Directorate of Studies 29 - Geography
Die Studienprogrammleitung 29 betreut das sechssemestrige Bachelorstudium Geographie (nach ‚altem‘ Studienplan 2011 und ‚neuem‘ Studienplan 2016), die auf dem Bachelorstudium Geographie aufbauenden viersemestrigen Masterstudien Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung und Kartographie und Geoinformation, das gemeinsam mit Universitäten in Brüssel, Kopenhagen und Madrid durchgeführte Joint-Master-Studium Urban Studies sowie das achtsemestrige Bachelor-, das viersemestrige Master- und das auslaufende Diplomstudium im Unterrichtsfach Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde.Für Studierende anderer Studienrichtungen werden seit 1. Oktober 2016 die beiden Erweiterungscurricula Gesellschaft und Raum (Humangeographie) und Umweltsysteme im Wandel (Physische Geographie) angeboten.Aktuelle Informationen sowie Formulare zu allen Studienrichtungen sind auf der Homepage der SPL29 Geographie unter dem Link zu finden.Die Platzvergabe in den anmeldungspflichtigen prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen an der SPL29 Geographie erfolgt nach dem Präferenzsystem. Wie Sie bei der Anmeldung zu prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen am besten vorgehen, finden Sie auch auf der Homepage der SPL29 unter dem Link wird empfohlen, dass Sie sich auch bei nicht prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen (Vorlesungen und Kursen ohne Beschränkung der Zahl an TeilnehmerInnen) über U:SPACE für die jeweilige Lehrveranstaltung registrieren, da mit dieser Registrierung in der Regel ein Zugriff auf die zugehörigen Lehrplattformen verknüpft ist.
Bachelor Geography (655 [3] - Version 2016)
Introductory and Orientation Period (16 ECTS)
- 290087 VO ( OV ) Introduction to the study of Geography
BA GG 1.1 STEOP: Principles and Concepts of Physical Geography (6 ECTS)
- EXAM StEOP: Modulprüfung Grundlagen und Konzepte der Physischen Geographie (BA 2016)
- 290087 VO ( OV ) Introduction to the study of Geography
BA GG 1.2 STEOP: Principles and Concepts of Human Geography and Spatial Planning (6 ECTS)
- EXAM StEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die Humangeographie (BA 2016)
- 290087 VO ( OV ) Introduction to the study of Geography
BA GG 1.3 STEOP: Introduction to Cartography and Geoinformatics (4 ECTS)
- EXAM StEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die Kartographie und Geoinformation (BA 2016)
- 290087 VO ( OV ) Introduction to the study of Geography
Core Phase (104 ECTS)
Physical Geography (28 ECTS)
BA GG 2.1 Physical Geography I: Climate, Hydrology and Vegetation (8 ECTS)
- 290152 VO Basics in Biogeography
- 290232 VO Basics in Geography of Climate and Hydrology
- 290032 UE Field Methods in Physical Geography
BA GG 2.2 Physical Geography II: Earth, Soil and Relief (13 ECTS)
BA GG 2.3 Physical Geography III: Methods and Practice (7 ECTS)
- 290007 UE Excercies in Physical Geographie
- 290405 PR [ de en ] Field Class in Physical Geography, Group A
- 290406 PR Field class in Physical Geography, Group B
Human Geography and Spatial Planning (33 ECTS)
BA GG 3.1 Human Geography I: Demography, Economy and Society (14 ECTS)
- 290222 VO Introduction to Economic Geography - Die Räumlichkeit der Wirtschaft
- 290024 VO Introduction to Population Geography
- 290035 UE [ en ] Population Geography, Group A
- 290038 UE [ en ] Population Geography, Group B
BA GG 3.2 Human Geography II: Rural Areas and Regional Development (11 ECTS)
- 290151 VO Regional development: Introduction and case studies
- 290009 UE Exercises for Human Geography
- 290010 UE Exercises for Human Geography
BA GG 3.3 Human Geography III: Urban Geography and Spatial Planning (8 ECTS)
- 290291 VO Introduction to Urban Geography
- 290011 UE Introduction to Urban Geography and Regional Planning
Cartography and Geoinformatics (22 ECTS)
BA GG 4.1 Cartography and Geoinformatics I (10 ECTS)
- 290234 VO Image Processing and Remote Sensing
- 290004 VU Topographic Mapping
- 290083 UE Introduction to Cartography
- 290084 PS Introduction to Geoinformatics, Group A
BA GG 4.2 Cartography and Geoinformatics II (12 ECTS)
- 290407 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group A
- 290284 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group B
- 290006 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group C
Methods (21 ECTS)
BA GG 5.1 Methods in Geography I (11 ECTS)
- 290091 VU Introduction to Statistics
- 290220 PS Methods of GIS-based Data Acquisition
BA GG 5.2 Methods in Geography II (10 ECTS)
- 290137 VU Statistical Data Analysis with R
- 290138 VU Statistical Data Analysis with SPSS
Specialisation (30 ECTS)
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Specialisation Physical Geography (30 ECTS)
BA GG 6.1 Specialisation Physical Geography (15 ECTS)
- 290040 SE Bachelorseminar in Physical Geography: Current Topics in Physical Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Diplom- und Masterstudium)
BA GG 6.2 Bachelor’s Thesis Physical Geography (15 ECTS)
- 290279 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Physical Geography
- 290295 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Geoecology
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Specialisation Human Geography (30 ECTS)
BA GG 7.1 Specialisation Human Geography (15 ECTS)
- 290003 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Consumption meets the city - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290047 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Current Research Fields in Political Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290127 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography (Economic Geography): Selected topics in social geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290141 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Regions in transition: Local and global processes - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290363 PS Methods of Regional Analysis
- 290130 VU Advanced methods of statistical analysis (regional analysis)
BA GG 7.2 Bachelor’s Thesis: Human Geography (15 ECTS)
- 290296 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography and Regional Development
- 290315 SE Preparatory seminar for Bachelor paper in Human Geography and Regional Geography
- 290318 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Specialisation Spatial Research and Spatial Planning (30 ECTS)
BA GG 8.1 Specialisation Spatial Research and Spatial Planning (15 ECTS)
- 290048 SE Bachelorseminar Spatial Research & Spatial Planning: Current problems in urban and spatial planning - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
BA GG 8.2 Bachelor’s Thesis: Spatial Research and Spatial Planning (15 ECTS)
- 290296 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography and Regional Development
- 290318 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Specialisation Cartography and Geoinformatics (30 ECTS)
BA GG 9.1 Specialisation: Cartography and Geoinformatics (15 ECTS)
BA GG 9.2 Bachelor’s Thesis: Cartography and Geoinformatics (15 ECTS)
Extension Phase (30 ECTS)
Bachelor Geography (655 [2] - Version 2011) - discontinued
B11-1. Pflichtmodulgruppe Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (STEOP)
- 290087 VO ( OV ) Introduction to the study of Geography
B11-1.1. STEOP: Grundlagen und Konzepte der Physischen Geographie
- 290087 VO ( OV ) Introduction to the study of Geography
B11-1.2. STEOP: Grundlagen und Konzepte der Humangeographie und Raumordnung
- 290087 VO ( OV ) Introduction to the study of Geography
B11-1.3. STEOP: Einführung in die Kartographie und Geoinformation
- 290087 VO ( OV ) Introduction to the study of Geography
- 290083 UE Introduction to Cartography
- 290084 PS Introduction to Geoinformatics, Group A
B11-2. Pflichtmodulgruppe Physische Geographie
B11-2.1. Physische Geographie I
- 290232 VO Basics in Geography of Climate and Hydrology
- 290085 UE Excercises in Soil Geography
- 290415 UE Excercises in Climate Geography
B11-2.2. Physische Geographie II
- 290152 VO Basics in Biogeography
- 290410 UE Excercises in Biogeography and Landscape Ecology
- 290418 UE Excercises in Geomorphology
B11-3. Pflichtmodulgruppe Humangeographie
B11-3.1. Bevölkerungsgeographie und Politische Geographie
- 290024 VO Introduction to Population Geography
- 290035 UE [ en ] Population Geography, Group A
- 290038 UE [ en ] Population Geography, Group B
B11-3.2. Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeographie
- 290222 VO Introduction to Economic Geography - Die Räumlichkeit der Wirtschaft
B11-3.3. Geographie verstädterter und ländlicher Räume
- 290291 VO Introduction to Urban Geography
- 290062 UE Applied Urban Geography, Group A
- 290131 UE Applied Urban Geography, Group B
- 290369 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group A
- 290223 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group B
- 290368 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group C
- 290378 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group D
B11-3.4. Grundkonzepte und Paradigmen der (Human)Geographie
B11-4. Pflichtmodulgruppe Kartographie und Geoinformation
B11-4.1. Grundlagen der Kartographie und Geoinformation
- 290220 PS Methods of GIS-based Data Acquisition
B11-4.2. Angewandte Geoinformation
