Directorate of Studies 13 - Finno-Ugric Studies, Dutch Studies, Scandinavian Studies, Comparative Literature
Finno-Ugrian Studies
Bachelor Fennistics (654 [2] - Version 2011)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
Linguistics and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
Literary Studies (7 ECTS)
Group of Modules 1 (30 ECTS)
Module 1: Language Acquisition (15 ECTS)
- 132201 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Language II
Module 2: Introduction to Philology (15 ECTS)
- 132202 VO [ de fi ] Descriptive Grammar of Finnish I
- 132203 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 132204 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature II
- 132493 UE Introduction to academic research, writing and presentation
Group of Modules 2 - Advanced Level (45 ECTS)
Module 3: Language Acquisition (20 ECTS)
- 132401 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language IV
Module 4: Linguistics (15 ECTS)
Module 5: Cultural Studies (10 ECTS)
- 132006 VO The Uralic language family from a typological point of view: - how European, how exotic?
- 132467 VO Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
- 133352 UE Cultural Studies Exercises: The Olsen Gang Films - Internationality, Identity and Nation Building
Group of Modules 3 - In-Depth Studies (60 ECTS)
Module 6: Language Acquisition (20 ECTS)
- 132601 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language VI
Module 7: Baltic Sea Region Context & Estonian Studies (15 ECTS)
- 132500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
Alternative Compulsory Module 8a: In-Depth Studies in Linguistics (25 ECTS)
- 132006 VO The Uralic language family from a typological point of view: - how European, how exotic?
- 132010 UE Project: Literary journalism
- 132603 UE Practical Exercises in Linguistics including Bachelor's Thesis II
Alternative Compulsory Module 8b: In-Depth Studies in Literature (25 ECTS)
- 132010 UE Project: Literary journalism
- 132029 UE [ en ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies including Bachelor's Thesis II
Bachelor Hungarian Studies (653 [2] - Version 2011)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
Linguistics and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
Literary Studies (7 ECTS)
Compulsory Module Group 1 (30 ECTS)
Compulsory Module 1: Language Acquisition (15 ECTS)
- 132489 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Language II
Compulsory Module 2: Introduction to Philology (15 ECTS)
- 132030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 132462 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar I
- 132493 UE Introduction to academic research, writing and presentation
- 132507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
Group of Modules II - Advanced Level (45 ECTS)
Compulsory Module 3: Language Acquisition (20 ECTS)
- 132490 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language IV
Alternative Compulsory Module 4a: Introduction to Hungarian Linguistics (25 ECTS)
- 132006 VO The Uralic language family from a typological point of view: - how European, how exotic?
- 132461 UE Practical Exercises in Linguistics including Bachelor's Thesis I
- 132467 VO Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
- 133352 UE Cultural Studies Exercises: The Olsen Gang Films - Internationality, Identity and Nation Building
Alternative Required Module 4b: Introduction to Hungarian Literature Studies
- 132009 KO Conversation Course Literary Studies - Aspects of gender in the modern Hungarian literature
- 132024 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies including Bachelor's Thesis I: - Heroes and antiheroes in the Hungarian literature
- 132467 VO Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
- 133352 UE Cultural Studies Exercises: The Olsen Gang Films - Internationality, Identity and Nation Building
Group of Modules III - In-Depth Studies (60 ECTS)
Compulsory Module 5: Language Acquisition (20 ECTS)
- 132491 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language VI
Alternative Compulsory Module 6a: In-Depth Studies in Linguistics (40 ECTS)
- 132006 VO The Uralic language family from a typological point of view: - how European, how exotic?
- 132010 UE Project: Literary journalism
- 132025 UE Practical Exercises in Linguistics including Bachelor's Thesis II
- 132026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 133622 KU Tutorials Regarding Literary Theory and the Theory of Cultural Studies
Alternative Compulsory Module 6b: In-Depth Studies in Literature (40 ECTS)
- 132005 VO Contemporary Hungarian Literature II
- 132010 UE Project: Literary journalism
- 132458 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies including Bachelor's Thesis II: - Hungarian media in Vienna in the 20th century
- 133622 KU Tutorials Regarding Literary Theory and the Theory of Cultural Studies
Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian (193 066, 198 433)
Introductory and Orientation Period (8 ECTS)
UF UN 01 StEOP Subject Hungarian (8 ECTS)
Compulsory Module Group Language Acquisition (30 ECTS)
UF UN 02 Language Acquisition Hungarian IV (10 ECTS)
- 132490 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language IV
UF UN 03 Language Acquisition Hungarian IV (10 ECTS)
UF UN 04 Language Acquisition Hungarian IV (10 ECTS)
- 132491 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language VI
UF UN 05 Basics of hungarian Linguistics (8 ECTS)
- 132462 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar I
UF UN 06 Basics of hungarian Literary Studies and Scientific Work (10 ECTS)
- 132030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 132493 UE Introduction to academic research, writing and presentation
UF UN 07 Basics of hungarian Regional Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
UF UN 08 Subject Didactics (13 ECTS)
UF UN 09 In-Depth Studies: Linguistics or Literary Studies (4 ECTS)
- 132005 VO Contemporary Hungarian Literature II
- 132006 VO The Uralic language family from a typological point of view: - how European, how exotic?
