Guided Readings
- 070011 GR Guided Reading - System, Everyday, Practices: Approaches to the History of Societies During State Socialism
- 070013 GR Guided Reading - Film in Austria - A History of Cinema and Television (from the fall of the Habsburg monarchy to the present)
- 070038 GR Guided Reading - Europe and the Islamic world from the seventh century to the Fall of Constantinople
- 070045 GR Guided Reading - New History of Work. Approaches and Perspectives
- 070048 GR Guided Reading - Ethnocentrism and national identity - The Self and the Other in East Asia (18th to 21st centuries)
- 070050 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Global History, 16th to 21st Centuries
- 070066 GR Guided Reading - Gender History of Work
- 070067 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - The historians and the public sphere - The political uses of the past
- 070069 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Slavery in the Americas
- 070070 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Medieval Ireland (c. 400-1500) - Sources and debates
- 070083 GR Guided Reading - Between the Balkans and the Mediterranean - Adriatic History in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
- 070085 GR Guided Reading - What became of the history of ideas, 1 - "Human rights" in context (Scholasticism to Enlightenment)
- 070089 GR Guided Reading - The medieval town - Society, economy and conflicts
- 070097 GR Guided Reading - The Things We Carry - Migration History and Material Culture
- 070145 GR Guided Reading - Follow the Money - The Social & Cultural History of Financing Western & Central Europe (ca. 1000-1700)
- 070148 GR Guided Reading - Imperial Peripheries in Eastern Europe from ancient to our times
- 070167 GR Guided Reading - Women´s and Gender History - Fragestellungen, Themenfelder und Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte - Guided Reading zur Vorlesung
- 070169 GR Guided Reading - Austrian History 1526-1918
- 070173 GR Guided Reading - Political Participation and Protest from the Middle Ages to the Beginning of the 20th Century
- 070175 GR Guided Reading - Human-Animal-Relationship. - An ongoing disappearance of animal in our live
- 070185 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Sources on the Mongol Empire
- 070190 GR Guided Reading - Nationalist Narrative in Central and Eastern Europe
- 070192 GR Guided Reading - Organisierte Gewalt und Österreich 1918 -1938
- 070196 GR Guided Reading - Zur gesellschaftlichen Funktion von Geschichtsschreibung
- 070227 GR Guided Reading - State and Society in the Habsburg Monarchy in the 19th century
- 070242 GR Guided Reading - War and Peace
- 070260 GR Guided Reading - Sense and Nonsense. Strategies of Making Sense in Early Modern Times
- 070265 GR Guided Reading
- 070270 GR Guided Reading - Social and Cultural History of the Human Body
- 070331 GR Guided Reading - The Kievan Rus'
- 070351 GR Guided Reading - Ubi ecclesia ibi imperium? - The Roman Church and profane power throughout the Middle Ages.
- 070359 GR Guided Reading - Individual and Rule in Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
- 070368 GR Guided Reading - Auto/Biography and Gender
- 070369 GR Guided Reading - Memoria Austriae? The cultural memory of Austria
- 070373 GR Guided Reading - Maria Theresia and her time
Last modified: Fr 21.02.2020 02:20