- 290407 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group A
- 290284 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group B
- 290006 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group C
B11-5. Pflichtmodulgruppe Raumforschung und Raumordnung
B11-5.1. Raumforschung und Raumordnung
B11-6. Pflichtmodulgruppe Methoden
B11-6.1. Basistechniken in der Geographie
B11-6.2. Methoden der Physischen Geographie
- 290405 PR [ de en ] Field Class in Physical Geography, Group A
- 290406 PR Field class in Physical Geography, Group B
B11-6.3. Methoden der Humangeographie
B11-6.4. Methoden der Kartographie und Geoinformation
- 290234 VO Image Processing and Remote Sensing
- 290004 VU Topographic Mapping
B11-6.5. Statistik und Regionalanalyse I
- 290137 VU Statistical Data Analysis with R
- 290138 VU Statistical Data Analysis with SPSS
B11-6.6. Statistik und Regionalanalyse II
- 290130 VU Advanced methods of statistical analysis (regional analysis)
- 290363 PS Methods of Regional Analysis
B11-7. Weitere Pflichtmodule
B11-7.1. Seminare
- 290141 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Regions in transition: Local and global processes - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290047 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Current Research Fields in Political Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290003 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Consumption meets the city - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290048 SE Bachelorseminar Spatial Research & Spatial Planning: Current problems in urban and spatial planning - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290040 SE Bachelorseminar in Physical Geography: Current Topics in Physical Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Diplom- und Masterstudium)
- 290271 SE Bachelorseminar Cartography and Geoinformation: Selected topics in Geoinformatics - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Masterstudium)
- 290127 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography (Economic Geography): Selected topics in social geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
B11-7.2. Exkursionen I - "Große Exkursion" bzw. Fachexkursion Ausland (mit Vorbereitungsproseminar)
- 290017 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: Kyrgyzstan - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290019 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Kyrgyzstan - Landschaftsgenese, Naturgefahren und Wirtschaft im seismisch aktiven Tien Shan Gebirge
- 290021 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad - Landscapes of Eastern Sicily (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290025 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Landscapes of Eastern Sicily
- 290026 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: The Oxford to Cambridge Arc - Universities, Innovation and Regional Development (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290034 EX Scientific excursion abroad: The Oxford to Cambridge Arc - Universities, Innovation and Regional Development
- 290044 PS [ en ] Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: Population Dynamics in Southern France - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290045 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Population Dynamics in Southern France
- 290039 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: Schleswig-Holstein - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290041 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Schleswig-Holstein
- 290042 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad: Copenhagen - Changing city and region (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290043 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Copenhagen - Changing city and region
- 290037 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Peripheral Metropolises - Urban Development in South Eastern Europe (SEE)
B11-7.3. Exkursionen II - Fachexkursionen Inland
- 290099 EX Field Trip: Experimental governance for disruptive innovations - open innovation, test environments and living labs
- 290033 EX Field Trip: Housing for all - Der Wiener Wohnungsmarkt zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
- 290100 EX Field Trip: Sonnwendviertel - Aspern
- 290178 EX Field trip: Southern Borderland (Burgenland)
- 290074 EX Field Trip: Suburbanisation in the Vienna Region - the Case of Klosterneuburg-Kierling
- 290098 EX Field trip: Innovation for New Path Creation
- 290448 EX Field Trip: Waterbalance and Agriculture Marchfeld
- 290395 EX Field Trip: Water Ressource Management Lower Austria
- 290248 EX Field Trip: The Danube in the Vienna Basin
- 290171 EX Field Trip: Water Management of the City of Vienna
- 290390 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Geomorphology of the Salzkammergut
- 290242 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Land Slides in Lower Austria
- 290088 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Waste Management in Austria II
- 290093 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Thayatal
- 290156 EX Phyisogeographical field trip: Loess and crystalline landscapes of North-West Lower Austria
- 290094 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Mountain Torrents in Vienna - Naturgewalt gebändigt im Stadtgebiet
- 290350 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Schobergruppe
- 290086 EX Field Trip: Terrain Navigation
- 290080 EX Field trip: National Sources of Geodata
- 290177 EX Field Trip: Cartography and GIS - GIS und Kartographie bei Behörden, wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen und Wirtschaft in Österreich
B11-7.4. Bachelorarbeit (Lehrveranstaltungen zur Bachelorarbeit)
- 290315 SE Preparatory seminar for Bachelor paper in Human Geography and Regional Geography
- 290318 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning
- 290296 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography and Regional Development
- 290279 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Physical Geography
- 290295 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Geoecology
- 290272 SE Bachelorthesis Seminar on Cartography and Geoinformatics
B11-8. Freies Wahlmodul
- 140288 VO EC - TEFA Transdisziplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
- 290328 VO International Economics: Theory, Institutions and Policy
- 290332 VO Introduction to Economic Policy in Austria
- 290139 VO Introduction into Business Administration for Geography students
- 070270 VO Lecture (PM4) - Schauplätze Österreichichscher Umweltgeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert
- 070068 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Abbau von exzessivem Nationalismus und Vorurteilen in unserer Gesellschaft interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 230204 UK Environment, Risk, Society - science, technology and nature in the time of the anthropocene
- 230202 UK Society, Technology, Gender
- 140294 VO [ en ] KW1 - Introductory Lecture: Development Economics
- 180022 VO Global Justice - Einführung in die Debatten zur Globalen Gerechtigkeit
Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Geography and Economics (193 049, 198 410)
Introductory and Orientation Period (5 ECTS)
UF GW 01 STEOP-Module Teacher Training Programme Geography and Economics (5 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP Module examination BA Teacher Education Programme Geography and Economics
- 290087 VO ( OV ) Introduction to the study of Geography
- 290104 VO Introductory course: Basics in Economics
Subject Didactics (14 ECTS)
UF GW 02 Introduction to Didactics (3 ECTS)
- 290022 PS Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group A
- 290023 PS Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group B
- 290061 PS Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group C
- 290050 PS Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group D
- 290105 PS Introduction to the teaching of the subject "Geography and Economics", Group E
- 290140 PS Introductory course: Basics in Economics
UF GW 03 Basics and Concepts of Didactics (6 ECTS)
- 290028 PS Proseminar Didactics of Teaching Geography II: Teaching Methods and the Use of Media
- 290142 PS ( KPH Krems ) Proseminar Didactics of Teaching Geography II: Teaching Methods and the Use of Media
- 290235 PS ( PH-NÖ ) Proseminar Didactics of Teaching Geography II: Teaching Methods and the Use of Media
- 290046 PS ( KPH Krems ) Proseminar on subject specific didactics II: Teaching methods and the use of media
UF GW 04 Topics of Didactics (6 ECTS)
- 290307 PS ( PH-NÖ ) Proseminar on subject specific didactics - Analysis of textbooks and syllabi in secondary higher education
- 290053 PS Proseminar on subject specific didactics of Geography and Economics: Economic education - Changing labour markets
- 290075 PS Proseminar on subject specific didactics: Migration and Diversity in teaching geography in Austria - principles, possible approaches regarding subject didactics and their application in school
- 290076 PS Proseminar on subject specific didactics of Geography and Economics: The power of maps and the city - Insight and participation with Critical Cartography and Mapping