- 132066 VO [ de hu ] Structure and Junctions of Hungarian Literary Modernity before 1945
UF UN 10 Elective Module for Teacher Training Programme Students (0-10 ECTS)
- 070278 PS Und was hat das mit mir zu tun? - Formale Grundlagen der Geschichtsdidaktik. Geschichte- und Politikunterricht in der schulischen Praxis
- 132005 VO Contemporary Hungarian Literature II
- 132006 VO The Uralic language family from a typological point of view: - how European, how exotic?
- 132009 KO Conversation Course Literary Studies - Aspects of gender in the modern Hungarian literature
- 132026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 132066 VO [ de hu ] Structure and Junctions of Hungarian Literary Modernity before 1945
- 132067 UE [ de hu ] Interpretation of Selected Works of Contemporary Hungarian Literature
- 132361 UE [ de hu ] Péter Nádas: Parallel Stories - Interpretation and analysis
UF UN 11 Subject Related Training Placement at School - Hungarian (7 ECTS)
UF UN 12 Bachelor Module (9 ECTS)
- 132012 SE [ de hu ] BA-Final Seminar (Literature)
Diploma Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian (382) - discontinued
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): First Stage
- 070278 PS Und was hat das mit mir zu tun? - Formale Grundlagen der Geschichtsdidaktik. Geschichte- und Politikunterricht in der schulischen Praxis
- 132024 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies including Bachelor's Thesis I: - Heroes and antiheroes in the Hungarian literature
- 132025 UE Practical Exercises in Linguistics including Bachelor's Thesis II
- 132030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 132461 UE Practical Exercises in Linguistics including Bachelor's Thesis I
- 132462 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar I
- 132490 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language IV
- 132493 UE Introduction to academic research, writing and presentation
- 132507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): Subject Didactics
- 132016 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian in Secondary Education 2
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): Second Stage
- 070278 PS Und was hat das mit mir zu tun? - Formale Grundlagen der Geschichtsdidaktik. Geschichte- und Politikunterricht in der schulischen Praxis
- 132005 VO Contemporary Hungarian Literature II
- 132009 KO Conversation Course Literary Studies - Aspects of gender in the modern Hungarian literature
- 132011 SE [ de hu ] History of books and printing in Hungary from the beginnings to the 19th Century
- 132016 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian in Secondary Education 2
- 132018 UE [ de hu ] Literature at school
- 132026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 132066 VO [ de hu ] Structure and Junctions of Hungarian Literary Modernity before 1945
- 132470 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 132491 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language VI
- 132701 SE Graduate Seminar
Master Finno-Ugrian Studies (854)
Module 1: Structural Course Finnish/Hungarian (10 ECTS)
- 132362 VO Structure of Finnish II
- 132465 VO Structure of Hungarian II
Module 2: Comparative Uralistics (10 ECTS)
Module 3: Small Finno-Ugric Languages (15 ECTS)
- 132014 UE Enets Language
- 132498 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language IV
- 132500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
Module 4: Thematic Seminar (10 ECTS)
Modul 5: Ergänzende Studien (20 ECTS)
- 132006 VO The Uralic language family from a typological point of view: - how European, how exotic?
- 132014 UE Enets Language
- 132017 UE Mari III
- 132026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 132498 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language IV
- 132500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
Module 6: In-Depth Studies (25 ECTS)
- 132006 VO The Uralic language family from a typological point of view: - how European, how exotic?
