Jewish Studies
Curricula und Informationen zum Studium sieheür die Teilnahme an den Lehrveranstaltungen ist eine online-Anmeldung erforderlich.Die Lehrveranstaltungen finden, sofern nicht anders angegeben, in den Hörsälen (HS 1 und HS 2 im Erdgeschoß) und im Besprechungsraum (2.Stock) des Instituts für Judaistik statt (Wien IX., Spitalgasse 2, Hof 7.3 des Universitätscampus).
Bachelor Jewish Studies (639 [3] - Version 2015)
1. Compulsory Module - Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
1a. Compulsory Module Hebrew (7 ECTS)
- EXAM 1a Introductory Phase StEOP, Hebrew
- 060004 VU [ de he ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: From Biblical Hebrew to Modern Hebrew 1
1b. Compulsory Module Intruduction to Jewish Studies (8 ECTS)
- EXAM 1b Introductory Phase StEOP, Introduction to Jewish Studies
- 060007 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction in Jewish History, Religion and Literature from the Antique Period until Today - von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
- 060008 PS ( STEOP ) STEOP: Proseminar
2. Compulsory Module Methodology (5 ECTS)
3. Compulsory Module Modern Hebrew (21 ECTS)
- 060014 VU [ de he ] Modern Hebrew 1
4. Group of Compulsory Modules: Epoch Modules (44 ECTS)
4a. Compulsory Module Antique Period (11 ECTS)
- 060027 SE The Kunsthistorisches Museum, the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism
- 010081 SE Jewish and Christian Interpretation of the Old Testament
4b. Compulsory Module Rabbinic Period (11 ECTS)
- 060011 SE Conversion in Judaism: Giur, Teshuva and more - Privatissimum Rabbinische Texte
- 060017 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 1 (70-1000 C.E.)
4c. Compulsory Module Medieval Period (11 ECTS)
- 060071 SE Hajim Vital "Sefer ha-Hezyonot - Book of Visions" - Privatissimum Mittelalterliche Texte
- 070203 SE Seminar (PM4) - Jewish Cultural Spaces in the Middle Ages - Judenplatz and Im Werd: the two pre-modern Jewish communities in Vienna in comparison (1238-1421; 1624-1671)
4d. Compulsory Module Modern and Contemporary Period (11 ECTS)
- 060005 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion from the Modern to the Contemporary Period 2
- 060016 SE [ de en ] Modern History of Israel I: Zionism (Israel Studies) - Privatissimum Neuzeitliche Texte
- 060021 SE Graphic Novels and American-Jewish History - Privatissimum Neuzeitliche Texte
- 480060 KO Jewish voices from and concerning World War I. From Shimon An-Ski to Dovid Bergelson
5. Compulsory Module Original Texts (12 ECTS)
- 060009 SE Mekhilta de Rabbi Yishmael: Reading, Translating, Interpreting
- 070203 SE Seminar (PM4) - Jewish Cultural Spaces in the Middle Ages - Judenplatz and Im Werd: the two pre-modern Jewish communities in Vienna in comparison (1238-1421; 1624-1671)
5. Compulsory Module Special Topics (12 ECTS)
- 060012 VO Golems, Dybbuks and Wonder Rabbis - Kabbala in Film - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060006 VO An Introduction to Hebrew Manuscripts
- 060010 VO Hermeneutics II: Rabbinic Texts as masterpieces
- 060039 VO Constellations in the Middle East I - From the foundation of Israel to the collapse of the "peace process"
- 060013 VO Strong Women in Front and Behind the Camera: Empowerment in Israeli Cinema - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060015 VO Shoah remembrance and memorial in Europe
- 060023 VO Pogrom - An (Un)intellectual History of Genocides against Jews
- 060024 SE Now and Then: Gerhard Kittel and Scientific Antisemitism
- 060025 VO Against Rome: The Jewish Wars against the Roman Empire
- 060020 VO [ de he ] Modern Hebrew Conversation, Rama Gimel
- 020017 VO-L History of Israel
- 020019 VO-L Old Testament Exegesis - Jeremiah
- 020020 UE Exercises in Exegesis (AT) - Royal Ideology and Messianic Hopes in the Hebrew Bible
- 010324 VO [ en ] Religions in the Roman World
7. Compulsory Final Module (11 ECTS)
- 060009 SE Mekhilta de Rabbi Yishmael: Reading, Translating, Interpreting
- 060024 SE Now and Then: Gerhard Kittel and Scientific Antisemitism
Bachelor Jewish Studies (639 [2] - Version 2011) - discontinued
Compulsory Module - Introductory Phase
Compulsory Module - Introductory Phase: Hebrew