- 290202 PR Practicum in Subject-Specific Didactics: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group A
- 290168 PR Practicum in Subject-Specific Didactics: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group B
- 290054 PR Practicum in Subject-Specific Didactics: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group C
- 290147 PR Practicum in Subject-Specific Didactics: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group D
- 290055 PR Subject-Didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group E
- 290089 PR Subject-Didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group F
- 290030 PR ( KPH Krems ) Subject-didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group G
- 290056 PR Subject-Didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group H
- 290136 PR Subject-Didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group I
- 290013 PR ( PH-WIEN ) Subject-didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group J
Basics of Economics (18 ECTS)
UF GW 05 Introduction to Economics and Business Administration (6 ECTS)
- EXAM Exam Principles of Economics
- 290139 VO Introduction into Business Administration for Geography students
- 040078 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Principles of Economics
UF GW 06 Economic Policy and Finance (5 ECTS)
UF GW 07 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies Economics (4 ECTS)
- 290067 SE Seminar in Economics (Business Administration) - General Business Economics related to Current Economic Events
- 290070 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - From Neoliberalism to a new European Enlightenment
- 290110 SE Seminar in Economics (Business Administration) - Current Debates in Applied Economics
- 290124 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - Current topics in economic policy
- 290129 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - Selected Topics in International Economics
UF GW 08 Economics in Teaching Practice (3 ECTS)
- 290068 PS ( PH-WIEN ) Proseminar on subject specific didactics: Didactics of "Geography and Economics"
- 290077 PS Proseminar on subject specific didactics: Didactics of "Geography and Economics"
- 290446 PS Proseminar on subject specific didactics: Didactics of "Geography and Economics"
Theory and Methods of Geography (14 ECTS)
UF GW 09 Basic Concepts of Geography (3 ECTS)
UF GW 10 Methods of scientific Research (6 ECTS)
- 290073 PS Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Teacher Candidates, Group A
- 290102 PS Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Teacher Candidates, Group B
- 290170 PS Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Teacher Candidates, Group C
- 290128 PS Introduction to statistical analysis for teacher candidates, Group B
- 290016 KU Research Methods in Geography
UF GW 11 Carthography and Geo-Information (5 ECTS)
- 290052 PS Geomedia in Education, Group A
- 290057 PS Geomedia in Education, Group B
- 290058 PS Geomedia in Education, Group C
- 290161 PS Geomedia in Education, Group D
Basicsn of Physical Geography (10 ECTS)
UF GW 12 Geomorphology and Geoecology (6 ECTS)
- 290152 VO Basics in Biogeography
UF GW 13 Use of Resources and Human-Environment-Relations (4 ECTS)
- 290069 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group A
- 290214 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group B
- 290066 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group C
- 290150 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group D
- 290118 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group E
- 290134 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group F
- 290163 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group G
- 290164 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group H
Basics of Human Geography (14 ECTS)
UF GW 14 Population, urban and rural Space (8 ECTS)
- 290024 VO Introduction to Population Geography
- 290291 VO Introduction to Urban Geography
- 290062 UE Applied Urban Geography, Group A
- 290131 UE Applied Urban Geography, Group B
- 290369 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group A
- 290223 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group B
- 290368 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group C
- 290378 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group D
UF GW 15 Economics, Politics and Space (6 ECTS)
- 290222 VO Introduction to Economic Geography - Die Räumlichkeit der Wirtschaft
Further Compulsory Modules (10 ECTS)
UF GW 16 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies in Human Geography (4 ECTS)
- 290003 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Consumption meets the city - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290141 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Regions in transition: Local and global processes - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290047 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Current Research Fields in Political Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290127 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography (Economic Geography): Selected topics in social geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
UF GW 17 Regional Planning and Development (3 ECTS)
UF GW 18 Excursions (3 ECTS)
- 290099 EX Field Trip: Experimental governance for disruptive innovations - open innovation, test environments and living labs
- 290100 EX Field Trip: Sonnwendviertel - Aspern
- 290126 EX Field trip: Vienna and the river Danube: various geographical aspects of a special relation - human- und physiogeographische Aspekte einer Beziehung
- 290033 EX Field Trip: Housing for all - Der Wiener Wohnungsmarkt zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
- 290178 EX Field trip: Southern Borderland (Burgenland)
- 290074 EX Field Trip: Suburbanisation in the Vienna Region - the Case of Klosterneuburg-Kierling
- 290098 EX Field trip: Innovation for New Path Creation
- 290101 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography): Vienna
- 290448 EX Field Trip: Waterbalance and Agriculture Marchfeld
- 290395 EX Field Trip: Water Ressource Management Lower Austria
- 290248 EX Field Trip: The Danube in the Vienna Basin
- 290171 EX Field Trip: Water Management of the City of Vienna
- 290086 EX Field Trip: Terrain Navigation
- 290390 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Geomorphology of the Salzkammergut
- 290081 EX Physiogeographical field trip: Vienna Basin
- 290088 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Waste Management in Austria II
- 290092 EX Physiogeographical field trip - Inland: Peatlands and the carbon cycle
- 290093 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Thayatal
- 290156 EX Phyisogeographical field trip: Loess and crystalline landscapes of North-West Lower Austria
- 290094 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Mountain Torrents in Vienna - Naturgewalt gebändigt im Stadtgebiet
- 290242 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Land Slides in Lower Austria
- 290095 EX Geomorphological and geoecological phenomena and human-environment interactions - in selected regions of Lower Austria and Vienna
- 290350 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Schobergruppe
Elective Area (0-10 ECTS)
UF GW 19 Elective Area (0-10 ECTS)
- 070068 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Abbau von exzessivem Nationalismus und Vorurteilen in unserer Gesellschaft interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 070278 PS Und was hat das mit mir zu tun? - Formale Grundlagen der Geschichtsdidaktik. Geschichte- und Politikunterricht in der schulischen Praxis
Subject-based Practicum Geography and Economics (7 ECTS)
UF GW 20 Subject-based Practicum Geography and Economics (7 ECTS)
- 290059 UE Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in "Geography and Economics", Group G
- 290060 UE Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in "Geography and Economics", Group H
- 290014 UE ( KPH Krems ) Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in Geography and Economics, Group I
- 290112 UE ( PH-WIEN ) Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in "Geography and Economics", Group J
- 290063 SE Didactic Seminar Accompanying Teaching Practice, Group A
- 290301 SE Didactic Seminar Accompanying Teaching Practice, Group B
- 290064 SE Didactic Seminar Accompanying Teaching Practice, Group C
- 290036 SE ( PH-WIEN ) Didactic Seminar Accompanying Teaching Practice, Group D
- 290065 SE Didactic Seminar Accompanying Teaching Practice, Group E
- 290071 SE ( KPH Krems ) Didactic Seminar Accompanying Teaching Practice, Group F
Alternative Compulsory Module Bachelor´s Thesis (5 ECTS)
UF GW 21a Bachelor´s Thesis Geography (5 ECTS)
- 290315 SE Preparatory seminar for Bachelor paper in Human Geography and Regional Geography
- 290318 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning
- 290296 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography and Regional Development
- 290279 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Physical Geography
- 290295 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Geoecology
- 290272 SE Bachelorthesis Seminar on Cartography and Geoinformatics
UF GW 21b Bachelor´s Thesis Economics (5 ECTS)
- 290051 SE ( PH-WIEN ) Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Economics