- 132014 UE Enets Language
- 132017 UE Mari III
- 132026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 132498 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language IV
- 132500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
Module 7: Master Seminar (6 ECTS)
- 132701 SE Graduate Seminar
Master Hungarian Studies (853)
Module 1: Theoretical and Methodological Concerns of Literary and Cultural Studies (30 ECTS)
- 132005 VO Contemporary Hungarian Literature II
- 132008 VO Fremde in Central Europe
- 132011 SE [ de hu ] History of books and printing in Hungary from the beginnings to the 19th Century
- 132066 VO [ de hu ] Structure and Junctions of Hungarian Literary Modernity before 1945
- 132067 UE [ de hu ] Interpretation of Selected Works of Contemporary Hungarian Literature
- 132361 UE [ de hu ] Péter Nádas: Parallel Stories - Interpretation and analysis
- 133622 KU Tutorials Regarding Literary Theory and the Theory of Cultural Studies
Module 2: Interdisciplinarity: Hungarian Studies in the Context of Neighbouring Disciplines - Comparative Literature, History, Art History, Theatre and Film (30 ECTS)
- 132005 VO Contemporary Hungarian Literature II
- 132011 SE [ de hu ] History of books and printing in Hungary from the beginnings to the 19th Century
- 132018 UE [ de hu ] Literature at school
- 132066 VO [ de hu ] Structure and Junctions of Hungarian Literary Modernity before 1945
- 132067 UE [ de hu ] Interpretation of Selected Works of Contemporary Hungarian Literature
- 132361 UE [ de hu ] Péter Nádas: Parallel Stories - Interpretation and analysis
Module 3: Hungarian Literary and Cultural Studies as Mass Media and Communication Science (30 ECTS)
- 132005 VO Contemporary Hungarian Literature II
- 132008 VO Fremde in Central Europe
- 132011 SE [ de hu ] History of books and printing in Hungary from the beginnings to the 19th Century
- 132066 VO [ de hu ] Structure and Junctions of Hungarian Literary Modernity before 1945
- 132067 UE [ de hu ] Interpretation of Selected Works of Contemporary Hungarian Literature
- 132361 UE [ de hu ] Péter Nádas: Parallel Stories - Interpretation and analysis
Module 4: Master Seminar (6 ECTS)
- 132470 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
Master Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian (533)
UF MA UN 01 Consolidation of Relevant Academic Subjects (15 ECTS)
- 132005 VO Contemporary Hungarian Literature II
- 132008 VO Fremde in Central Europe
- 132018 UE [ de hu ] Literature at school
- 132066 VO [ de hu ] Structure and Junctions of Hungarian Literary Modernity before 1945
- 132067 UE [ de hu ] Interpretation of Selected Works of Contemporary Hungarian Literature
- 132361 UE [ de hu ] Péter Nádas: Parallel Stories - Interpretation and analysis
UF MA UN 02 Subject Didactics (7 ECTS)
- 132016 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian in Secondary Education 2
- 132018 UE [ de hu ] Literature at school
UF MA UN 03 Didactical Supervision in the Practice Phase (4 ECTS)
UF MA UN 04 Master Seminar (6 ECTS)
- 132470 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 132701 SE Graduate Seminar
Extension Curriculum Finnish Culture and Language (132)
- 132203 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 132204 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature II
- 132362 VO Structure of Finnish II
- 132467 VO Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
Module 1: Introduction to Finnish Culture (15 ECTS)
Module 2: Finnish Language in Context (15 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture (136)
- 132030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 132465 VO Structure of Hungarian II
- 132507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
Module 1: Hungarian Language in Context (14 ECTS)
Module 2: Hungarian Literature and Culture in Context (16 ECTS)
Dutch Studies
Bachelor Dutch Studies (660 [3] - Version 2013)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
M1 Language Competence I (11 ECTS)
- 130013 UE [ nl ] ( STEOP ) Dutch Language Acquisition I
M2 Introduction to Dutch Studies (4 ECTS)
- 130047 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Dutch Studies
Basics (15 ECTS)
M3 Language Competence II (7 ECTS)
- 130007 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
- 130088 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
M4 Introductions (8 ECTS)
- 130006 VO Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
- 130095 KU [ nl ] Basics Dutch Literature Studies and Linguistics
Dutch in Context (15 ECTS)
M5 Dutch in Context (15 ECTS)
- 130008 KU-VL [ de nl ] Language and Culture in Context (njb7b)
- 130082 KU-VL Culture, Literature and Context: Introduction Interculturality
- 130084 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch literature after 1945
Advanced Level & Emphasis (43 ECTS)
M6 Language Competence III-IV (16 ECTS)
- 130091 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition IV
M7 Linguistics (9 ECTS)
M8 Literary Studies (9 ECTS)
- 130137 SE [ nl ] Beautiful young Gods
M9 Culture and History (9 ECTS)
- 130069 SE [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies: Dutch Cultural Memory
Project or Practical Training (10 ECTS)
M10 Project or Practical Training (10 ECTS)
Group of elective modules: Practice-Oriented Specialisation (10 ECTS)
M11 Text Competence and Communication in a Professional Context (10 ECTS)
M12 Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Mediation in a Professional Context (10 ECTS)
- 130081 KU [ nl ] Language, literature and culture mediation: E-learning in foreign language teaching Dutch
M13 Translation (10 ECTS)
- 130071 KU [ nl ] Literary, commercial translation, interpret theory and practical application of translation
M14 Afrikaans: Language and Culture in Context (10 ECTS)
- 130074 KU [ af de en ] Afrikaans: Culture and Literature through the Eye of a Camera.
