B15 VM Source Study, Source Work and Source Criticism
- 160010 UE Introduction to Musical Palaeography
- 160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160082 PS Musikkulturelles Handeln am Hof und in der Aristokratie um 1800
- 160018 PS The Mellon Chansonnier - Materialität, Repertoire und Bedeutung eines Liederbuchs für Prinzessin Beatrix von Aragon (ca. 1475/76)
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
Last modified: Th 14.06.2018 11:13