Directorate of Studies 15 - East Asian Studies
Japanese Studies
Bachelor Japanese Studies (643 [2] - Version 2011)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
BM1 Introduction to Japanese Studies (4 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die Japanologie
- 150011 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Japanese Studies
BM2 Japanese Grammar and Translation 1 (11 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die japanische Sprache
- 150041 VO [ de ja ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Theory of Japanese 1
Study Period
BM3 Practical Japanese 1 (12 ECTS)
- 150103 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 1
- 150099 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 1
- 150172 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 1
- 150026 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 1
- 150088 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 1
BM4 Basics of Regional Studies & History of Japan (6 ECTS)
- 150010 VO Regional Studies of Japan
BM5 Basic Training in Research and Paper Writing (4 ECTS)
BM6 Japanese Grammar and Translation 2 (11 ECTS)
BM7 Practical Japanese 2 (12 ECTS)
BM8 Japanese Grammar and Translation 3 (6 ECTS)
- 150042 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese grammar and translation 3
BM9 Practical Japanese 3 (6 ECTS)
- 150057 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 3
- 150007 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 3
- 150024 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 3
- 150092 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 3
BM10 Basic Knowledge of Japanese Culture & Society (6 ECTS)
- 150053 VO Japanese society
- 150186 VO Japanese Culture
BM11 Basic Knowledge of Japanese Politics & Economy (3 ECTS)
BM12 Intercultural Learning (4 ECTS)
- 150043 UE Intercultural Learning
- 150095 UE Intercultural Learning
BM13 Advanced Training in Research and Paper Writing (12 ECTS)
- 150124 PS Basic training in research and paper writing I
- 150197 PS Basic training in research and paper writing I
- 150025 PS Basic training in research and paper writing I
- 150201 PS Basic training in research and paper writing I
BM14 Japanese Grammar and Translation 4 (6 ECTS)
BM15 Practical Japanese 4 (6 ECTS)
BM16 Basic Knowledge, Extension (3 ECTS)
- 150009 VO+UE [ en ] Family policy - Social change, social movements, institutions, and Japan’s low fertility
- 150012 UE Aso 2.0. Past, present and future of a rural region in Japan (part 7)
- 150014 VO Religion in Japan
- 150035 UE Nails that stick out and other inconveniences - Hierarchies and exclusion in contemporary Japanese capitalism
BM17 Practical Training/ Internship (10 ECTS)
BM18 Practical Japanese and Japanese Grammar and Translation 5 (12 ECTS)
- 150046 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese grammar and translation 5
- 150059 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 5
- 150080 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 5
- 150178 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 5
BM19 Independent Work in Japanese Studies - Advanced Studies (8 ECTS)
- 150148 SE Seminar I: Outsiders and lone wolves in Japanese literature and film
- 150045 SE [ en ] Seminar I: Family policy and the media in Japan
- 150118 SE Seminar I: Rural Japan in the media
BM20 Independent Work in Japanese Studies - Bachelor's Paper (8 ECTS)
- 150018 SE Seminar II
Further Elective Lectures (e.g. for the Alternative Extension)
- 150009 VO+UE [ en ] Family policy - Social change, social movements, institutions, and Japan’s low fertility
- 150012 UE Aso 2.0. Past, present and future of a rural region in Japan (part 7)
- 150014 VO Religion in Japan
- 150035 UE Nails that stick out and other inconveniences - Hierarchies and exclusion in contemporary Japanese capitalism
- 150051 VO [ en ] Introduction to Japanese Economy and Management
- 150082 UE Monitoring Class for STEOP-Mentoring
- 010062 SE Religion in Focus: Kofuku no Kagaku (Happy Science)
- 010085 VU Chinese New Religions