Bachelor Thesis and Colloquium (12 ECTS)
M15 Bachelor Thesis and Colloquium (12 ECTS)
- 130061 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Course Graduate College
Alternative group of compulsory modules: Track I - Extension Curricula (60 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules: Track II - DCC (60 ECTS)
Joint I Language, Culture and Literature in Context (15 ECTS)
- 130008 KU-VL [ de nl ] Language and Culture in Context (njb7b)
- 130015 KU-VL [ nl ] Morphology
- 130078 KU-VL [ nl ] Writing skills in Dutch
- 130084 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch literature after 1945
- 130086 KU-VL [ nl ] Reception of literature from the Low Countries in Central Europe
Joint II.1 Central European Context - Optional module European Union and Political Science (15 ECTS)
Joint II.2 Central European Context - Optional module Economy (15 ECTS)
Joint II.3 Central European Context - Optional module History (15 ECTS)
Joint III Second Foreign Language (15 ECTS)
Master Dutch Studies (860 [2] - Version 2016)
Basics (30 ECTS)
M1 Current Issues and Theories (20 ECTS)
M2a Alternative compulsory module: Language Competence I (11 ECTS)
M2b Alternative compulsory module: Practical / Professional Competence (10 ECTS)
- 130103 KU-VL [ nl ] Practical/Professional Competence
Language, Literature, Culture in Context (45 ECTS)
M3 Global Contexts (20 ECTS)
M4a Alternative compulsory module: Language Competence II (15 ECTS)
- 130071 KU [ nl ] Literary, commercial translation, interpret theory and practical application of translation
- 130081 KU [ nl ] Language, literature and culture mediation: E-learning in foreign language teaching Dutch
- 130091 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition IV
M4b Alternative compulsory module: Extension of Competences II (15 ECTS)
- 130071 KU [ nl ] Literary, commercial translation, interpret theory and practical application of translation
- 130081 KU [ nl ] Language, literature and culture mediation: E-learning in foreign language teaching Dutch
M5a Alternative compulsory module: Emphasis Literary Studies (10 ECTS)
- 130137 SE [ nl ] Beautiful young Gods
M5b Alternative compulsory module: Emphasis Linguistics (10 ECTS)
Project Phase and Final Phase (45 ECTS)
M6 Project (15 ECTS)
M7 Master's Module (5 ECTS)
- 130061 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Course Graduate College
Master Dutch Studies (860 [1] - Version 2008) - discontinued
Basics and Introductions (30 ECTS)
M1 Basics (20 ECTS)
M2 Introductory Seminars (10 ECTS)
- 130054 SE [ nl ] (De-)Standardization: Are we facing the end of the (Dutch) standard language?
- 130137 SE [ nl ] Beautiful young Gods
Emphasis (30 ECTS)
M3 Literary Studies (15 ECTS)
- 130137 SE [ nl ] Beautiful young Gods
M4 Linguistics (15 ECTS)
Alternative compulsory modules (30 ECTS)
M5 Alternative compulsory module: Literary Studies (30 ECTS)
M6 Alternative compulsory module: Linguistics (30 ECTS)
Final Phase (30 ECTS)
M7 Graduate College (5 ECTS)
- 130061 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Course Graduate College
M8 Master thesis and Public Defence (25 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Introduction to Dutch Language and Culture (138) - discontinued
M1 Introduction to Culture and History of the Dutch Language Area (4 ECTS)
- 130006 VO Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
M2 Language Competence I (11 ECTS)
- 130013 UE [ nl ] ( STEOP ) Dutch Language Acquisition I
Extension Curriculum Dutch Language and Culture - Emphasis (139)
M1 Language Competence II (7 ECTS)
- 130007 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
- 130088 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
M2 Principles of Literature Studies and Linguistics (4 ECTS)
- 130095 KU [ nl ] Basics Dutch Literature Studies and Linguistics
M3 Emphasis (4 ECTS)
Scandinavian Studies
Bachelor Scandinavian Studies (668 [3] - Version 2016)
- 133141 VO ( STEOP ) The World of Scandinavian Studies - StEOP
Introductory and Orientation Period (20 ECTS)
SKB110 Scandinavian Studies - Basic Level (6 ECTS)
- 133141 VO ( STEOP ) The World of Scandinavian Studies - StEOP
SKB120 Scandinavian Linguistics - Introduction (7 ECTS)
- 133141 VO ( STEOP ) The World of Scandinavian Studies - StEOP
SKB130 Scandinavian Literature and Cultural Studies - Introduction (7 ECTS)
- 133141 VO ( STEOP ) The World of Scandinavian Studies - StEOP
Compulsory modules (38 ECTS)
SKB210 History of Scandinavian Languages (7 ECTS)
- 133211 VO History of Scandinavian Languages