Diploma Teacher Training Programme: Geography and Economics (456) - discontinued
Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (STEOP)
- 290104 VO Introductory course: Basics in Economics
- 290022 PS Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group A
- 290023 PS Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group B
- 290061 PS Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group C
- 290050 PS Introduction to the Teaching of the Subject "Geography and Economics", Group D
- 290105 PS Introduction to the teaching of the subject "Geography and Economics", Group E
- 290140 PS Introductory course: Basics in Economics
First Stage of the Degree Programme (Curriculum 2002)
1.1. Basics of Physiogeography
1.2. Basics of Human Geography (including Economic Geography)
- 290222 VO Introduction to Economic Geography - Die Räumlichkeit der Wirtschaft
- 290024 VO Introduction to Population Geography
- 290035 UE [ en ] Population Geography, Group A
- 290038 UE [ en ] Population Geography, Group B
- 290062 UE Applied Urban Geography, Group A
- 290131 UE Applied Urban Geography, Group B
- 290369 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group A
- 290223 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group B
- 290368 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group C
- 290378 UE Excercises in Rural Geography: Peripheries and Remote Areas, Group D
1.3. Basics of Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- 290083 UE Introduction to Cartography
- 290084 PS Introduction to Geoinformatics, Group A
1.4. Methodical Basics
- 290073 PS Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Teacher Candidates, Group A
- 290102 PS Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Teacher Candidates, Group B
- 290170 PS Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Teacher Candidates, Group C
- 290128 PS Introduction to statistical analysis for teacher candidates, Group B
1.5. Basics of Economics
- 290139 VO Introduction into Business Administration for Geography students
- 290332 VO Introduction to Economic Policy in Austria
1.6. Introduction to Didactics of Geography and Economics
- 290028 PS Proseminar Didactics of Teaching Geography II: Teaching Methods and the Use of Media
- 290142 PS ( KPH Krems ) Proseminar Didactics of Teaching Geography II: Teaching Methods and the Use of Media
- 290235 PS ( PH-NÖ ) Proseminar Didactics of Teaching Geography II: Teaching Methods and the Use of Media
- 290046 PS ( KPH Krems ) Proseminar on subject specific didactics II: Teaching methods and the use of media
Second Stage of the Degree Programme (Curriculum 2002)
2.1. Physiogeography and Landscape Ecology
- 290212 VO Scientific Progress in Geomorphology
- 290365 KU Scientific Progress in Quaternary Research
- 290015 PS Special Issues on Climatology
- 290069 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group A
- 290214 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group B
- 290066 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group C
- 290150 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group D
- 290118 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group E
- 290134 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group F
- 290347 SE [ en ] Master seminar in Physical Geography / Geoecology: Extremes in Geomorphology - Contributions for Earth Surface Dynamics
- 290040 SE Bachelorseminar in Physical Geography: Current Topics in Physical Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Diplom- und Masterstudium)
- 290163 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group G
- 290164 PR Field class in Physical Geography for teacher candidates, Group H
2.2. Human Geography (including Economic Geography)
- 290119 PS Cities in Southeast Asia - Trends and dynamics in urbanization in selected countries in the region
- 290121 PS Environmental und ressource conflicts in South and Southeast Asia
- 290123 PS [ en ] A problem to be solved? The governance of human mobilities in the face of climate change
- 290135 VU [ en ] Armed conflicts and conflict resolution in Southeast Asia - Theoretical and practical perspectives
- 290125 PS Creative Industries and Start-ups as driving forces of urban development
- 290003 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Consumption meets the city - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290047 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Current Research Fields in Political Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290141 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Regions in transition: Local and global processes - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290127 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography (Economic Geography): Selected topics in social geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290020 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Networks and Cooperations in the Alpine Space - transnationale und interregionale Verflechtungen (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290106 SE Seminar in Human/Economic Geography: Innovation for grand societal challenges - Spatial aspects and new policy approaches
- 290111 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Vulnerability and Resilience - Conceptual approaches and empirical case studies on livelihoods at risk in the Global South
- 290113 SE Seminar Human Geography/ Regional Geography: Borders and Issues of Border Demarcation - in spatial sciences - focus on Asia
- 140288 VO EC - TEFA Transdisziplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
- 140365 VO+UE ( NR ) VM1 / VM2 - Ressources and Development - Sustainable Development on Basis of Ressources: Debates, Conflicts and Strategies
- 140152 VO ( NR ) Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - Aktuelle Auseinandersetzungen im historischen Kontext
- 290165 VU Innovation based regional policy in the European context
2.3. Basics of Regional Research and Regional Planning
- 290114 VO History of Spatial Planning and Urban Design
- 290117 VU Local Recreation / Tourism and Open Space Planning
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
- 290003 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography: Consumption meets the city - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290115 SE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - Polycentricity! District centres, town centres and retail parks in Vienna and its urban fringe
- 290048 SE Bachelorseminar Spatial Research & Spatial Planning: Current problems in urban and spatial planning - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
2.4. Austria, the EU and Selected World Regions - Regional Structure and Problems of Regional Development
- 070270 VO Lecture (PM4) - Schauplätze Österreichichscher Umweltgeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert
- 290121 PS Environmental und ressource conflicts in South and Southeast Asia
- 290119 PS Cities in Southeast Asia - Trends and dynamics in urbanization in selected countries in the region
- 290135 VU [ en ] Armed conflicts and conflict resolution in Southeast Asia - Theoretical and practical perspectives
- 290113 SE Seminar Human Geography/ Regional Geography: Borders and Issues of Border Demarcation - in spatial sciences - focus on Asia
- 290020 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Networks and Cooperations in the Alpine Space - transnationale und interregionale Verflechtungen (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290151 VO Regional development: Introduction and case studies
2.5. Economics
- 290328 VO International Economics: Theory, Institutions and Policy
- 290049 VU Special Topics in Economics - Macroeconomics: Open Goods and Financial Markets from an Economics Perspective
- 290068 PS ( PH-WIEN ) Proseminar on subject specific didactics: Didactics of "Geography and Economics"
- 290077 PS Proseminar on subject specific didactics: Didactics of "Geography and Economics"
- 290446 PS Proseminar on subject specific didactics: Didactics of "Geography and Economics"
- 290110 SE Seminar in Economics (Business Administration) - Current Debates in Applied Economics
- 290067 SE Seminar in Economics (Business Administration) - General Business Economics related to Current Economic Events
- 290070 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - From Neoliberalism to a new European Enlightenment
- 290129 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - Selected Topics in International Economics
- 290124 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - Current topics in economic policy
- 290144 EX Excursion in Economics and Business Administration, Group B
- 290146 EX Excursion in Economics and Business Administration, Group C
2.6. Didactics of Geography and Economics
- 290059 UE Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in "Geography and Economics", Group G
- 290060 UE Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in "Geography and Economics", Group H
- 290014 UE ( KPH Krems ) Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in Geography and Economics, Group I
- 290112 UE ( PH-WIEN ) Preparatory Course: How to Plan Teaching Units in "Geography and Economics", Group J
