 PS Language, Power and Resistance
- 210077 VO BAK14: SpezialVO Gender and Politics - Aktuelle Ansätze und Debatten
- 210126 SE M8: Gender and Politics - Capitalism - Crisis - Gender
- 210127 SE M8: Gender and Politics - Intersectionality in current debates about refuge and migration
- 230076 SE Theories of group/team including gender perspectives
- 230105 UK Science, Institutions, Politics - Von der Idee zur Forschung - was bzw. wen braucht es dazu?
- 230118 VO+SE Ethnographic film/ social science film - Audio-visual material in research, analysis and communication
- 230119 UK Technology and Society - Thing-Power: How technology forms our life
- 230141 UK How social is scientific knowledge?
- 240042 PS Individuelle Schwerpunktsetzung - prüfungsimmament (4 ECTS) - Gewalt im öffentlichen Raum - Street Harassment und gesellschaftliche Machtverhältnisse
- 240043 PS Individuelle Schwerpunktsetzung - prüfungsimmament (4 ECTS) - Desire abseits der Norm. Konstruktionen von Fetisch aus gender_queerer Perspektive
Topic Areas (20 ECTS)
- 240038 SE Gender Studies Topics and Themes II - In the Belly of the Monster: Einführung in die feministische Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung
- 240039 SE SE Topics of Gender Studies - 'Männlichkeit' als intersektionales Konstrukt
- 240040 SE [ en ] Schwerpunktthema II / Critical Media Analysis - Talking It Over: Gender(s) in Dialogue/Dialogues on Gender - Poststructuralist & Postmodernist Perspectives in Theory, Literature and Film
- 240044 SE Gender Studies Topics and Themes II - Männlichkeit/en: Grundlegende Konzepte und aktuelle Forschungsansätze
- 240045 SE SE Topics of Gender Studies - Weiblichkeit/en: Grundlegende Konzepte und aktuelle Forschungsansätze
- 240048 VU Topics of Gender Studies - Gegen Kultur schreiben" oder "Kultur verstehen"? - Auseinandersetzung der feministischen Sozialwissenschaft mit einem strittige Begriff
- 240236 VU VU topics - Lecture Series & Workshops
Theories and Methods (15 ECTS)
- 240046 SE SE Methods of Gender Studies - Angriffe gegen die Gender Studies im Web
- 240047 SE SE Theory I - Theories and Methods of Gender Studies - Leila Ahmeds 'A quiet revolution. The veil's resurgence from the Middle East to America'
- 240207 SE SE Theory I - Theories and Methods of Gender Studies
- 240208 SE SE Methods of Gender Studies - Feminist Science Technology Studies und postkoloniale Perspektiven
- 240209 VO Theories and Methodics
Scientific Work (16 ECTS)
- 240104 VU Gender Specific Communication and Organization Skills (Module)
- 240198 SE SE Masterseminar
- 240203 SE+UE SE + UE Preparatory Exercise
Master's Degree Programme History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) (944 [2] - Version 2014)
Master Joint Degree Programme MEi: CogSci Cognitive Science (013)
Multidisciplinary Courses
- 090079 VO+UE ( EP ) Einführung in das Latein I
- 090080 VO+UE ( EP ) Einführung in das Latein I
- 090081 VO+UE ( EP ) Einführung in das Latein I
- 090082 VO ( EP ) Einführung in die griechische Sprache I
Extension Curricula Gender Studies
Extension Curriculum Basic Gender Studies (244)
PM1 Basic Gender Studies (15 ECTS)
- 240112 VO Introduction to Gender Studies
- 240218 VO Introduction to Gender Specific Communication and Organization Skills - Wo ist denn hier das Geschlecht?
