Interdisciplinary Master Ethics in Education and Business (641)
M01 Foundational Module (20 ECTS)
M01.1 Philosophical Anthropology (Lecture Course)
M01.2 Basic Questions of Ethics (VO or VO-L)
- 180123 VO-L Classics of practical philosophy - für EC
M01.3 Introductory Seminar: Classics of Ethics and Philosophy of Politics
- 010046 PS Basic Texts: Ethics and Anthropology
- 180073 PS The Cynic Philosophy - Origin, Development, Importance
- 180074 PS [ en ] Free Will and Moral Responsibility
- 180075 PS Migration, concepts of an enemy and cultural conflicts
M01.4 Ethics in Theory and Practise (Seminar)
M01.5 Introductory Seminar with Close Readings
- 180058 LPS reading course - from the articles of association or principles of constitutional law
- 180060 LPS Mill: On Liberty
- 180068 LPS Reading Descartes: Discours de la Méthode and Meditationes de Prima Philosophia - Discours de la Méthode u. Meditationes de Prima Philosophia
M02 Module of Electives from Subcategories in Ethics (40 ECTS)
M02 A Ethics in the Context of Politics and Law
- 010050 SE Evaluations of War in the History of Ethics
- 010090 VO Advanced Course Philosophical Anthropology
- 010096 SE Birth of Modernity II: The School of Salamanca and Modern Cosmopolitanism
- 030349 SE Critiguing Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030502 KU [ en ] Transformations of Constitutionalism - also for diploma and doctoral students
- 070068 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Abbau von exzessivem Nationalismus und Vorurteilen in unserer Gesellschaft interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 180021 VO Community: A key concept in social theory, ethics, and philosophy of religion
- 180022 VO Global Justice - Einführung in die Debatten zur Globalen Gerechtigkeit
- 180026 SE Cultural philosophy - Kultur und Kapitalismus
- 180036 SE Man as a wolf - Power and violence in Thomas Hobbes' "Leviathan"
- 180040 SE Determination and Freedom
- 180041 SE [ en ] Responsibility in the phenomenological tradition
- 180043 KU The Oikos as a model
- 180044 VO Practical Rationality
- 180045 VO Philosophy of democracy - Philosophy's task to teach democracy
- 180046 SE Postcolonial feminist theory
- 180047 SE [ en ] Social Ontology
- 180076 VO-L Feminist Moral Philosophy - An Introduction
- 180106 SE Morality without guilt?
- 180110 SE [ en ] The politics of aesthetics with Jacques Ranciere
- 180113 VO Lecture Series
- 180127 SE Ethics, Human Rights and Justice in Psychoanalysis - Part 2: Contemporary Psychoanalysis
- 210145 VO BAK9: VO Political Theories and Research on Theories: SpezialVO - The Head of Passion. Critical Theory and Critique of Society
M02 B Ethics in the Context of Life and Health
- 010014 VO Basic Course Theological Ethics II (Applied Ethics)
- 010051 SE [ en ] How to live fulfilling relationships?
- 010090 VO Advanced Course Philosophical Anthropology
- 010109 SE Clinical Rounds - Medical Ethical Case Studies - Medizinrechtliche und ethische Fragen am Lebensbeginn
- 070068 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Abbau von exzessivem Nationalismus und Vorurteilen in unserer Gesellschaft interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 180020 SE Philosophical anthropology and moral philosophy
- 180027 VO-L Philosophy of Bodies from an intercultural Perspective
- 180041 SE [ en ] Responsibility in the phenomenological tradition
- 180076 VO-L Feminist Moral Philosophy - An Introduction
- 180077 VO-L Ethics and phenomenology
- 180095 SE Phenomenology of pregnancy and childbirth
- 180111 KU Gender selection
- 180116 KU metaethics
- 180125 SE Cicero De finibus
- 180127 SE Ethics, Human Rights and Justice in Psychoanalysis - Part 2: Contemporary Psychoanalysis
- 350164 SE ( KPH Krems ) Ethical Issues in Sports
M02 C Ethics in the Context of Media and Technics
- 180024 SE philosophy of technology - Cyborgs, Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenz - Technikphilosophische Untersuchungen
- 180104 SE Roboethics
- 180145 SE Philosophy of Media, Philosophy of Technology
M02 D Ethics in the Context of Religions and Cultures
- 010014 VO Basic Course Theological Ethics II (Applied Ethics)
- 010020 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics III: Ethics of the Family ("Amoris laetitia")
- 010022 VO Classical Writers of Philosophy of Religion
- 010023 VO Intercultural Philosophy: Latin American Philosophy in the Context of Global Modernity
- 010041 VO Ethics II: Political Ethics and Social Ethics
- 010050 SE Evaluations of War in the History of Ethics
- 010051 SE [ en ] How to live fulfilling relationships?