- 010091 VO Introduction to the Religions of East Asia
Master Japanese Studies (843 [2] - Version 2008)
MM1 Premodern Japanese (10 ECTS)
- 150008 UE [ de ja ] Premodern Japanese I - Bungo and Kanbun
MM2 Scientific Japanese Texts (10 ECTS)
- 150040 UE Critical Readings in Japanese Academic Sources - Modernization and mortality change in Japan since the Meiji period
MM3 Advanced Command of Language (12 ECTS)
- 150058 SUE [ ja ] Reading of Newspapers
MM4 Methods in Japanese Studies (8 ECTS)
MM5 Specialised Knowledge (8 ECTS)
- 150009 VO+UE [ en ] Family policy - Social change, social movements, institutions, and Japan’s low fertility
MM6 Advanced Academic Studies 1 (8 ECTS)
- 150151 SE Master's Seminar I: - Trauma and disaster in Japanese literature and fictional media productions
MM7 Advanced Academic Studies 2 (8 ECTS)
MM8 Monitoring Class for the Master's Thesis (5 ECTS)
- 150013 SE Monitoring class for the master's thesis I
- 150052 SE Monitoring class for the master's thesis I
- 150096 SE Monitoring class for the master's thesis I
MM9 East Asian Studies (15 ECTS)
- 150078 UE Qualitative Methods in Research on Japan: Ethnographic Approaches
- 150004 VO [ en ] Intercultural negotiation patterns - (WiSe)
- 150009 VO+UE [ en ] Family policy - Social change, social movements, institutions, and Japan’s low fertility
- 150012 UE Aso 2.0. Past, present and future of a rural region in Japan (part 7)
- 150014 VO Religion in Japan
- 150035 UE Nails that stick out and other inconveniences - Hierarchies and exclusion in contemporary Japanese capitalism
- 150033 SE [ en ] Strategic Gaming
- 150082 UE Monitoring Class for STEOP-Mentoring
- 010062 SE Religion in Focus: Kofuku no Kagaku (Happy Science)
- 010085 VU Chinese New Religions
Doctoral Programme Japanese Studies (092) - discontinued
- 150034 SE Monitoring class for the PhD thesis
- 150094 SE Monitoring class for the PhD thesis
Extension Curriculum Japanese Culture (151)
M1 Japanese Culture (15 ECTS)
- 150010 VO Regional Studies of Japan
- 150053 VO Japanese society
- 150186 VO Japanese Culture
Extension Curriculum Japanese Language, Culture and Society (152)
M2 Japanese Language, Culture and Society (15 ECTS)
- 150003 VO [ de ja ] Introduction to Japanese Language 1
- 150015 VO [ de ja ] Introduction to Japanese Language 2
Extension Curriculum Japanese Business Communication 1 (154)
M1 Japanese Business Communication 1 (16 ECTS)
- 150050 UE [ en ja ] Introduction to the Japanese Language
- 150049 UE [ en ja ] Japanese communication
- 150108 UE [ en ja ] Japanese Grammar I
- 150051 VO [ en ] Introduction to Japanese Economy and Management
Extension Curriculum Japanese Business Communication 2 (155)
M1 Japanese Writing and Japanese Grammar 2 (9/10 ECTS)
M2 Japanese Business Communication (6 ECTS)
Korean Studies
Bachelor Korean Studies (671 [2] - Version 2011)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
BM01 Introduction to Korean Studies (7 ECTS)
- EXAM StEOP: M01 Einführung in die Koreanologie Modulprüfung
- 150001 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: General Course I: Geographical aspects of East Asia (main topic Korea)
- 150068 PUE ( STEOP ) STEOP: Exercise Course I: Geographical aspects of East Asia (main topic Korea)
- 150073 PUE ( STEOP ) STEOP: Survey of Korea
BM02 Introduction to Korean Language (8 ECTS)
- EXAM StEOP: M02 Einführung in die koreanische Sprache Modulprüfung
- 150101 PUE [ de ko ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Korean Grammar and Translation 1
- 150221 PUE [ en ko ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Korean Grammar and Translation 1
- 150055 PUE [ de en ko ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Hanja 1
Compulsory Group Language Competence (66 ECTS)
BM1 Korean Language Competence 1 (7 ECTS)
- 150111 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 1
- 150222 UE [ de en ko ] Practical Korean 1
- 150105 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 1
BM2 Korean Language Competence 2 (15 ECTS)
BM3 Korean Language Competence 3 (10 ECTS)
