Bachelor Psychology (640 [2] - Version 2017)
A Introductory and Orientation Period (16 ECTS)
A1 Scientific Thinking and Framework Conditions in Psychology (8 ECTS)
A2 Basic and Applied Subjects (8 ECTS)
B Basics of Scientific Work in Psychology (5 ECTS)
B1 Basics of Scientific Work in Psychology (5 ECTS)
- 200159 VU Experiencing and Reflecting on Research in Psychology
- 200160 VU Experiencing and Reflecting on Research in Psychology
C Core Subject I - Cognitive and Biological Foundations of Experience and Behaviour (24 ECTS)
C1 Cognitive Psychology and Emotional Psychology (9 ECTS)
- 200002 VO Cognition and Emotional Psychology II
C2 Biological Psychology (9 ECTS)
- 200003 VO Biological Psychology I
C3a Advanced Module in Cognitive Foundations of Experience and Behaviour (6 ECTS)
- 200004 PS Introductory Seminar: Cognitive Foundations of Experience and Behaviour
- 200009 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar: Cognitive Foundations of Experience and Behaviour
C3b Advanced Module in Biological Foundations of Experience and Behaviour (6 ECTS)
- 200005 PS Introductory Seminar Biological Basis of Experience and Behaviour
- 200006 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar Biological Basis of Experience and Behaviour
D Core Subject II - Social, Developmental and Personality Psychological Aspects of Experience and Behaviour (26 ECTS)
D1 Social Psychology (6 ECTS)
- 200010 VO Social Psychology
D2 Developmental Psychology (6 ECTS)
- 200011 VO Developmental Psychology
D3 Differential Psychology (5 ECTS)
- 200025 VO Differential Psychology
D4a Advanced Module in Social Psychology (6 ECTS)
- 200015 PS Introductory Seminar Social Psychology
- 200016 PS Introductory Seminar Social Psychology - Einstellung und Einstellungsänderung
D4b Advanced Module in Developmental Psychology (6 ECTS)
- 200017 PS Introductory Seminar Developmental Psychology
- 200145 PS Introductory Seminar Developmental Psychology
D4c Advanced Module in Differential Psychology (6 ECTS)
- 200018 PS Introductory Seminar Differential Psychology - Aktuelle Forschungsthemen der Persönlichkeitspsychologie unter spezieller Berücksichtigung des Aspekts "Ehrlichkeit/Demut"
D5 Diversity Research and Gender Research in Psychology (3 ECTS)
E Methodological Foundations and Foundations of Psychological Assessment (26 ECTS)
E1 Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Psychology (14 ECTS)
- 200020 VO Introduction to Quantitative Methods
- 200022 VU Introduction to Qualitative Methods
- 200023 VU Introduction to Qualitative Methods
- 200024 VU Introduction to Qualitative Methods
- 200026 UE Exercise Course Statistics
- 200027 UE Exercise Course Statistics
- 200029 UE Exercise Course Statistics
- 200030 UE Exercise Course Statistics
- 200031 UE Exercise Course Statistics
- 200032 UE Exercise Course Statistics
- 200033 UE Exercise Course Statistics
- 200036 UE Exercise Course Statistics
- 200038 UE Exercise Course Statistics
- 200039 UE Exercise Course Statistics
- 200068 UE Exercise Course Statistics
- 200146 VU Introduction to Qualitative Methods
- 200194 VU Introduction to Qualitative Methods
- 200195 UE Exercise Course Statistics
E2 Theory and Methods of Psychological Measurement and Observation (6 ECTS)
- 200014 VO Basics of Psychological Test Theory
- 200034 VO Select Methods
E3 Theories and Techniques of Psychological Assessment (6 ECTS)
- 200035 VO Psychological Assessment
- 200040 VU Techniques of Psychological Diagnosis
- 200041 VU Techniques of Psychological Diagnosis
- 200042 VU Techniques of Psychological Diagnosis
- 200043 VU Techniques of Psychological Diagnosis
- 200044 VU Techniques of Psychological Diagnosis
F Fields of Application (22 ECTS)
F1 Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology (10 ECTS)
- 200037 VO Health Psychology
F2 Educational Psychology and Evaluation (6 ECTS)
F3 Work, Organisational and Economic Psychology (6 ECTS)
G Vocational Preparation (12 ECTS)
G1a Psychological Skills (8 ECTS)
- 200008 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200019 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
- 200021 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
- 200028 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
- 200147 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques - Mehr Sicherheit bei Präsentationen - Praxisübung
- 200148 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
- 200163 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200164 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200165 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200166 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200167 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200168 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200174 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques - Mehr Sicherheit bei Präsentationen - Praxisübung
- 200175 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
G1b Training and Work as a Student Advisor (8 ECTS)
- 200161 UE Psychological Skills I: Theory and Training for Student Advisors
- 200162 UE Psychological Skills I: Theory and Training for Student Advisors
G2 Practice of Psychological Assessment (4 ECTS)
- 200178 UE Psychological Diagnosis
- 200179 UE Psychological Diagnosis
- 200180 UE Psychological Diagnosis
- 200181 UE Psychological Diagnosis
- 200182 UE Psychological Diagnosis
- 200183 UE Psychological Diagnosis
- 200184 UE Psychological Diagnosis
H Bachelor Thesis - Preparation and Completion (19 ECTS)
H1 Practical Scientific Work and Application of Psychological Theories (3 ECTS)
H2 Seminar: Scientific Reading (5 ECTS)
- 200154 SE Scientific Readings
- 200186 SE Scientific Readings
- 200187 SE Scientific Readings
- 200190 SE Scientific Readings
- 200191 SE Scientific Readings
- 200192 SE [ en ] Scientific Readings
- 200193 SE Scientific Readings
H3 Bachelor Thesis (11 ECTS)
- 200196 SE Bachelor thesis
- 200197 SE Bachelor thesis
- 200198 SE Bachelor thesis
- 200199 SE Bachelor thesis
- 200200 SE Bachelor thesis
- 200201 SE Bachelor thesis
- 200202 SE Bachelor thesis
- 200203 SE Bachelor thesis
- 200205 PS Exclusive Tutorial - Anwendungsfehler in Statistik, Psychometrie und Diagnostik
- 200208 UE Supporting conversations in difficult situations - Über die Bedeutung von psychologischer Erster Hilfe, Akutbetreuung und Krisenintervention
- 200209 UE Research Workshop for Bachelor Students: Scientific Writing
- 200213 SE Identity and Belonging - Feministische Psychologie in Theorie und Praxis
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32