- 010062 SE Kant for Atheists: Feuerbach, Marx and Nietzsche
- 010063 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics III
- 010065 VO Lecture Afroamerican Religions
- 010070 VU [ en ] Confucianism
- 010085 VO Basic Course Philosophical Theology
- 010088 VO Advanced Course Philosophical Theology
- 010091 VO Hindu-Religions: An Introduction
- 010093 VO Buddhism. An Introduction
- 010096 SE Birth of Modernity II: The School of Salamanca and Modern Cosmopolitanism
- 010098 VO [ en ] Atheism: Old and New
- 010109 SE Clinical Rounds - Medical Ethical Case Studies - Medizinrechtliche und ethische Fragen am Lebensbeginn
- 020033 SE Philosophical Seminar - What is Religion? Basic Texts from Kant to Modern Philosophers
- 060012 VO Absolutely British - Jewish Environment made in Britain
- 070068 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Abbau von exzessivem Nationalismus und Vorurteilen in unserer Gesellschaft interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 180020 SE Philosophical anthropology and moral philosophy
- 180021 VO Community: A key concept in social theory, ethics, and philosophy of religion
- 180026 SE Cultural philosophy - Kultur und Kapitalismus
- 180027 VO-L Philosophy of Bodies from an intercultural Perspective
- 180036 SE Man as a wolf - Power and violence in Thomas Hobbes' "Leviathan"
- 180039 KU Nietzsche: On The Genealogy of Morals
- 180040 SE Determination and Freedom
- 180045 VO Philosophy of democracy - Philosophy's task to teach democracy
- 180046 SE Postcolonial feminist theory
- 180047 SE [ en ] Social Ontology
- 180048 SE Texts on Philosophical Practice
- 180049 VO Practical Pilosophy as Applied Phylosophy
- 180076 VO-L Feminist Moral Philosophy - An Introduction
- 180077 VO-L Ethics and phenomenology
- 180093 VO Edward W. Said Culture - Culture, Borderland and Knowledge
- 180107 VO-L Memory
- 180110 SE [ en ] The politics of aesthetics with Jacques Ranciere
- 180111 KU Gender selection
- 180125 SE Cicero De finibus
- 180134 FS Intercultural philosophy focusing on Arabic-Islamic philosophy - And work on the worlds of life and forms of life
- 180145 SE Philosophy of Media, Philosophy of Technology
M02 E Ethics in the Context of Economics and Ecology
- 010063 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics III
- 180021 VO Community: A key concept in social theory, ethics, and philosophy of religion
- 180022 VO Global Justice - Einführung in die Debatten zur Globalen Gerechtigkeit
- 180026 SE Cultural philosophy - Kultur und Kapitalismus
- 180041 SE [ en ] Responsibility in the phenomenological tradition
- 180042 KU [ en ] ethics of nature
- 180043 KU The Oikos as a model
- 180044 VO Practical Rationality
- 180045 VO Philosophy of democracy - Philosophy's task to teach democracy
- 180047 SE [ en ] Social Ontology
- 180062 SE [ en ] Decision-theories
- 180076 VO-L Feminist Moral Philosophy - An Introduction
- 180106 SE Morality without guilt?
- 180113 VO Lecture Series
- 350164 SE ( KPH Krems ) Ethical Issues in Sports
M03 or M04 Alternative Mandatory Modules (25 ECTS)
M03 Ethics in the Context of Education
- 180045 VO Philosophy of democracy - Philosophy's task to teach democracy
M03.1 Didactics in Ethics
- 180087 SE Didactics of Ethics
M03.2 Further Classes for Module M03
- 020045 UE Parish Education
- 070068 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Abbau von exzessivem Nationalismus und Vorurteilen in unserer Gesellschaft interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 180083 SE Philosophical Didactics
- 180087 SE Didactics of Ethics
- 190025 SE [ en ] Ethic Challenges in Education - National Identity and Nationalism 2
- 190060 SE [ de en ] Concepts of Humans and Theories of Education - Emotion and Feeling in the current Anthropological Discourse of Education
- 190065 VO Education and Anthropology
- 190145 VO Education and Policy - Educational Theory and Social Criticism
- 490006 VO Historical and Systematic Principles of Educational Theory and Educational Research
M04 Individual Specialization (25 ECTS)
M05 Master Seminar (5 ECTS)
- 180066 SE-MA Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 180130 SE-MA Seminar for Masters and Doctoral Students - Part 2
- 180131 SE-MA Seminar for Master Candidates and PhD Students
- 430006 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430007 SE-MA Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430008 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates - to the Practical Philosophy
- 430009 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430010 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430012 SE [ de en ] Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29
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