- 150070 UE [ de ko ] Korean Grammar and Translation 3
- 150110 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 3
- 150054 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 3
BM4 Korean Language Competence 4 (10 ECTS)
BM5 Korean Language Competence 5 (12 ECTS)
- 150066 UE [ de ko ] Korean Grammar and Translation 5
- 150112 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 5
- 150114 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 5
BM6 Korean Language Competence 6 (12 ECTS)
Basics of Korean Studies (7 ECTS)
BM7 Basics of Korean Studies (7 ECTS)
Introduction to History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea as well as Politics, Economy and Society of Korea (10 ECTS)
BM8 History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea (5 ECTS)
BM9 Politics, Economy and Society of Korea (5 ECTS)
In-Depth Studies (22 ECTS)
BM10 Advanced Courses in History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea (10 ECTS)
- 150115 SE Seminar I: Cities and Urbanization in Korea
- 150069 UE Exercises to Seminar I: Cities and Urbanization in Korea
BM 11 Advanced Courses in Politics, Economy and Society of Korea (11 ECTS)
Further Lectures (e.g. for the Alternative Extension)
- 150077 UE [ de ko ] Translations from German into Korean 1
- 150087 UE Confucian Rituals in Korea: Chesa, Munmyo- and Chongmyo-Cherye
- 150104 UE [ en ] Youth Culture in South Korea: Body and Identity
- 150097 VO [ en ] Meaning in Korean: Peculiarities of Korean Semantics
- 150100 VO [ en ] Korean Art in Tombs, Temples and in the Royal Courts - From the Three Kingdoms Period to the Joseon Era
- 150051 VO [ en ] Introduction to Japanese Economy and Management
- 150082 UE Monitoring Class for STEOP-Mentoring
- 010085 VU Chinese New Religions
- 010091 VO Introduction to the Religions of East Asia
- 010062 SE Religion in Focus: Kofuku no Kagaku (Happy Science)
Master Korean Studies (871)
MM1 Premodern Korean (12 ECTS)
- 150076 UE [ de ko ] Pre-modern Korean I - Entstehung und Entwicklung der koreanischen Sprache
MM2 Scientific Work (15 ECTS)
- 150004 VO [ en ] Intercultural negotiation patterns - (WiSe)
- 150077 UE [ de ko ] Translations from German into Korean 1
- 150087 UE Confucian Rituals in Korea: Chesa, Munmyo- and Chongmyo-Cherye
- 150104 UE [ en ] Youth Culture in South Korea: Body and Identity
- 150082 UE Monitoring Class for STEOP-Mentoring
- 010085 VU Chinese New Religions
- 010062 SE Religion in Focus: Kofuku no Kagaku (Happy Science)
MM3 History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea (16 ECTS)
- 150074 SE Master's Seminar: Cities and Urbanization in Korea
- 150002 UE Exercises to Master's Seminar: Cities and Urbanization in Korea
MM4 Politics, Economy and Society of Korea (16 ECTS)
MM5 Methods and Theories in Korean Studies (13 ECTS)
- 150065 UE Methods in Korean Studies I
MM6 Master Thesis Colloquium (8 ECTS)
- 150061 UE Monitoring Class for the Master
Bachelor Sinology (611 [3] - Version 2016)
Introductory and Orientation Period (20 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung M 03 Einführung in die chinesische Geschichte, Literatur und Politik
- 150091 UE [ de zh ] Revision Course to Theory and Practice of Chinese Writing and Language
M 01 Introduction to Modern Chinese 1 (9 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung M 01 Einführung in das Moderne Chinesisch 1
- 150038 PKU [ en zh de zh ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Modern Chinese 1a
- 150091 UE [ de zh ] Revision Course to Theory and Practice of Chinese Writing and Language
- 150267 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Theory and Praxis of Chinese Writing and Language
M 02 Introduction to Modern Chinese 2 (6 ECTS)
- EXAM StEOP: Modulprüfung M 02 Einführung in das Moderne Chinesisch 2
- 150039 KSTEOP [ en zh ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Speaking Lab 1a
- 150047 KSTEOP [ en zh zh de zh ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Speaking Practice 1a