- 290063 SE Didactic Seminar Accompanying Teaching Practice, Group A
- 290301 SE Didactic Seminar Accompanying Teaching Practice, Group B
- 290064 SE Didactic Seminar Accompanying Teaching Practice, Group C
- 290036 SE ( PH-WIEN ) Didactic Seminar Accompanying Teaching Practice, Group D
- 290065 SE Didactic Seminar Accompanying Teaching Practice, Group E
- 290071 SE ( KPH Krems ) Didactic Seminar Accompanying Teaching Practice, Group F
- 290307 PS ( PH-NÖ ) Proseminar on subject specific didactics - Analysis of textbooks and syllabi in secondary higher education
- 290053 PS Proseminar on subject specific didactics of Geography and Economics: Economic education - Changing labour markets
- 290076 PS Proseminar on subject specific didactics of Geography and Economics: The power of maps and the city - Insight and participation with Critical Cartography and Mapping
- 290075 PS Proseminar on subject specific didactics: Migration and Diversity in teaching geography in Austria - principles, possible approaches regarding subject didactics and their application in school
- 290312 PS Global Education
- 290097 PS Human Resource Management from the perspective of didactics and economics
- 290202 PR Practicum in Subject-Specific Didactics: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group A
- 290168 PR Practicum in Subject-Specific Didactics: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group B
- 290054 PR Practicum in Subject-Specific Didactics: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group C
- 290147 PR Practicum in Subject-Specific Didactics: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group D
- 290055 PR Subject-Didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group E
- 290089 PR Subject-Didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group F
- 290030 PR ( KPH Krems ) Subject-didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group G
- 290056 PR Subject-Didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group H
- 290136 PR Subject-Didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW, Group I
- 290013 PR ( PH-WIEN ) Subject-didactic Practicum: University-Educational Cooperation Project in GW, Group J
Recommended Electives (Second Stage of Degree Programme)
- 290158 SE Colloquium in Social and Economic Geography - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Humangeographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
- 290159 SE Colloquium in Human Geography / Regional Geography - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Humangeographie / Regionalgeographie)
- 290072 PS Subject-Specific Didactic and Occupational Orientation II
- 290189 UE Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography for Advanced Students
- 290107 SE Colloqium for Geoecology - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Masterarbeit aus Physischer Geographie)
- 290364 SE Colloquium for Geomorphology - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Masterarbeit aus Physischer Geographie)
- 290450 SE Colloquium in Regional Research and Regional Planning - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Angewandter Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
- 040231 SE SOLV - Arbeit (neu) definieren
- 070068 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Abbau von exzessivem Nationalismus und Vorurteilen in unserer Gesellschaft interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 070270 VO Lecture (PM4) - Schauplätze Österreichichscher Umweltgeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert
- 070093 VO Lecture - History of European Integration
- 010011 SE Economics and solidarity. New concepts in the ethics of economics
- 180022 VO Global Justice - Einführung in die Debatten zur Globalen Gerechtigkeit
- 210118 VO M5: EU and Europeanisation - SpezialVO
Field Trips
1. Field Trips in Austria
- 290099 EX Field Trip: Experimental governance for disruptive innovations - open innovation, test environments and living labs
- 290033 EX Field Trip: Housing for all - Der Wiener Wohnungsmarkt zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
- 290100 EX Field Trip: Sonnwendviertel - Aspern
- 290126 EX Field trip: Vienna and the river Danube: various geographical aspects of a special relation - human- und physiogeographische Aspekte einer Beziehung
- 290178 EX Field trip: Southern Borderland (Burgenland)
- 290074 EX Field Trip: Suburbanisation in the Vienna Region - the Case of Klosterneuburg-Kierling
- 290096 EX Field Trip: Village revitalisation and the impetus of the Lower Austrian national exhibition 2019 - Village revitalization in two neighbouring communities and contributions of the Lower Austrian national exhibition 2019 to their community development
- 290098 EX Field trip: Innovation for New Path Creation
- 290448 EX Field Trip: Waterbalance and Agriculture Marchfeld
- 290395 EX Field Trip: Water Ressource Management Lower Austria
- 290248 EX Field Trip: The Danube in the Vienna Basin
- 290171 EX Field Trip: Water Management of the City of Vienna
- 290101 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography): Vienna
- 290390 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Geomorphology of the Salzkammergut
- 290242 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Land Slides in Lower Austria
- 290081 EX Physiogeographical field trip: Vienna Basin
- 290088 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Waste Management in Austria II
- 290092 EX Physiogeographical field trip - Inland: Peatlands and the carbon cycle
- 290093 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Thayatal
- 290156 EX Phyisogeographical field trip: Loess and crystalline landscapes of North-West Lower Austria
- 290094 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Mountain Torrents in Vienna - Naturgewalt gebändigt im Stadtgebiet
- 290086 EX Field Trip: Terrain Navigation
- 290350 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Schobergruppe
2. Field Trips Abroad (incl. Preparatory Seminars)
- 290017 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: Kyrgyzstan - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290019 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Kyrgyzstan - Landschaftsgenese, Naturgefahren und Wirtschaft im seismisch aktiven Tien Shan Gebirge
- 290021 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad - Landscapes of Eastern Sicily (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290025 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Landscapes of Eastern Sicily
- 290026 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: The Oxford to Cambridge Arc - Universities, Innovation and Regional Development (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290034 EX Scientific excursion abroad: The Oxford to Cambridge Arc - Universities, Innovation and Regional Development
- 290037 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Peripheral Metropolises - Urban Development in South Eastern Europe (SEE)
- 290039 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: Schleswig-Holstein - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290041 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Schleswig-Holstein
- 290042 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad: Copenhagen - Changing city and region (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290043 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Copenhagen - Changing city and region
- 290044 PS [ en ] Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: Population Dynamics in Southern France - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290045 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Population Dynamics in Southern France
Additional Courses
Master Urban Studies (Joint Curriculum) (664)
Module 06. Demography of European Cities (4 ECTS)
- 290376 VU [ en ] Demography of European Cities
Module 07. Principles of Urban Planning (4 ECTS)
- 290386 VU [ en ] Principles of Urban Planning and Urbanism
Module 08. Comparing Urban Development: European and US-American Cities (4 ECTS)
- 290109 PS [ en ] Contemporary Challenges in Urban Development
Module 09. Urban Development and Planning in Eastern Europe (4 ECTS)
- 290120 VU [ en ] Urban Development and Planning in Eastern Europe
- 290391 EX [ en ] Urban Development and Planning in Eastern Europe
Module 10. Urban Analysis III (4 ECTS)
- 290394 PS [ en ] Urban Analysis
Module 16. Master's Thesis and Master's Examination
- 290377 SE [ en ] Urban Research and the Master Thesis
Field Trips
- 290031 EX [ en ] Vienna Transect
Further lectures
Master Geography (855)
MG1 Specialisation Modules (50 ECTS)
MG1.1 Geomorphology and Risk Research (25 ECTS)
- 290212 VO Scientific Progress in Geomorphology
- 290189 UE Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography for Advanced Students
- 290015 PS Special Issues on Climatology
- 290082 PR Practical Training in Geomorphology and Natural Hazards Research
- 290347 SE [ en ] Master seminar in Physical Geography / Geoecology: Extremes in Geomorphology - Contributions for Earth Surface Dynamics
- 290145 SE [ en ] Cartography and GI in Early Warning Crises Management: Theory and Practice
- 290148 VO [ en ] Spatial Data Infrastructures: Local, Regional and Global Aspects
MG1.2 Geoecology and Quaternary Research (25 ECTS)