- 240220 UE Gender Workshop
Extension Curriculum Applied Gender Studies (245)
PM1 Applied Gender Studies (15 ECTS)
- 240215 VO Central Issues of Gender Studies in Jurisprudence
- 240228 VO Gendered Topics in Science
- 240236 VU VU topics - Lecture Series & Workshops
Extension Curriculum Gender Studies (243) - discontinued
Advanced Module EC Gender Studies (20 ECTS)
Basic Module EC Gender Studies (10 ECTS)
Ethics and Law in Medicine
- 030034 KU Medical Law I - (Allgemeiner Teil)
- 030071 KU Austrian Law on Medicines and Pharmacies
Feministisch kulturwissenschaftliches Lehrangebot
- 240039 SE SE Topics of Gender Studies - 'Männlichkeit' als intersektionales Konstrukt
- 240040 SE [ en ] Schwerpunktthema II / Critical Media Analysis - Talking It Over: Gender(s) in Dialogue/Dialogues on Gender - Poststructuralist & Postmodernist Perspectives in Theory, Literature and Film
- 240042 PS Individuelle Schwerpunktsetzung - prüfungsimmament (4 ECTS) - Gewalt im öffentlichen Raum - Street Harassment und gesellschaftliche Machtverhältnisse
- 240043 PS Individuelle Schwerpunktsetzung - prüfungsimmament (4 ECTS) - Desire abseits der Norm. Konstruktionen von Fetisch aus gender_queerer Perspektive
Cultural Sciences and Cultural Studies
CS I Basics
- 110272 VO Introductory Lecture - EC neu: Forschungsfelder der Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies
CS II Methods and Techniques
- 110186 KU Close Reading and Cultural Studies - Lektüre ausgewählter Texte der Kulturtheorie
CS III (Practice)
Science and Technology Studies
Master Science-Technology-Society (906 [2] - Version 2012)
1. Basics Science-Technology-Society
1.1 Basics and Central Questions in the Field of Science-Technology-Society (BM A)
- 230139 VO [ en ] Science, Technology, Society (STS): Key Questions and Concepts
- 230143 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Key-Questions and Concepts
1.2 Theoretical and Methodological Approaches in the Social Studies of Science (BM B)
- 230146 SE [ en ] Risky Entanglements? Theorising Science, Technology and Society Relationships
- 230148 SE [ en ] Social Science Methods for STS Research
2. Project Design and Development
2.1 Scientific Practice and Knowledge Management (SP)
- 230149 SE [ en ] Scientific Practice and Knowledge Management
2.2 Grant Writing and Project Management (GW)
3. Research Specialisations
3.1 Knowledge and Technology Cultures (RS 1)
- 230137 SE [ en ] Reimagining Cities - A relational perspective on the making of urban territories
- 230138 SE [ en ] Technologies, Bodies, Data - Perspectives from STS
- 230140 SE [ en ] Exploring society‘s knowledge practices - Excursions into epistemic cultures beyond academia
3.2 Techno-Science and Society - Communicating and Interacting (RS 2)
- 230138 SE [ en ] Technologies, Bodies, Data - Perspectives from STS
- 230140 SE [ en ] Exploring society‘s knowledge practices - Excursions into epistemic cultures beyond academia
- 230142 SE [ en ] Robot Society - Imaginations, Interactions, and Identities
3.3 Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions (RS 3)
- 230137 SE [ en ] Reimagining Cities - A relational perspective on the making of urban territories
- 230142 SE [ en ] Robot Society - Imaginations, Interactions, and Identities
4. Additional Individual Specialisation (IS)
5. Additional Social Science Research Methods Courses
- 230136 SE [ en ] Ethnographic Methods
6. Master Seminars (MS)
- 230152 SE-MA [ en ] Coping with trouble I: Seminar for Master Students in "Science-Technology-Society" (STS)
Extension Curricula Science and Technology Studies (235) (15 ECTS)
- 230105 UK Science, Institutions, Politics - Von der Idee zur Forschung - was bzw. wen braucht es dazu?
- 230119 UK Technology and Society - Thing-Power: How technology forms our life
- 230141 UK How social is scientific knowledge?