- 133212 UE History of Scandinavian Languages
SKB220 Scandinavian Linguistics - Advanced Level (8 ECTS)
- 133221 PS Proseminar: Old Swedish
SKB230 History of Scandinavian Literature (7 ECTS)
- 133231 VO History of Scandinavian Literatures
- 133232 UE History of Scandinavian Literatures
SKB240 Scandinavian Literature Studies - Advanced Level (8 ECTS)
- 133241 PS Proseminar: Scandinavian Contemporary Literature
- 133242 VO "Landet med de kalde kyster" - The Norwegian archipelago Svalbard in the crossfire of (cultural) historical, political and literary discourses
- 133243 PS Proseminar: Pictorial sources of North Germanic history of religion
SKB250 Old Norse Studies (8 ECTS)
- 133252 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Danish (30 ECTS)
SKB260(D) Danish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133261 UE [ da de ] Danish 1
SKB270(D) Danish - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133272 UE [ da ] Danish 3
SKB280(D) Danish - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Icelandic (30 ECTS)
SKB260(I) Icelandic - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133263 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 1
SKB270(I) Icelandic - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133274 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 3
SKB280(I) Icelandic - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Norwegian (30 ECTS)
SKB260(N) Norwegian - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133265 UE [ de no ] Norwegian 1
SKB270(N) Norwegian - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133276 UE [ no ] Norwegian 3
SKB280(N) Norwegian - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Swedish (30 ECTS)
SKB260(S) Swedish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133267 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 1
SKB270(S) Swedish - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133278 UE [ sv ] Swedish 3
SKB280(S) Swedish - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
Group of elective modules (18 ECTS)
SKB310 Icelandic - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133263 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 1
SKB320(D) Danish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133261 UE [ da de ] Danish 1
SKB320(N) Norwegian - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133265 UE [ de no ] Norwegian 1
SKB320(S) Swedish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133267 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 1
SKB330 Lithuanian (12 ECTS)
SKB340 Baltic Sea Region Studies (12 ECTS)
SKB350 Cultural Studies - Extension (6 ECTS)
- 133352 UE Cultural Studies Exercises: The Olsen Gang Films - Internationality, Identity and Nation Building
SKB360 Topics of Research (6 ECTS)
- 133361 UE Linguistic Curiosities
SKB370 Peripheral Language (6 ECTS)
- 133371 UE [ da de en fo ] Introduction to the Faroese Language
Bachelor’s Theses (14 ECTS)
SKBB Bachelor’s Theses (14 ECTS)
- 133401 SE Bachelor Seminar: Sociolinguistics
- 133402 SE Bachelor Seminar Scandinavian Literary Studies
Zusätzliches Lehrangebot
- 133334 UE [ de lt ] Lithuanian 4
- 133371 UE [ da de en fo ] Introduction to the Faroese Language
- 133384 UE Stúdentaleikhús 4.0 - Theathor 1.0
Bachelor Scandinavian Studies (668 [2] - Version 2011) - discontinued
- 133141 VO ( STEOP ) The World of Scandinavian Studies - StEOP
- 133361 UE Linguistic Curiosities
Introductory and Orientation Period (17 ECTS)
SKB110 Requirements of Scandinavian Studies (5 ECTS)
SKB120 Introduction to Scandinavian Studies - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
Compulsory modules (33 ECTS)
SKB210 Introduction to Scandinavian Studies - Advanced Level (12 ECTS)
- 133211 VO History of Scandinavian Languages
- 133231 VO History of Scandinavian Literatures
SKB220 Scandinavian Linguistics (7 ECTS)
- 132202 VO [ de fi ] Descriptive Grammar of Finnish I
- 133221 PS Proseminar: Old Swedish
- 160113 VO Introduction to Indo-European Studies
SKB230 Scandinavian Literature Studies (7 ECTS)
- 133241 PS Proseminar: Scandinavian Contemporary Literature
- 133242 VO "Landet med de kalde kyster" - The Norwegian archipelago Svalbard in the crossfire of (cultural) historical, political and literary discourses
- 133243 PS Proseminar: Pictorial sources of North Germanic history of religion
- 133252 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
SKB240 Scandinavian Cultural Studies (7 ECTS)