- 060004 VU [ de he ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: From Biblical Hebrew to Modern Hebrew 1
Compulsory Module - Introductory Phase: Intruduction to Jewish Studies
- 060007 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction in Jewish History, Religion and Literature from the Antique Period until Today - von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
- 060008 PS ( STEOP ) STEOP: Proseminar
Compulsory Module Methodology
Compulsory Module Modern Hebrew
- 060014 VU [ de he ] Modern Hebrew 1
Compulsory Modules: 4 Epoch Modules and 2 Text Modules
Compulsory Module Antique Period
Compulsory Module Rabbinic Period
Compulsory Module Medieval Period
Texts - from the Antique to the Medieval Period
- 060011 SE Conversion in Judaism: Giur, Teshuva and more - Privatissimum Rabbinische Texte
- 060027 SE The Kunsthistorisches Museum, the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism
- 060071 SE Hajim Vital "Sefer ha-Hezyonot - Book of Visions" - Privatissimum Mittelalterliche Texte
- 070203 SE Seminar (PM4) - Jewish Cultural Spaces in the Middle Ages - Judenplatz and Im Werd: the two pre-modern Jewish communities in Vienna in comparison (1238-1421; 1624-1671)
- 010081 SE Jewish and Christian Interpretation of the Old Testament
Compulsory Module Modern and Contemporary Period
- 060005 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion from the Modern to the Contemporary Period 2
- 060016 SE [ de en ] Modern History of Israel I: Zionism (Israel Studies) - Privatissimum Neuzeitliche Texte
- 060021 SE Graphic Novels and American-Jewish History - Privatissimum Neuzeitliche Texte
Compulsory Module Original Texts
- 060009 SE Mekhilta de Rabbi Yishmael: Reading, Translating, Interpreting
- 070203 SE Seminar (PM4) - Jewish Cultural Spaces in the Middle Ages - Judenplatz and Im Werd: the two pre-modern Jewish communities in Vienna in comparison (1238-1421; 1624-1671)
Special Topic Module
- 060012 VO Golems, Dybbuks and Wonder Rabbis - Kabbala in Film - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060006 VO An Introduction to Hebrew Manuscripts
- 060010 VO Hermeneutics II: Rabbinic Texts as masterpieces
- 060039 VO Constellations in the Middle East I - From the foundation of Israel to the collapse of the "peace process"
- 060013 VO Strong Women in Front and Behind the Camera: Empowerment in Israeli Cinema - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060015 VO Shoah remembrance and memorial in Europe
- 060023 VO Pogrom - An (Un)intellectual History of Genocides against Jews
- 060024 SE Now and Then: Gerhard Kittel and Scientific Antisemitism
- 060025 VO Against Rome: The Jewish Wars against the Roman Empire
- 060020 VO [ de he ] Modern Hebrew Conversation, Rama Gimel
- 020017 VO-L History of Israel
- 020019 VO-L Old Testament Exegesis - Jeremiah
- 020020 UE Exercises in Exegesis (AT) - Royal Ideology and Messianic Hopes in the Hebrew Bible
- 010324 VO [ en ] Religions in the Roman World
Compulsory Final Module
- 060009 SE Mekhilta de Rabbi Yishmael: Reading, Translating, Interpreting
- 060024 SE Now and Then: Gerhard Kittel and Scientific Antisemitism
Master Jewish Studies (839 [2] - Version 2015)
1. Compulsory Module Hebrew and Aramaic (10 ECTS)
- 060019 VU Reading Aramaic Texts in the Talmud
2. Compulsory Module Hebrew and Aramaic Texts (24 ECTS)
- 060009 SE Mekhilta de Rabbi Yishmael: Reading, Translating, Interpreting
- 070203 SE Seminar (PM4) - Jewish Cultural Spaces in the Middle Ages - Judenplatz and Im Werd: the two pre-modern Jewish communities in Vienna in comparison (1238-1421; 1624-1671)
3. Group of Elective Modules: 3 Epoch Modules (33 ECTS)
3a. Epoch Module Antique Period (11 ECTS)
- 060027 SE The Kunsthistorisches Museum, the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism
- 060025 VO Against Rome: The Jewish Wars against the Roman Empire
- 020028 SE [ en ] Interdisciplinary Research - Lamentations in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East
- 010081 SE Jewish and Christian Interpretation of the Old Testament
- 010324 VO [ en ] Religions in the Roman World
3b. Epoch Module Rabbinic Period (11 ECTS)
