M02 B Ethics in the Context of Life and Health
- 010020 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics III
- 010090 VO Advanced Course Philosophical Anthropology
- 010109 SE [ en ] Universality and Particularity of the Human Rights
- 030500 SE Law, State and Literature - for diploma and doctoral students
- 090110 VO The Byzantine World: An Introduction to the Intellectual History
- 180022 PS Ethical egoism
- 180040 SE Philosophical Anthropology and moral philosophy
- 180044 VO Philosophy of Religion today: topics, problems, perspectives - lecture
- 180057 SE New Technologies and Images of the Body - Philosophy of Technology and the Mind-Body Problem
- 180076 VO Philosopy of labour - Wie bestimmt die gesellschaftliche Beschaffenheit von Tätigkeit und Produktion das Denken und wie das Denken über Arbeit die Vorstellung von Gesellschaft?
- 180078 SE Ethics, Human Rights and Justice in Psychoanalysis - Contemporary Psychoanalysis
- 180079 SE Age-Disease-Dying - Philosophisch-medizinische und ethische Probleme in der Geriatrie
- 180082 KU Phantasy - Lacanian Perspectives
- 180085 VO-L Philosophy of science and the question of research in psychoanalysis. Part 2 - From the clinical to the empirical and interdisciplinary research
- 180161 VO Practical philosophy - Ich und Du. Philosophie der Person und des Dialogs
- 180173 SE Current questions of medical ethics
- 180182 VO [ en ] Current Developments in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science
- 180186 KU Sensitive bodies
- 190037 SE Special Ethical Questions - Euthanasia and assisted suicide
- 190073 SE Anthropology and Education - Modern anthropologies and their educational implications
- 190122 VO Module 2: Fundamental Terms and Concepts of Psychoanalysis - Fundamental Terms and Concepts of Psychoanalysis
- 300112 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
- 350164 SE ( KPH Krems ) Ethical Issues in Sports
- 360012 DR [ en ] Conscience in Contemporary Theological Literature
Last modified: Tu 26.11.2024 00:46