Science in Society Laboratories
- 230147 UE [ de en ] Science in Society Laboratories
Extension Curricula
Extension Curricula with 15 ECTS-Credits
Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture
Ancient Near Eastern History and Culture
Ancient Near Eastern Philology
Applied Gender Studies
Psychology in Practice
Archaeology and Cultural History of Antiquity
Archaeology and Cultural History from Late Antiquity to Modern Times
Principles of Business Administration
Methods in Business Administration
Education Theory/Education Research
Byzantine History and Culture
Christianity in a Plural Society
Computational Thinking
German Language
German-language Literature
The Bible: Book, History, Interpretation
Introducition to Jewish Studies
Introduction to the Science of Law
Empirical Sociology
Etruscans and Italic Peoples. Diversity in pre-Roman Italy
European Integration and global multi-level governance
European History of Music
Evolutionary Anthropology
Basics of Geosciences
Basics of Geosciences Deepening
History of Philosophy
Society and Space (Human Geography)
Global Corporate Management
Greek History
Modern Greek History and Culture
Greek and Roman Literature: Text and Context
Greek and Roman Literature: History of Reception
Basics in Celtic Linguistics
Basics of Ancient History. Advanced
Basics of Ancient History. Basis
Basics of Inclusive Education
Basics of Cultural and Social Anthropology
Basics of Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) I
Basics of Political Science
Principles of Psychology
Basic Statistics
Principles of Economics
Basics of Life-Long Learning
Basics of European Ethnology
Basic Gender Studies
Basics of Public Communication
Basics and Methods of Studies of Religions
Key Issues in the History of Religion
Hebrew Culture and Language
Aspects of Human Science in Sports
Intercultural Skills East Asia
Internationale Development - Basics
Internationale Development - Advanced
International Literary Transfer
International Law
Iranian History and Culture
Japanese Culture
Japanese Language, Culture and Society
Celtic Linguistics
Classical Archeology - Basics
Classical Archeology - Advanced
Knowledge Creation: The emergence of new knowledge and innovation
Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa
Cultural Analysis of everday life
Cultural Studies - Advanced
Focus in Art History
Basics of Art History
Media Aesthetics in Everyday Life
Methods and Applications of Economics
World Music
Musical Acoustics and Auditory Perception
Scientific Thinking: Case Studies, Fundamentals and Influences
Modern Greek Language and Culture
Niederländische Sprache und Kultur - Einführung
Dutch Language and Culture - Emphasis
Numismatics of Antiquity
Numismatics of the Middle Ages and the Modern Era
Numiscmatic Practice and Extension
Public Communication
Public Law
Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) II
Baltic Sea Region Studies 1
Baltic Sea Region Studies 2
Popular Music
Private Law - The Formation of Law in Course of Life and Business
Psychoanalysis (Basics)
Psychoanalysis (Advanced)
Basic Quantitative Methods in the Social and Behavioural Sciences
Intermediate Quantitative Methods in the Social and Behavioural Sciences
Law in Historical, Social and Philosophical Context
Religion and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa
Roman History
Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures
Scandinavian Languages
Extension Curricula Slavic Austria - Minorities - Migration
Basics of Slavonic Studies I
Basics of Slavonic Studies II
Sociological Analyses of Society
Language and Society
Language and Cognition
Language and Culture of the Arab World
Statehood and Democracy in Change
Criminal Law and Criminology
South Asian Studies, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
South Asian Studies
The World of English 1
The World of English 2
The World of English 3
Thematic and Regional Perspectives of Cultural and Social Anthropology
Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
Turkish History, Literature, and Cultural History
Change in Environmental Systems (Physical Geography)
Understanding China
Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology I: Basics
Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology II: Extension