- 132203 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 133242 VO "Landet med de kalde kyster" - The Norwegian archipelago Svalbard in the crossfire of (cultural) historical, political and literary discourses
- 133243 PS Proseminar: Pictorial sources of North Germanic history of religion
- 133343 PS Proseminar: Piracy in the Baltic Sea Region
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Danish (30 ECTS)
SKB250D Danish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133261 UE [ da de ] Danish 1
SKB260D Danish - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133272 UE [ da ] Danish 3
SKB270D Danish - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Icelandic (30 ECTS)
SKB250I Icelandic - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133263 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 1
SKB260I Icelandic - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133274 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 3
SKB270I Icelandic - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Norwegian (30 ECTS)
SKB250N Norwegian - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133265 UE [ de no ] Norwegian 1
SKB260N Norwegian - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133276 UE [ no ] Norwegian 3
SKB270N Norwegian - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Swedish (30 ECTS)
SKB250S Swedish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133267 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 1
SKB260S Swedish - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133278 UE [ sv ] Swedish 3
SKB270S Swedish - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
Group of elective modules (24 ECTS)
SKB310 In-Depth Studies in Scandinavian Linguistics (6 ECTS)
- 132202 VO [ de fi ] Descriptive Grammar of Finnish I
- 160113 VO Introduction to Indo-European Studies
SKB320 In-Depth Studies in Scandinavian Literature (6 ECTS)
- 133242 VO "Landet med de kalde kyster" - The Norwegian archipelago Svalbard in the crossfire of (cultural) historical, political and literary discourses
- 133252 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
SKB330 In-Depth Studies in Scandinavian Cultural Studies (6 ECTS)
- 132203 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 133242 VO "Landet med de kalde kyster" - The Norwegian archipelago Svalbard in the crossfire of (cultural) historical, political and literary discourses
SKB340 In-Depth Studies in Old Norse (6 ECTS)
- 133252 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
SKB350D Additional Scandinavian Language - Danish (12 ECTS)
- 133261 UE [ da de ] Danish 1
SKB350I Additional Scandinavian Language - Icelandic (12 ECTS)
- 133263 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 1
SKB350N Additional Scandinavian Language - Norwegian (12 ECTS)
- 133265 UE [ de no ] Norwegian 1
SKB350S Additional Scandinavian Language - Swedish (12 ECTS)
- 133267 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 1
SKB360 Non-Scandinavian Language of the North (12 ECTS)
SKB370 Introduction to two Non-Scandinavian Languages of the North (12 ECTS)
SKB380D Second Scandinavian Language - Danish (12 ECTS)
- 133272 UE [ da ] Danish 3
SKB380I Second Scandinavian Language - Icelandic (12 ECTS)
- 133274 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 3
SKB380N Second Scandinavian Language - Norwegian (12 ECTS)
- 133276 UE [ no ] Norwegian 3
SKB380S Second Scandinavian Language - Swedish (12 ECTS)
- 133278 UE [ sv ] Swedish 3
SKB390 Baltic Sea Region Studies (24 ECTS)
Bachelor’s Theses (16 ECTS)
SKBB Courses including Bachelor's Thesis (16 ECTS)
- 133401 SE Bachelor Seminar: Sociolinguistics
- 133402 SE Bachelor Seminar Scandinavian Literary Studies
Zusätzliches Lehrangebot
- 133334 UE [ de lt ] Lithuanian 4
- 133371 UE [ da de en fo ] Introduction to the Faroese Language
- 133384 UE Stúdentaleikhús 4.0 - Theathor 1.0
Master Scandinavian Studies (868 [2] - Version 2016)
Compulsory modules (48 ECTS)
SKM110 Language and Society in Scandinavia (16 ECTS)
- 133611 VU History of the Swedish Language
SKM120 Scandinavian Literature in a Cultural Context (16 ECTS)
SKM130 Modern Approaches to Old Norse Studies (16 ECTS)
- 133252 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
- 133632 KU Conversatorium: Historical Perspectives: (Old and) Middle High German for Scandinavians philologists
- 133633 SE Master seminar: (North) Germanic pagan religion - deities, myths, cults
Alternative compulsory modules - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
SKM210 Scandinavian Linguistics - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
- 133611 VU History of the Swedish Language