- 290365 KU Scientific Progress in Quaternary Research
- 290189 UE Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography for Advanced Students
- 290015 PS Special Issues on Climatology
- 290018 PR Practical Training in Geoecology and Quaternary Research
- 290347 SE [ en ] Master seminar in Physical Geography / Geoecology: Extremes in Geomorphology - Contributions for Earth Surface Dynamics
MG1.3 Social and Economic Geography (25 ECTS)
- 290328 VO International Economics: Theory, Institutions and Policy
- 290117 VU Local Recreation / Tourism and Open Space Planning
- 290125 PS Creative Industries and Start-ups as driving forces of urban development
- 290020 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Networks and Cooperations in the Alpine Space - transnationale und interregionale Verflechtungen (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290111 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Vulnerability and Resilience - Conceptual approaches and empirical case studies on livelihoods at risk in the Global South
- 290106 SE Seminar in Human/Economic Geography: Innovation for grand societal challenges - Spatial aspects and new policy approaches
- 290133 PS Intorduction to geographies of health with a focus on Asian case studies
- 290135 VU [ en ] Armed conflicts and conflict resolution in Southeast Asia - Theoretical and practical perspectives
- 230212 SE [ en ] Information Infrastructures - designing communities, technologies and knowledge
- 140152 VO ( NR ) Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - Aktuelle Auseinandersetzungen im historischen Kontext
- 140332 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM1 / VM2 - International Environment and Economic Development - Globalization and its implications, financial crises, trade liberalization, migration, foreign aid
- 140365 VO+UE ( NR ) VM1 / VM2 - Ressources and Development - Sustainable Development on Basis of Ressources: Debates, Conflicts and Strategies
- 290165 VU Innovation based regional policy in the European context
MG1.4 Population and Urban Research (25 ECTS)
- 290376 VU [ en ] Demography of European Cities
- 290386 VU [ en ] Principles of Urban Planning and Urbanism
- 290117 VU Local Recreation / Tourism and Open Space Planning
- 290109 PS [ en ] Contemporary Challenges in Urban Development
- 290123 PS [ en ] A problem to be solved? The governance of human mobilities in the face of climate change
- 290125 PS Creative Industries and Start-ups as driving forces of urban development
- 290119 PS Cities in Southeast Asia - Trends and dynamics in urbanization in selected countries in the region
- 290122 PS Participatory research methods in development research
- 290111 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Vulnerability and Resilience - Conceptual approaches and empirical case studies on livelihoods at risk in the Global South
- 290113 SE Seminar Human Geography/ Regional Geography: Borders and Issues of Border Demarcation - in spatial sciences - focus on Asia
- 290115 SE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - Polycentricity! District centres, town centres and retail parks in Vienna and its urban fringe
- 290133 PS Intorduction to geographies of health with a focus on Asian case studies
- 140384 SE ( NR ) VM1 / VM6 - Global social inequalities in the context of planetary urbanisation
- 140080 FS FM2 - Research Seminar (Part 2) - Economy of the Oppressed
MG1.5 Focus on Europe (25 ECTS)
- 290125 PS Creative Industries and Start-ups as driving forces of urban development
- 290114 VO History of Spatial Planning and Urban Design
- 290117 VU Local Recreation / Tourism and Open Space Planning
- 210118 VO M5: EU and Europeanisation - SpezialVO
- 070270 VO Lecture (PM4) - Schauplätze Österreichichscher Umweltgeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert
- 070093 VO Lecture - History of European Integration
- 290165 VU Innovation based regional policy in the European context
MG1.6 Focus on Asia (25 ECTS)
- 290123 PS [ en ] A problem to be solved? The governance of human mobilities in the face of climate change
- 290121 PS Environmental und ressource conflicts in South and Southeast Asia
- 290122 PS Participatory research methods in development research
- 290119 PS Cities in Southeast Asia - Trends and dynamics in urbanization in selected countries in the region
- 290113 SE Seminar Human Geography/ Regional Geography: Borders and Issues of Border Demarcation - in spatial sciences - focus on Asia
- 290111 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Vulnerability and Resilience - Conceptual approaches and empirical case studies on livelihoods at risk in the Global South
- 290135 VU [ en ] Armed conflicts and conflict resolution in Southeast Asia - Theoretical and practical perspectives
- 290133 PS Intorduction to geographies of health with a focus on Asian case studies
- 140360 SE [ en ] VM1 / VM6 - Southeast Asian States and Societies - Contestations in Transformed Politics
- 140365 VO+UE ( NR ) VM1 / VM2 - Ressources and Development - Sustainable Development on Basis of Ressources: Debates, Conflicts and Strategies
- 140288 VO EC - TEFA Transdisziplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
- 150021 SE [ en ] Economic Development in East Asia
- 150017 VO China and East Asia (M4)
- 150224 VO [ en ] Intercultural Negotiation Patterns - (SoSe)
Elective Modules (30 ECTS)
MG2.1 Methods and Functional Consolidation of Physical Geography (15 ECTS)
- 280383 VO Climate history of the planet (NPI)
- 280387 VO Introduction to climate modeling (NPI)
MG2.2 Project Module Physical Geography (15 ECTS)
- 290212 VO Scientific Progress in Geomorphology
- 290189 UE Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography for Advanced Students
- 290015 PS Special Issues on Climatology
- 290082 PR Practical Training in Geomorphology and Natural Hazards Research
- 290018 PR Practical Training in Geoecology and Quaternary Research
MG2.3 Regionale Development (15 ECTS)
- 290114 VO History of Spatial Planning and Urban Design
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
- 290122 PS Participatory research methods in development research
- 290106 SE Seminar in Human/Economic Geography: Innovation for grand societal challenges - Spatial aspects and new policy approaches
- 290115 SE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - Polycentricity! District centres, town centres and retail parks in Vienna and its urban fringe
- 290165 VU Innovation based regional policy in the European context
MG2.4 Elective Module - Regional Tourism and Leisure Research (15 ECTS)
- 290106 SE Seminar in Human/Economic Geography: Innovation for grand societal challenges - Spatial aspects and new policy approaches
- 230206 VO [ en ] Knowledge and Technology Cultures: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 230209 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting
- 230153 VO [ en ] Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 230155 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions
- 290165 VU Innovation based regional policy in the European context
MG2.5 Geographische Entwicklungsforschung (15 ECTS)
- 290111 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Vulnerability and Resilience - Conceptual approaches and empirical case studies on livelihoods at risk in the Global South
- 290121 PS Environmental und ressource conflicts in South and Southeast Asia
- 290122 PS Participatory research methods in development research
- 290123 PS [ en ] A problem to be solved? The governance of human mobilities in the face of climate change
- 290135 VU [ en ] Armed conflicts and conflict resolution in Southeast Asia - Theoretical and practical perspectives
- 230213 SE [ en ] Postcolonial entanglements in global health - an STS perspective
- 140380 KU [ de en ] GM3 - Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective
- 140392 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM8 / VM3 - Global Health and Development
- 140332 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM1 / VM2 - International Environment and Economic Development - Globalization and its implications, financial crises, trade liberalization, migration, foreign aid
- 140365 VO+UE ( NR ) VM1 / VM2 - Ressources and Development - Sustainable Development on Basis of Ressources: Debates, Conflicts and Strategies
- 140288 VO EC - TEFA Transdisziplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
- 040231 SE SOLV - Arbeit (neu) definieren
- 140071 VO+UE ( SGU ) VM7 / VM8 - Framing 'Gender' in international development cooperation and humanitarian aid - in der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Humanitären Hilfe
- 150224 VO [ en ] Intercultural Negotiation Patterns - (SoSe)
MG2.5 Methods of Human Geography (15 ECTS)
MG2.6 Free Elective Module (recommended Lectures)
- 290148 VO [ en ] Spatial Data Infrastructures: Local, Regional and Global Aspects
- 240199 VO VO Introduction Gender Studies
- 240200 UE UE Introduction Gender Studies
- 070068 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Abbau von exzessivem Nationalismus und Vorurteilen in unserer Gesellschaft interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 140395 VO+UE VM1 / VM8 - SDGs Sustainable Development Goals - Global Development Agenda without Transformation?