Japanese Business Communication II
Japanese Business Communication I
Science - Technology - Society (Version 2012)
Extension Curricula with 30 ECTS-Credits
German Philology. Overview
Finnish Culture and Language
Gender Studies
Islam History and Religion
Modern Indian Language
Scandinavian Studies
Statistics: Inference and Data Analysis
Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture
Egyptology (Version 2013)
univie: summer/winter schools
Social Sciences
- 970001 KU [ en ] univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies 2018 - Literature and Film in Vienna around 1900
- 970002 KU [ en ] univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies 2018 - Art and Culture at the Turn of the Century in Vienna
- 970003 KU [ en ] univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies 2018 - Psychoanalysis and Society in Sigmund Freud's Vienna
- 970004 KU [ en ] univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies 2018 - Music and Musical Culture in Vienna around 1900
- 970005 KU [ en ] winter school "SNU in Vienna" - Veranstaltung der Seoul National University
Natural Sciences
Center for Doctoral Studies
Courses of the Center for Doctoral Studies
- 980001 TS Das Doktorat an der Universität Wien: Informationsveranstaltung
- 980002 TS [ en ] Doctoral Studies at the University of Vienna: Info Session
- 980003 TS Infoveranstaltung für Master/Diplomstudierende: Das Doktorat an der Universität Wien
- 980004 TS Antragstellung für ein DOC Stipendium der Österreichischen Akademie für Wissenschaftern (ÖAW)
- 980005 TS Von der Fragestellung zur Literatur
- 980006 TS [ en ] From research question to literature - Finding and using information resources for your PhD project
- 980007 TS Suchstrategien und Bibliotheksrecherche für DoktorandInnen der Geisteswissenschaften
- 980008 TS Suchstrategien und Bibliotheksrecherche für DoktorandInnen der Geschichtswissenschaft
- 980009 TS [ en ] Introduction to the multidisciplinary database Web of Science
- 980010 TS [ en ] Introduction to SciVerse Scopus - A multidisciplinary access to knowledge
- 980011 TS Einführung in das Literaturverwaltungsprogramm Citavi
- 980012 TS [ en ] Introduction to Reference Management & Knowledge Organization: Citavi
- 980013 TS Einführung in das Literaturverwaltungstool Zotero
- 980014 TS [ en ] Introduction to the reference management tool Zotero
- 980015 TS Copyright und Plagiarismus
- 980016 TS Good Scientific Practice
- 980017 TS Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten für JungwissenschafterInnen - Eine Einführung
- 980018 TS [ en ] Funding Possibilities for First Stage Researchers - An Introduction
- 980019 TS Infoveranstaltung zum Marietta Blau Stipendium
- 980020 TS [ en ] How to Approach Project Proposal Writing for Third-Party Funded Projects
- 980021 TS [ en ] Exposé Writing in English - How to write and present a doctoral thesis proposal
- 980022 TS Das Exposé - Erfolgreiches Schreiben und Konzipieren eines Exposés für das Dissertationsprojekt
- 980023 TS Forschungsüberblick schreiben
- 980024 TS Auf den Punkt gebracht. Klar und verständlich schreiben. - Schwerpunkt Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
- 980025 TS [ en ] The Research Article: Publication Process and Text Qualities of a Key Genre
- 980026 TS [ en ] Academic Writing in English (Part 1)
- 980027 TS [ en ] Refresh your Grammar
- 980028 TS [ en ] Publication Strategies in the Academic "Publish or Perish" Competition
- 980029 TS [ de en ] Open Access: Die neue Art des Publizierens
- 980030 TS [ en ] English Pronunciation and Typical Mistakes
- 980031 TS [ en ] Conversation in English: Conference & Meeting Situations
- 980033 TS [ en ] Capturing the Essence: Presenting your research in 3 minutes
- 980034 TS [ en ] Professional Presentation of Research Results
- 980035 TS Besser präsentieren in Wissenschaft und Forschung: Sicherheit, Klarheit und Kompetenz vermitteln
- 980036 TS Poster Präsentationen: Planen, Gestalten, Schreiben
- 980037 TS Kommunikation und Rhetorik
- 980038 TS Überzeugend sprechen und souverän auftreten - Training für Stimme, Sprechen und persönliche Wirkung
- 980039 TS Time management for doctoral candidates
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33