- 133712 KU Conversatorium on Historical and Peripheral Scandinavian Languages - Old Swedish, Old Gutnish and Old Schonian
- 133715 KU Research Colloquium in Linguistics
SKM220 Scandinavian Literature Studies - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
- 133723 KU Conversation Course on Phenomena of Mobility
- 133725 KU Research Colloquium Scandinavian Literature Studies
- 133726 KU Research Colloquium in Literature
SKM230 Old Norse Studies - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
- 133252 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
- 133632 KU Conversatorium: Historical Perspectives: (Old and) Middle High German for Scandinavians philologists
- 133735 KU Workshop Discussions on Old Norse Matters
Alternative compulsory modules - Practical Training (10 ECTS)
SKM310 Internship (in the Context of Scandinavian Studies) (10 ECTS)
SKM320 Student Project (in the Context of Scandinavian Studies) (10 ECTS)
Topics of Research (in the Context of Scandinavian and Related Studies) (14 ECTS)
SKM410 Topics of Research (in the Context of Scandinavian and Related Studies) (14 ECTS)
Außercurriculare Lehrveranstaltungen
Master Scandinavian Studies (868 [1] - Version 2008) - discontinued
Compulsory modules (42 ECTS)
SKM110 Scandinavian Linguistics (14 ECTS)
- 132202 VO [ de fi ] Descriptive Grammar of Finnish I
- 160113 VO Introduction to Indo-European Studies
SKM120 Scandinavian Literature Studies (14 ECTS)
- 133242 VO "Landet med de kalde kyster" - The Norwegian archipelago Svalbard in the crossfire of (cultural) historical, political and literary discourses
- 133252 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
- 133633 SE Master seminar: (North) Germanic pagan religion - deities, myths, cults
SKM130 Scandinavian Cultural Studies (14 ECTS)
- 132203 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 133242 VO "Landet med de kalde kyster" - The Norwegian archipelago Svalbard in the crossfire of (cultural) historical, political and literary discourses
- 133633 SE Master seminar: (North) Germanic pagan religion - deities, myths, cults
Alternative compulsory modules (30 ECTS)
SKM210 Specialisation in Scandinavian Linguistics (30 ECTS)
- 132202 VO [ de fi ] Descriptive Grammar of Finnish I
- 133715 KU Research Colloquium in Linguistics
- 160113 VO Introduction to Indo-European Studies
SKM220 Specialisation in Scandinavian Literature Studies (30 ECTS)
- 133242 VO "Landet med de kalde kyster" - The Norwegian archipelago Svalbard in the crossfire of (cultural) historical, political and literary discourses
- 133252 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
- 133633 SE Master seminar: (North) Germanic pagan religion - deities, myths, cults
- 133725 KU Research Colloquium Scandinavian Literature Studies
- 133726 KU Research Colloquium in Literature
SKM230 Specialisation in Scandinavian Cultural Studies (30 ECTS)
- 132203 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 133242 VO "Landet med de kalde kyster" - The Norwegian archipelago Svalbard in the crossfire of (cultural) historical, political and literary discourses
- 133633 SE Master seminar: (North) Germanic pagan religion - deities, myths, cults
- 133725 KU Research Colloquium Scandinavian Literature Studies
- 133726 KU Research Colloquium in Literature
SKM240 Specialisation in Old Norse Studies (30 ECTS)
- 133252 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
- 133633 SE Master seminar: (North) Germanic pagan religion - deities, myths, cults
- 133735 KU Workshop Discussions on Old Norse Matters
Außercurriculare Lehrveranstaltungen
Extension Curriculum Scandinavian Languages (630)
Compulsory module (15 ECTS)
SKE110 Scandinavian Languages (15 ECTS)
- 132006 VO The Uralic language family from a typological point of view: - how European, how exotic?
- 133211 VO History of Scandinavian Languages
Extension Curriculum Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures (631)
Compulsory module (15 ECTS)
SKE120 Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures (15 ECTS)
- 133231 VO History of Scandinavian Literatures
- 133242 VO "Landet med de kalde kyster" - The Norwegian archipelago Svalbard in the crossfire of (cultural) historical, political and literary discourses
- 133252 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
Extension Curriculum Baltic Sea Region Studies 1 (632)
Compulsory module (15 ECTS)
SKE210 Baltic Sea Region Studies 1 (15 ECTS)
- 132006 VO The Uralic language family from a typological point of view: - how European, how exotic?
