Group of Elective Modules (60 ECTS)
Analytical Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270008 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Analytical Measuring Sciences
- 270010 VO Mass Spectrometry - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
- 270027 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Proteinanalytics
- 270044 VO Spectrometry
- 270046 VO Environmental Analytical Chemistry
- 270049 VO Electro-analytical Processes
- 270069 UE Analytical method validation and quality control
- 270070 UE Environmental analytical chemistry
- 270073 VO Nucleic acid analysis - Genomics
- 270099 VO Food Analytics I
- 270104 SE Journal Club Analytical Chemistry - for Master and Diploma Studies
- 270122 UE Mass Spectrometry applied to Bioanalysis
- 270124 UE Practical course "Nucleic acid analysis"
- 270164 VO Bioinformatic Strategies for Data Evaluation
Inorganic Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270007 SE Current Aspects of Environmental and Radio Chemistry
- 270023 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course D - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course IIID - Coordination chemistry
- 270028 SE Coordination Chemistry
- 270032 VO Medical Radiochemistry II - Tracer for NeuroImaging
- 270063 VO+SE Selected chapters of ecotoxicology
- 270076 SE Seminar Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270100 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course A - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III A - Bioinorganic Chemistry, coordination chemistry
- 270121 UE Solid State Chemistry - Properties and Structure of Materials
- 270127 VO Chemistry of Actinides
- 270142 VO Coordination Chemistry
- 270158 VO Experimental methods for phase diagram determination
- 270192 VO Environmental Chemistry, Lecture
- 270208 VO Solid State Chemistry - (Modul AC-5)
- 270209 PR Environmental chemistry lab course including scientific fieldwork
- 270254 SE Strategies für the development of tumor inhibiting metal complexes - for Master- and PhD-Students of the department
- 270269 SE Seminar Green Chemistry and Env. Science
- 270272 UE Radiochemistry Lab course
Biological Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270010 VO Mass Spectrometry - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
- 270023 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course D - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course IIID - Coordination chemistry
- 270025 VO Semisynthesis of Proteins - Methods for site-specific protein modifications by chemical and molecular biolobigy approaches
- 270027 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Proteinanalytics
- 270073 VO Nucleic acid analysis - Genomics
- 270100 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course A - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III A - Bioinorganic Chemistry, coordination chemistry
- 270122 UE Mass Spectrometry applied to Bioanalysis
- 270124 UE Practical course "Nucleic acid analysis"
- 270133 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry - bioorganic chemistry
- 270137 PR Peptide and Protein Chemistry
- 270143 VO Introduction into carbohydrates - Introduction into carbohydrate chemistry and biological chemistry
- 270149 SE Trends of biophysical chemistry and protein biochemistry
- 270164 VO Bioinformatic Strategies for Data Evaluation
- 270188 VO [ en ] Metalloproteins in Archaea
- 270256 UE Research example in Biophysical Chemistry
- 270257 SE Biophysical Chemical Colloquium
Food Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270035 UE Practical Course in Food Technology
- 270040 VO+UE Sensorial evaluation and technology of fish, meat and egg
- 270083 VO Cosmetics and Goods of Daily Use - Law and Product Science
- 270087 SE Current Topics in Foodstuff Analysis and Food Toxicology
- 270092 EX Study Trip Food Processing and Analytics
- 270096 VO Food Chemistry II
- 270097 VO Toxicology of Food Contaminants I
- 270099 VO Food Analytics I
- 270102 VO Food Analytics II
- 270119 VO Free Radicals and Antioxidants - Relevance, Reactions and Analysis
- 270129 VO Biochemical Principles of Human Nutrition
- 270194 UE Practical course on food toxicology
Materials Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270015 SE+UE Research examples in theoretical materials chemistry, polymer science and characterisation
- 270114 VO [ en ] Estimation of physical-chemical properties
- 270118 SE+UE [ en ] Estimation of physical-chemical properties
- 270305 SE+UE Modern Techniques in Materials and Solid State Chemistry
Organic Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270019 UE Advanced laboratory course of organic chemistry -modul OC-5 - spectroscopic methods in structural analysis
- 270033 SE+UE [ de en ] Vibrational Spectroscopy - measuerment and selected topics
- 270036 VO Structure-determination 1D/2D NMR - Structure-determination using one- and two-diimensional NMR-Spectroscopy
- 270043 VO Organometallic Catalysis II
- 270084 VO Selected topics in bioorganic chemistry
- 270085 VO NMR-Spectroscopy of Dynamic Phenomena
- 270094 SE Seminar on Current Topics in Organometallic Chemistry
- 270095 VO [ en ] Strategies and Tactics in Organic Synthesis
- 270108 VO [ en ] Structural/Mechanistic Organic Chemistry
- 270110 VO [ en ] Organic and Supramolecular Photochemistry
- 270130 UE Practical spectroscopy - UV/VIS, IR/Ra, NMR
- 270131 UE Advanced laboratory course of organic chemistry -modul OC-4 - metalorganic and elementorganic chemistry
- 270133 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry - bioorganic chemistry
- 270134 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry - module OC-1 - synthetic organic chemistry
- 270135 UE Advanced laboratory course of organic chemistry - OC-2 - Reaction mechanisms and structure - Function Relationships
- 270143 VO Introduction into carbohydrates - Introduction into carbohydrate chemistry and biological chemistry
- 270187 SE Advanced seminar in organic chemistry
Physical Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- 270053 UE [ de en ] Research Project in Femto- and Nano-Technologies at Interfaces
- 270055 VO [ de en ] Electrochemical Nanotechnology
- 270107 VO [ de en ] Femto- and Nano-Technologies at Interfaces
- 270114 VO [ en ] Estimation of physical-chemical properties
- 270118 SE+UE [ en ] Estimation of physical-chemical properties
- 270160 SE [ en ] Progress in materials science
- 270163 UE [ en ] Research Examples Soft Materials - Hot Topics in Physical and Materials Chemistry
- 270185 SE [ de en ] Nano- and Femto-Technologies at Interfaces
- 270262 VO [ en ] Hot topics in Physical Chemistry - Soft Mater
- 270284 UE Modern Techniques for Materials' Characterization
- 270287 VO Introduction to Structural Chemistry
- 270305 SE+UE Modern Techniques in Materials and Solid State Chemistry
Theoretical Chemistry and Spectroscopy (10 ECTS)
- 270005 VO+UE [ de en ] High performance Computing in Chemistry
- 270019 UE Advanced laboratory course of organic chemistry -modul OC-5 - spectroscopic methods in structural analysis
- 270033 SE+UE [ de en ] Vibrational Spectroscopy - measuerment and selected topics
- 270034 PR Computer Course for Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
- 270037 VO Cheminformatics
- 270038 UE Computer Course for Cheminformatics
- 270041 SE [ en ] Computational Chemistry and Modeling
- 270054 VO Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
- 270072 UE [ en ] Modern Quantum Chemistry - Computer Exercises
- 270089 UE [ de en ] Research Examples from Theoretical Chemistry
- 270117 VO [ en ] Modern Quantum Chemistry
- 270130 UE Practical spectroscopy - UV/VIS, IR/Ra, NMR
- 270180 VO Spectroscopy of nuclear motion
- 270182 UE Guided Research in Computational Biological Chemistry
- 270275 VO Computer Simulation of Biopolymeres
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29