- 070301 VO Lecture (PM4)
- 290166 VO [ en ] Earth Observation for development: Bringing space down to earth
Field Trips (10 ECTS)
- 290017 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: Kyrgyzstan - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290019 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Kyrgyzstan - Landschaftsgenese, Naturgefahren und Wirtschaft im seismisch aktiven Tien Shan Gebirge
- 290021 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad - Landscapes of Eastern Sicily (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290025 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Landscapes of Eastern Sicily
- 290026 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: The Oxford to Cambridge Arc - Universities, Innovation and Regional Development (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290033 EX Field Trip: Housing for all - Der Wiener Wohnungsmarkt zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
- 290034 EX Scientific excursion abroad: The Oxford to Cambridge Arc - Universities, Innovation and Regional Development
- 290037 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Peripheral Metropolises - Urban Development in South Eastern Europe (SEE)
- 290039 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: Schleswig-Holstein - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290041 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Schleswig-Holstein
- 290042 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad: Copenhagen - Changing city and region (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290043 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Copenhagen - Changing city and region
- 290044 PS [ en ] Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: Population Dynamics in Southern France - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290045 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Population Dynamics in Southern France
- 290074 EX Field Trip: Suburbanisation in the Vienna Region - the Case of Klosterneuburg-Kierling
- 290080 EX Field trip: National Sources of Geodata
- 290086 EX Field Trip: Terrain Navigation
- 290088 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Waste Management in Austria II
- 290093 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Thayatal
- 290094 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Mountain Torrents in Vienna - Naturgewalt gebändigt im Stadtgebiet
- 290096 EX Field Trip: Village revitalisation and the impetus of the Lower Austrian national exhibition 2019 - Village revitalization in two neighbouring communities and contributions of the Lower Austrian national exhibition 2019 to their community development
- 290098 EX Field trip: Innovation for New Path Creation
- 290099 EX Field Trip: Experimental governance for disruptive innovations - open innovation, test environments and living labs
- 290100 EX Field Trip: Sonnwendviertel - Aspern
- 290156 EX Phyisogeographical field trip: Loess and crystalline landscapes of North-West Lower Austria
- 290171 EX Field Trip: Water Management of the City of Vienna
- 290177 EX Field Trip: Cartography and GIS - GIS und Kartographie bei Behörden, wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen und Wirtschaft in Österreich
- 290178 EX Field trip: Southern Borderland (Burgenland)
- 290242 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Land Slides in Lower Austria
- 290248 EX Field Trip: The Danube in the Vienna Basin
- 290350 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Schobergruppe
- 290390 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Geomorphology of the Salzkammergut
- 290395 EX Field Trip: Water Ressource Management Lower Austria
- 290448 EX Field Trip: Waterbalance and Agriculture Marchfeld
Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)
- 290159 SE Colloquium in Human Geography / Regional Geography - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Humangeographie / Regionalgeographie)
- 290158 SE Colloquium in Social and Economic Geography - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Humangeographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
- 290450 SE Colloquium in Regional Research and Regional Planning - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Angewandter Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
- 290364 SE Colloquium for Geomorphology - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Masterarbeit aus Physischer Geographie)
- 290107 SE Colloqium for Geoecology - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Masterarbeit aus Physischer Geographie)
Master Cartography and Geographic Information Science (856)
Elective Modules (60 ECTS)
MK1.1 Geodata Acquisition and Processing (15 ECTS)
- 290162 PR Practical Surveying and Mapping Exercises, Group B
- 290187 PS Geodatabases
- 290329 PR Practical Surveying and Mapping Exercises
MK1.2 Analysis and Modelling in Geographic Information Processing (15 ECTS)
- 290442 PS Geomarketing
- 290027 PR Applied Image Processing and Remote Sensing
MK1.3 (15 ECTS)
- 290357 VU Topographic Mapping and High Mountain Cartography
- 290230 PS Thematic Cartography: Fields of Application
MK1.4 Geo-Multimedia (15 ECTS)
- 290188 PS Animation and 3D-Visualization
MK1.5 and MK1.6 - Additional Elective Modules
Special Issues in Cartography and Geographic Information Science (8 ECTS)
- 290029 PS 3D-Laserscanning - Methods, Modeling and Fields of Application
- 290103 PS Open GIS and Open Data in Geoinformation
- 290116 PS Real-Time Mapping and Geoinformation
- 290148 VO [ en ] Spatial Data Infrastructures: Local, Regional and Global Aspects
- 290166 VO [ en ] Earth Observation for development: Bringing space down to earth
Field Trips (8 ECTS)
- 290080 EX Field trip: National Sources of Geodata
- 290086 EX Field Trip: Terrain Navigation
- 290177 EX Field Trip: Cartography and GIS - GIS und Kartographie bei Behörden, wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen und Wirtschaft in Österreich
Seminars (14 ECTS)
- 290145 SE [ en ] Cartography and GI in Early Warning Crises Management: Theory and Practice
- 290443 SE Master Seminar in Geoinformation - Volunteered Geographic Information
Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)
Master Regional Research and Regional Planning (857)
Advanced Methods of Regional Research (6 ECTS)
Concepts, Tools and Legal Basics of Regional Planning (10 ECTS)
Processes of Spatial Development and Opportunities for Social Control (15 ECTS)
- 290114 VO History of Spatial Planning and Urban Design
- 290376 VU [ en ] Demography of European Cities
- 290386 VU [ en ] Principles of Urban Planning and Urbanism
- 290117 VU Local Recreation / Tourism and Open Space Planning
- 290109 PS [ en ] Contemporary Challenges in Urban Development
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
- 290033 EX Field Trip: Housing for all - Der Wiener Wohnungsmarkt zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
- 290165 VU Innovation based regional policy in the European context
Theoretical and Applied Regional Research and Regional Planning I (8 ECTS)
- 290115 SE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - Polycentricity! District centres, town centres and retail parks in Vienna and its urban fringe
Theoretical and Applied Regional Research and Regional Planning II (16 ECTS)
- 290115 SE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - Polycentricity! District centres, town centres and retail parks in Vienna and its urban fringe
Elective Modules (30 ECTS)
Field Trip (5 ECTS)
- 290037 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Peripheral Metropolises - Urban Development in South Eastern Europe (SEE)