M 03 Introduction to Chinese History, Literature and Politics (5 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung M 03 Einführung in die chinesische Geschichte, Literatur und Politik
- 150037 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Modern Chinese Literature
- 150071 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Chinese History of the 20th Century
- 150180 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Politics of the PR of China
Compulsory Modules (130 ECTS)
M 1 Language Acquisition Basic (15 ECTS)
- 150072 KU [ de zh ] Modern Chinese 1b
- 150075 KU [ zh ] Written Chinese 1b
- 150120 KU [ zh ] Speaking Lab 1b (M1)
- 150122 KU [ zh ] Speaking Practice 1b (M1)
M 2 Advanced Language Acquisition (30 ECTS)
- 150140 KU [ de zh ] Modern Chinese 2a (M2)
- 150146 KU [ de zh zh ] Speaking Practice 2a (M2)
- 150149 KU [ zh ] Writing Practice 2a (M2)
- 150153 KU [ de zh ] Reading Practice 2a
M 3 Language Acquisition Intermediate (30 ECTS)
- 140225 UE Introduction to Classical Chinese
- 150023 KU Classical Chinese (Beginner`s Course)
- 150027 KU Specialist Language (M3) - Business Chinese
- 150028 KU Specialist Language (M3) - Diplomacy
- 150121 KU [ zh ] Writing and Reading Chinese A
- 150157 KU [ zh ] Listening and Speaking A (M3)
- 150187 KU [ zh ] Reading Press (M3)
M4 Basic Knowledge (11 ECTS)
- 150031 VO Special Chinese Literature Literature (M4)
- 150056 VO Special Chinese Literature History (M4)
- 150109 VO Economic Development of China (M4)
M 5 Research Methods and Academic Writing (9 ECTS)
- 150020 UE Scientific Working (Literature and Culture) (M5)
- 150022 UE [ en ] Scientific Working (Politics, Economy, Law) (M5)
- 150216 UE Scientific Working (History and Society) (M5)
M 6 Extended Knowledge (12 ECTS)
- 140242 VO [ en ] The Chinese Diaspora in Africa: Topics in Sociocultural Linguistics and Beyond
- 150030 UE [ en ] Modern Chinese Literature (M6)
- 150212 UE Local Taiwanese culture in literature and film (M6)
- 150218 UE [ en ] Culture and Health Development (M6)
M 7 Applied Research Methods and Academic Writing (12 ECTS)
- 150062 PS Introductory Seminar (History and Society): 1. Bachelor's Thesis (M7) - One Belt, One Road: The role and duties of mass organizations
- 150063 PS Introductory Seminar (Literature and Culture): 2. Bachelor's Thesis (M7) - One Belt, One Road
- 150117 PS Introductory Seminar (Politics, Economy, Law): 3. Bachelor's Thesis (M7) - One Belt, One Road
- 150163 UE Bachelorcolloquium
M 8 Bachelor Module (11 ECTS)
Elective Module Sinology International (15 ECTS)
EM Elective Subject Chinese Studies Abroad (15 ECTS)
Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl (z.B. für Modul Alternative Erweiterungen)
- 010085 VU Chinese New Religions
- 010091 VO Introduction to the Religions of East Asia
- 140242 VO [ en ] The Chinese Diaspora in Africa: Topics in Sociocultural Linguistics and Beyond
- 150017 UE [ zh ] Chinese Calligraphy
- 150031 VO Special Chinese Literature Literature (M4)
- 150091 UE [ de zh ] Revision Course to Theory and Practice of Chinese Writing and Language
Master Sinology (811)
- 150048 SE Tang poetry as a core element of Chinese cultural tradition - Structuralist readings (M3 LK)
- 150060 SE [ en zh ] Russian Influence on the Chinese Revolution (M3 GG) - Is the Sinification - Narrative a myth?
M1 Module Advanced Language Acquisition (20 ECTS)
- 150036 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice
- 150159 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice
M2 Basic Module Topics in China Studies (18 ECTS)
- 150067 PS Five Chinese Poets of the Twentieth Century (M2 LK)
- 150079 PS [ en ] The Digital Economy in China
- 150090 PS Taiwanese law in times of emergency (M2 GG) - historical aspects of rule of law development in the ROC
M3 Advanced Module - Topics in China Studies (35 ECTS)
- 150033 SE [ en ] Strategic Gaming
- 150048 SE Tang poetry as a core element of Chinese cultural tradition - Structuralist readings (M3 LK)
- 150060 SE [ en zh ] Russian Influence on the Chinese Revolution (M3 GG) - Is the Sinification - Narrative a myth?
