1. Studienabschnitt
01. Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (StEOP): Einführung in das Lehramtsstudium
- 070031 VU ( KPH Krems PH-WIEN ) STEOP: Introduction to the Teacher Training Programme in History, Soc. St and Political Education (S
02. Epochen, Globalgeschichte und Österreichische Geschichte
a.) Geschichte der Antike
- 070234 VO History of the Ancient World
b.) Geschichte des Mittelalters
- 070087 VO History of the Middle Ages
- 070117 VO [ en ] History of the Middle Ages
c.) Geschichte der Neuzeit
- 070071 VO Modern History
- 070166 VO VO Geschichte der Neuzeit (ca. 1500 bis ca. 1914)
d.) Zeitgeschichte als Geschichte des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts
- 070025 VO Contemporary History
- 070042 VO Contemporary History
e.) Globalgeschichte
- 070107 VO Global History
f.) Österreichische Geschichte 1 (von den Anfängen bis ca. 1815)
- 070217 VO Austrian History I
g.) Österreichische Geschichte 2 (von ca. 1815 bis heute)
- 070022 VO Austrian History II
- 070024 VO Austrian History II
- 070258 VO Austrian History II
03. Quellen und Methoden des historischen Arbeitens
a.) Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
b.) Quantifizierung und Statistik
- 070203 VU Quantification and Statistics
c.) Geschichtswissenschaftliche Arbeitstechniken und Archivkunde
- 070058 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070075 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070089 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070154 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070156 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070160 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070207 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070208 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070209 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070211 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070223 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
04. Vertiefung - Guided Readings
- 070002 GR Guided Reading - Österreichische Geschichte 1848-1938
- 070012 GR Guided Reading - Gender and Diplomacy
- 070013 GR Guided Reading - Church and Society: Saints and Their Communities in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
- 070020 GR Guided Reading - "wer wizzentlich ein menslek beget" - Violence in cities in the late Middle Ages
- 070023 GR Guided Reading - The downfall of the Danube monarchy. - The downfall of the Danube monarchy. Explanatory models to preconditions, course and consequences
- 070041 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - The Politics of regret: Apology and Forgiveness as Tools of international politics
- 070043 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - The history, the historians and the human rights
- 070048 GR Guided Reading - Travel in China - European impressions and Chinese experiences (17th to 21st centuries)
- 070049 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - The Habsburg Monarchy c. 1815-1918: Themes and debates
- 070053 GR Guided Reading - Gender and body norms
- 070055 GR Guided Reading - The Diplomat and the Law of Nations
- 070061 GR Guided Reading - The Things We Carry. Migration History and Material Culture
- 070072 GR Guided Reading - City and Hinterland in the Middle Ages
- 070074 GR Guided Reading - begleitend zur VO " Sexuelle Gewalt - von der ‚Moderne‘ zur Gegenwart"
- 070083 GR Guided Reading - Questions, themes and history of Women's ander Gender History
- 070085 GR Guided Reading - Plans - culture - history(16th- 19th century)
- 070090 GR Guided Reading - Constitution, Economy and Society in the Middle Ages
- 070113 GR Guided Reading - Anti-semitism or anti-semitisms? Anti-judaic discourses through the centuries
- 070127 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Medieval Survey - Sources, 200-1500
- 070129 GR Guided Reading - Russian Urban History
- 070132 GR Guided Reading - The Early Modern Time in Eastern,Central,and Western Europe
- 070140 GR Guided Reading - Quellen und Literatur zur osteuropäischen Geschichte im MA und in der FNZ
- 070153 GR Guided Reading - Thirty Years War in Cultural History: Conflict Culture - war experience - images of self and other
- 070169 GR Guided Reading - East Central and South Eastern Europe form the beginning of the 19th century until 1920
- 070177 GR Guided Reading - Nationalism, Violence and the Reshaping of Europe after the First World War
- 070189 GR Guided Reading - Structures of governance in medieval Europe - diversity and development
- 070210 GR Guided Reading - From Millstones to Peasant Wars. Rural Society between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
- 070228 GR Guided Reading - Foodways in History. Structural changes and developments, 18th - 20th century.
- 070242 GR Guided Reading - The historical phenomenon "Cossacks": from the beginning of the beginning og the 19th century
- 070246 GR Guided Reading - `Geschlecht als historische Kategorie: wie weiter?`
- 070260 GR Guided Reading - Monster & Co. Zur Bedeutung des Wundersamen in der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070262 GR Guided Reading - Wissenschaftsgeschichte - Themenfelder, Probleme und Perspektiven
- 070265 GR Guided Reading - European Dynasties (1400-2000)
- 070290 GR Guided Reading - Grundzüge des mittelalterlichen Mönchtums (ca.300-1300)
- 070299 GR Guided Reading - Insights into women's lives based on primary sources of the 6th to the 14th century in Europe
- 070357 GR Guided Reading - The Economy of Social Relations
- 070359 GR Guided Reading
05. Politische Bildung 1: Strukturen und Funktionen der politischen Systeme und der Rechtssysteme
- 070044 VO Politisches System Österreichs und der EU - Grundlagen für die politische Bildung im Unterrichtsfach Geschichte, Sozialkunde und Politische Bildung
- 070251 VO ( KPH Krems ) Politisches System Österreichs und der EU
06. Grundkurs Fachdidaktik (I)
- 070084 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070086 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070111 GK ( KPH Krems ) Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070114 GK ( KPH Krems ) Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070115 GK ( PH-NÖ ) Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070118 GK ( PH-WIEN ) Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070141 GK Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070168 GK ( PH-WIEN ) Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
- 070309 GK ( PH-WIEN ) Basic Course Teaching Methodology in History (I)
07. Wissenschaftstheoretische Fächer
a.) Lektüre historiographischer Texte und Historiographiegeschichte
- 070011 KU Reading Historiography
- 070026 KU Reading Historiography - Learning from History?
- 070027 KU Reading Historiography
- 070130 KU Reading Historiography - History of Central Asia
- 070164 KU Reading Historiography - Eastern und Western Europaean Historiography in the 19th Century
- 070171 KU Reading Historiography - Historiographegeschichte Russlands
- 070182 KU Reading Historiography
- 070184 KU Reading Historiography
- 070259 KU Reading Historiography - Von Augustinus bis zu den Chroniken des Hochmittelalters
b.) Theorien in der Geschichtswissenschaft und Wissenschaftstheorie
- 070165 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070233 VO Philosophy of science
c.) Theorien und Geschichte der Geschichtsdidaktik
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29