- 290026 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: The Oxford to Cambridge Arc - Universities, Innovation and Regional Development (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290034 EX Scientific excursion abroad: The Oxford to Cambridge Arc - Universities, Innovation and Regional Development
- 290039 PS Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: Schleswig-Holstein - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290041 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Schleswig-Holstein
- 290042 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad: Copenhagen - Changing city and region (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290043 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Copenhagen - Changing city and region
- 290044 PS [ en ] Preparatory course for the scientific excursion abroad: Population Dynamics in Southern France - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290045 EX Scientific excursion abroad: Population Dynamics in Southern France
Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)
- 290158 SE Colloquium in Social and Economic Geography - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Humangeographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
- 290450 SE Colloquium in Regional Research and Regional Planning - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Angewandter Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
Master Teacher Training Programme: Geography and Economics (196 049, 199 510)
MA UF GW 01 Subject Didactics (6 ECTS)
- 290072 PS Subject-Specific Didactic and Occupational Orientation II
- 290075 PS Proseminar on subject specific didactics: Migration and Diversity in teaching geography in Austria - principles, possible approaches regarding subject didactics and their application in school
- 290097 PS Human Resource Management from the perspective of didactics and economics
- 290312 PS Global Education
MA UF GW 02 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies Geography (8 ECTS)
- 290212 VO Scientific Progress in Geomorphology
- 290117 VU Local Recreation / Tourism and Open Space Planning
- 290365 KU Scientific Progress in Quaternary Research
- 290229 UE Survey Methods and Questionnaire Research in Geography and Regional Science
- 290125 PS Creative Industries and Start-ups as driving forces of urban development
- 290123 PS [ en ] A problem to be solved? The governance of human mobilities in the face of climate change
- 290121 PS Environmental und ressource conflicts in South and Southeast Asia
- 290119 PS Cities in Southeast Asia - Trends and dynamics in urbanization in selected countries in the region
- 290122 PS Participatory research methods in development research
- 290448 EX Field Trip: Waterbalance and Agriculture Marchfeld
- 290395 EX Field Trip: Water Ressource Management Lower Austria
- 290248 EX Field Trip: The Danube in the Vienna Basin
- 290100 EX Field Trip: Sonnwendviertel - Aspern
- 290074 EX Field Trip: Suburbanisation in the Vienna Region - the Case of Klosterneuburg-Kierling
- 290088 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Waste Management in Austria II
- 290048 SE Bachelorseminar Spatial Research & Spatial Planning: Current problems in urban and spatial planning - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Bachelor- und Diplomstudium)
- 290271 SE Bachelorseminar Cartography and Geoinformation: Selected topics in Geoinformatics - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Masterstudium)
- 290040 SE Bachelorseminar in Physical Geography: Current Topics in Physical Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Diplom- und Masterstudium)
- 290113 SE Seminar Human Geography/ Regional Geography: Borders and Issues of Border Demarcation - in spatial sciences - focus on Asia
- 290111 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Vulnerability and Resilience - Conceptual approaches and empirical case studies on livelihoods at risk in the Global South
- 290020 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Networks and Cooperations in the Alpine Space - transnationale und interregionale Verflechtungen (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290106 SE Seminar in Human/Economic Geography: Innovation for grand societal challenges - Spatial aspects and new policy approaches
- 290347 SE [ en ] Master seminar in Physical Geography / Geoecology: Extremes in Geomorphology - Contributions for Earth Surface Dynamics
- 290015 PS Special Issues on Climatology
- 290114 VO History of Spatial Planning and Urban Design
- 290135 VU [ en ] Armed conflicts and conflict resolution in Southeast Asia - Theoretical and practical perspectives
- 290137 VU Statistical Data Analysis with R
- 290138 VU Statistical Data Analysis with SPSS
- 290165 VU Innovation based regional policy in the European context
MA UF GW 03 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies Economics (8 ECTS)
- 290144 EX Excursion in Economics and Business Administration, Group B
- 290146 EX Excursion in Economics and Business Administration, Group C
- 040074 UK Intercultural Competence in Business
- 040136 VO ABWL Production and Logistics
- 040197 VK [ en ] EC GCM: Global Human Resources (VK)
- 040199 EK [ en ] EC GCM: Organization of the Firm
- 040210 VK [ en ] Corporate Social Responsibility of the International Firm
- 040231 SE SOLV - Arbeit (neu) definieren
- 040247 UK [ en ] International Trade (MA)
- 040248 UK [ en ] Macroeconomics and Inequality (BA)
- 040251 UK [ en ] Development economics (BA)
- 040257 UK [ en ] Marxist Economics (BA) - Alternativen zum Kapitalismus
- 040302 UK Economic History (BA) - Public debt and public credit as driving forces in the development of money, banking and stockmarkets, 16th - 21st century
- 040313 UK Environmental Economics
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
- 041010 UK [ en ] Keynes for Beginners (BA)
- 290049 VU Special Topics in Economics - Macroeconomics: Open Goods and Financial Markets from an Economics Perspective
MA UF GW 04 Didactic Supervision of Teaching Practice (4 ECTS)
MA UF GW 05 Master Thesis Support (2 ECTS)
- 290107 SE Colloqium for Geoecology - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Masterarbeit aus Physischer Geographie)
- 290158 SE Colloquium in Social and Economic Geography - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Humangeographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
- 290159 SE Colloquium in Human Geography / Regional Geography - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Humangeographie / Regionalgeographie)
- 290354 SE Colloquium in Cartography and Geoinformation
- 290364 SE Colloquium for Geomorphology - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Masterarbeit aus Physischer Geographie)
- 290450 SE Colloquium in Regional Research and Regional Planning - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Angewandter Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
Extension Curriculum Change in Environmental Systems (Physical Geography) (290)
BA GG 11.2 Change in Environmental Systems (Physical Geography) (15 ECTS)
- 290087 VO ( OV ) Introduction to the study of Geography
- 290152 VO Basics in Biogeography
- 290232 VO Basics in Geography of Climate and Hydrology
Extension Curriculum Society and Space (Human Geography) (291)
BA GG 11.1 Society and Space (Human Geography) (15 ECTS)
- 290024 VO Introduction to Population Geography
- 290087 VO ( OV ) Introduction to the study of Geography
- 290151 VO Regional development: Introduction and case studies
- 290222 VO Introduction to Economic Geography - Die Räumlichkeit der Wirtschaft
- 290291 VO Introduction to Urban Geography
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29