- 150064 SE Petition and mediation - traditional forms of political communication in today’s China (M3 PR)
- 150093 SE [ en zh ] Archives and Contemporary Chinese Historical Research: Reading and Comprehension (M3 GG)
- 150098 SE [ en zh ] Archives and Contemporary Chinese Historical Research: System, Theory, and Methodology (M3 GG)
- 150102 SE [ en ] Taiwan After 1945 (M3 LK)
- 150209 SE Unrest in China's social media (Interpretation Seminar M3) - Combining text interpretation and machine learning to analyse the website
M4 Methods of China Studies (22 ECTS)
- 150044 SE MA Colloquium
MU1 Module Advanced Language Acquisition (26 ECTS)
- 150021 UE Grammar
- 150036 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice
- 150159 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice
MU2 Module Linguistics (12 ECTS)
MU3 Module Topics in China Studies (10 ECTS)
- 150032 SE Seminar Literaturwissenschaft
MU4 Module Teaching Methodology (29 ECTS)
- 150192 VO [ de zh ] VO Second Language Acquisition Pedagogy of Chinese: Introduction
- 150195 UE Second Language Acquisition Pedagogy of Chinese: Theory and Methods
MU5 Module Introduction to Schoolpedagogy and Theory of School (5 ECTS)
- 490001 VO ( OV STEOP ) Professionalism and School
MU6 Module Pedagogy (6 ECTS)
- 490016 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 490043 VO Principles of Individual and Developmental Psychology of Education and Learning
MU7 Module Master (7 ECTS)
- 150044 SE MA Colloquium
Extension Curriculum Understanding China (156)
M1 Basic Knowledge (11 ECTS)
- 150071 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Chinese History of the 20th Century
- 150109 VO Economic Development of China (M4)
- 150180 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Politics of the PR of China
M2 Advanced Knowledge (4 ECTS)
- 150006 SE Seminar (Politics, Economy, Law) (EC)
East Asian Economy and Society
Master East Asian Economy and Society (864)
M1 Contemporary East Asian Language (30 ECTS)
- 150038 PKU [ en zh ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Modern Chinese 1a
- 150039 KSTEOP [ en zh ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Speaking Lab 1a
- 150047 KSTEOP [ en zh ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Speaking Practice 1a
- 150049 UE [ en ja ] Japanese communication
- 150050 UE [ en ja ] Introduction to the Japanese Language
- 150055 PUE [ de en ko ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Hanja 1
- 150108 UE [ en ja ] Japanese Grammar I
- 150221 PUE [ en ko ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Korean Grammar and Translation 1
- 150222 UE [ de en ko ] Practical Korean 1
- 150267 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Theory and Praxis of Chinese Writing and Language
M2 East Asian Economy (15 ECTS)
- 150016 SE [ en ] Economic Systems in East Asia
M3 East Asian Politics (15 ECTS)
- 150086 SE [ en ] Political Systems in East Asia
M4 East Asian Society (20 ECTS)
- 010062 SE Religion in Focus: Kofuku no Kagaku (Happy Science)
- 010085 VU Chinese New Religions
- 010091 VO Introduction to the Religions of East Asia
- 150004 VO [ en ] Intercultural negotiation patterns - (WiSe)
- 150005 VU [ en ] Methods in East Asian Studies
- 150033 SE [ en ] Strategic Gaming
- 150051 VO [ en ] Introduction to Japanese Economy and Management
- 150089 VU [ en ] East Asian Hotspots: Economy, Politics and Society of North Korea
- 150097 VO [ en ] Meaning in Korean: Peculiarities of Korean Semantics
- 150100 VO [ en ] Korean Art in Tombs, Temples and in the Royal Courts - From the Three Kingdoms Period to the Joseon Era
- 150126 VU [ en ] Current Developments in Northeast Asia (1)
M5 Research Seminar and Monitoring Class for the Master's Thesis (10 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Intercultural Skills East Asia (153)
M1 Contemporary East Asian Language (8 ECTS)
- 150004 VO [ en ] Intercultural negotiation patterns - (WiSe)
- 150033 SE [ en ] Strategic Gaming
M2 East Asian Cultures and Societies (7 ECTS)
- 150001 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: General Course I: Geographical aspects of East Asia (main topic Korea)
- 150010 VO Regional Studies of Japan
- 150014 VO Religion in Japan
- 150031 VO Special Chinese Literature Literature (M4)
- 150037 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Modern Chinese Literature
- 150051 VO [ en ] Introduction to Japanese Economy and Management
- 150053 VO Japanese society
- 150056 VO Special Chinese Literature History (M4)
- 150071 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Chinese History of the 20th Century
- 150097 VO [ en ] Meaning in Korean: Peculiarities of Korean Semantics
- 150100 VO [ en ] Korean Art in Tombs, Temples and in the Royal Courts - From the Three Kingdoms Period to the Joseon Era
- 150180 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Politics of the PR of China
- 150186 VO Japanese Culture
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33