- 060010 VO Hermeneutics II: Rabbinic Texts as masterpieces
- 060011 SE Conversion in Judaism: Giur, Teshuva and more - Privatissimum Rabbinische Texte
3c. Epoch Module Medieval Period (11 ECTS)
- 060006 VO An Introduction to Hebrew Manuscripts
- 060071 SE Hajim Vital "Sefer ha-Hezyonot - Book of Visions" - Privatissimum Mittelalterliche Texte
- 070203 SE Seminar (PM4) - Jewish Cultural Spaces in the Middle Ages - Judenplatz and Im Werd: the two pre-modern Jewish communities in Vienna in comparison (1238-1421; 1624-1671)
3d. Epoch Module Modern Period (11 ECTS)
- 060012 VO Golems, Dybbuks and Wonder Rabbis - Kabbala in Film - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060013 VO Strong Women in Front and Behind the Camera: Empowerment in Israeli Cinema - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060016 SE [ de en ] Modern History of Israel I: Zionism (Israel Studies) - Privatissimum Neuzeitliche Texte
- 060021 SE Graphic Novels and American-Jewish History - Privatissimum Neuzeitliche Texte
- 060039 VO Constellations in the Middle East I - From the foundation of Israel to the collapse of the "peace process"
- 480060 KO Jewish voices from and concerning World War I. From Shimon An-Ski to Dovid Bergelson
4. Compulsory Module Special Topics (12 ECTS)
- 060012 VO Golems, Dybbuks and Wonder Rabbis - Kabbala in Film - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060010 VO Hermeneutics II: Rabbinic Texts as masterpieces
- 060039 VO Constellations in the Middle East I - From the foundation of Israel to the collapse of the "peace process"
- 060013 VO Strong Women in Front and Behind the Camera: Empowerment in Israeli Cinema - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060015 VO Shoah remembrance and memorial in Europe
- 060020 VO [ de he ] Modern Hebrew Conversation, Rama Gimel
- 060024 SE Now and Then: Gerhard Kittel and Scientific Antisemitism
- 060025 VO Against Rome: The Jewish Wars against the Roman Empire
- 060006 VO An Introduction to Hebrew Manuscripts
- 060023 VO Pogrom - An (Un)intellectual History of Genocides against Jews
- 020017 VO-L History of Israel
- 020019 VO-L Old Testament Exegesis - Jeremiah
- 020020 UE Exercises in Exegesis (AT) - Royal Ideology and Messianic Hopes in the Hebrew Bible
- 010324 VO [ en ] Religions in the Roman World
5. Compulsory Final Module Master (8 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Hebrew Culture and Language (560)
- 060004 VU [ de he ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: From Biblical Hebrew to Modern Hebrew 1
- 060006 VO An Introduction to Hebrew Manuscripts
- 060010 VO Hermeneutics II: Rabbinic Texts as masterpieces
- 060012 VO Golems, Dybbuks and Wonder Rabbis - Kabbala in Film - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060013 VO Strong Women in Front and Behind the Camera: Empowerment in Israeli Cinema - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060015 VO Shoah remembrance and memorial in Europe
- 060023 VO Pogrom - An (Un)intellectual History of Genocides against Jews
- 060025 VO Against Rome: The Jewish Wars against the Roman Empire
- 060039 VO Constellations in the Middle East I - From the foundation of Israel to the collapse of the "peace process"
Extension Curriculum Introduction to Jewish Studies (561)
- 060005 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion from the Modern to the Contemporary Period 2
- 060007 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction in Jewish History, Religion and Literature from the Antique Period until Today - von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
- 060017 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 1 (70-1000 C.E.)
Extension Curriculum Jewish Cultural History in Film and Media (563)
EC Jewish Cultural History in Film and Media (15 ECTS)
- 060012 VO Golems, Dybbuks and Wonder Rabbis - Kabbala in Film - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060013 VO Strong Women in Front and Behind the Camera: Empowerment in Israeli Cinema - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 070100 SE Seminar - FILM NOIR: Exile and Psychoanalysis - Hedy Lamarr from Vienna to Hollywood
Last modified: Fr 11.01.2019 00:31