- 132203 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 132467 VO Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
Extension Curriculum Baltic Sea Region Studies 2 (633)
Compulsory module (16 ECTS)
SKE220 Baltic Sea Region Studies 2 (16 ECTS)
- 132201 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Language II
- 132500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
- 133261 UE [ da de ] Danish 1
- 133267 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 1
- 133343 PS Proseminar: Piracy in the Baltic Sea Region
Comparative Literature
Bachelor Comparative Literature (670 [2] - Version 2011)
- 135000 UE UE Mentoring
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
Module 1a: Introduction to the Subject (10 ECTS)
- 135011 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to General Literature
- 135012 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Comparative Literature
Modul 1b: Scientific Literature Techniques (5 ECTS)
- 135013 UE ( STEOP ) STEOP: Literary Research I
Compulsory Modules (75 ECTS)
Module II: Other Basic Scienific Literary Skills (5 ECTS)
- 135021 UE Academic Writing and advanded Research on cultural Databases and E-media
- 135022 UE Academic Writing and advanced Research on cultural Databases and E-media
Module 3: Literary Theory (10 ECTS)
- 135031 VO Literary Theory (VO): Literature and Psychoanalysis
- 135032 PS PS Literary Theory: Theory and Practice of Hermeneutics
- 135033 PS Literary Theory (PS): The Author as Actor
Module 4: Literary Transfer (15 ECTS)
- 132008 VO Fremde in Central Europe
- 135041 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS): Routes of Existentialism - International Impact and Literary Resonance
- 135042 PS Lit.Cross-Currents (PS): Potential and limits of poetry translation
- 135043 PS PS Literary transfer: New Perspectives on Imagology
- 135044 PS Literary Cross-Currents: The Reception of Kafka in the Anglo-American and German Area
- 135045 VO Literary Cross-Currents (VO): Comparative Literature - History and Concepts
- 135051 PS Social History of Literature (PS): Intermediality in Vienna around 1900
Module 5: Social History of Literature (15 ECTS)
- 135051 PS Social History of Literature (PS): Intermediality in Vienna around 1900
- 135052 PS Social History of Literature (PS): Literary Networks in the 18th and 19th century
- 135053 PS PS Social history of literature: The Biography of Women Writers
- 135054 PS Social History of Literature (PS): Motives and motivations of Zionist literature around 1900
- 135055 PS Social History of Literature (PS): "I would prefer not to": Poetics of Refusal
- 135056 VO History of literary translation
Module 6: English for Students of Literature (15 ECTS)
- 120013 VO [ en ] Approaching Literatures in English
- 123010 VO [ en ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123020 VO [ en ] Literature Survey 1
- 123423 SE [ en ] Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Pacific Fictions: Imperialism to Decolonization
- 124070 VO [ en ] Culture, Society and the Media - Powerful Images: Representing Race, Class and Gender in the Media
Module 7: Second Foreign Language (15 ECTS)
- 133261 UE [ da de ] Danish 1
- 133265 UE [ de no ] Norwegian 1
- 133267 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 1
- 135071 UE [ de it ] Second Foreign Language: Italian for Literature Students
- 135072 UE [ fr ] French for Students of Literature
- 135073 UE [ de fr ] Second Foreign Language: French for Literature Students
- 135074 UE [ de es ] Second Foreign Language: Spanish for Students of Literature
- 135075 UE [ en ru ] Second modern foreign language: Russian II
Elective Modules Group (15 ECTS)
Module 8: Comparative Literary History (15 ECTS)
- 132008 VO Fremde in Central Europe
- 140264 VO Sexuality, Oppression, and Self-Actualization in African Diaspora's Women's Literature
- 140265 VO Gender and Performance in Contemporary South African and Zimbabwean Literatures
- 140382 VO The Arabic Literature of North Africa
Module 9: Knowledge of World Literature (15 ECTS)
Module 10: Applied Literature Studies (15 ECTS)
- 135101 VO Literature and media
- 135102 VO Publishing and business economics, legal basics
- 190106 PR M16 Science Practicum - Library placement - Students tutoring students
Bachelormodule (15 ECTS)
Module 11: Bachelor's Theses (15 ECTS)
- 135111 SE Bachelor thesis: Avantgarde in the Ukraine and Russia - Literatur, Malerei, Bühnenkunst, Film
- 135112 SE Bachelor Seminar: Authors and Artists as Characters in International Literature - Kunstschaffende Charaktere in der internationalen Literatur
- 135113 SE Bachelor Thesis: Body, Writing, Language - Yoko Tawada's Cross-Border Writing
Master Comparative Literature (870)
Module 1: Literary Cross-Currents (30 ECTS)
- 135811 KO KO: Contemporary drama V
- 135812 SE MA seminar: Canon and Other Ways of Coping with the Infinite Number of Texts
- 135813 SE MA-Seminar: The Experimental Novel in the 20th and 21st cent.
- 135814 KO KO Literar. Cross-Currents: Shakespeare's Hamlet: Text(s), Sources, Reception
Module 2: Social History of Literature/Literature and Media (30 ECTS)
- 135821 SE Master Seminar: "Master & servant" in the works of Diderot, Hegel and Tolstoi
- 135822 SE Master Seminar: - Cunning Animals, Human Beasts. Cross-cultural readings of jackals, cats and foxes in world literature
- 135823 KO [ en ] KO: Contemporary Feminist Theorizing
Module 3: In-Depth Studies Module (30 ECTS)
- 132008 VO Fremde in Central Europe
- 140264 VO Sexuality, Oppression, and Self-Actualization in African Diaspora's Women's Literature
- 140265 VO Gender and Performance in Contemporary South African and Zimbabwean Literatures
- 140382 VO The Arabic Literature of North Africa
Module 4: Final Module (5 ECTS)
- 135841 MA Master Seminar
- 135842 MA Master seminar
Extension Curriculum International Literary Transfer (163)
International Literary Transfer (15 ECTS)
Last modified: Th 04.07.2024 01:18