M4 Electives: Special Topics in Contemporary History and Media (30 ECTS)
M4a Seminar on Contemporary History and Media (5 ECTS)
- 060001 SE Jewish Images in German Film Yesterday and Today
- 070052 SE Seminar - History of Dance and Body Cultures since 1900
M4b Electives: Special Topics in Contemporary History and Media (25 ECTS)
- 060003 VO Introduction: Visual Jewish Cultural History - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060020 VO American-Jewish Cultural History in Film
- 060046 VO History of the Jews in the USA
- 070013 GR Guided Reading - Film in Austria. A History of Cinema and Television - (from the fall of the Habsburg monarchy to the present)
- 070014 SE Seminar - seit dem 1. Weltkrieg am Beispiel der Salzburger Festspiele
- 070015 VO Lecture - Shoa, Trauma and Transgenerational Transmission in Israeli Cinema
- 070032 KU Reading Historiography - Historiography and Topicality. ‚New’ Approaches in Historiography and Mediation of History
- 070060 PS BA-Proseminar - History of the National Socialist Concentration Camps
- 070079 VO Course - "Theory meets Practice" - Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung über die Relevanz der Teildisziplinen des MA Zeitgeschichte und Medien in der Medienpraxis
- 070092 EX Excursion - Das ‚Haus der Europäischen Geschichte‘ (Brüssel) und das ‚Haus der Geschichte Österreich‘ (Wien) im Vergleich
- 070135 VU Media Production and PR - Audiovisueller Content zwischen authentischer Interpretation und virtueller Inszenierung
- 070148 EX Filed trip - Vienna Gastropolis
- 070174 VO Introduction: Audiovisual Sources for Historians
- 070219 PS Proseminar
- 070245 PS BA-Proseminar - Dissolution of the Habsburg Monarchy - and the New States in Central and South Eastern Europe after the World War I
- 070303 PS BA-Proseminar - Der "Europäische Jugendverband", Wien 1942
- 070305 VO [ de en ] Lecture - The Holocaust in the USSR - Sources, Historiography and Culture of Remembrance
- 070312 SE [ de en ] Seminar (PM4) - Tolerance, Intolerance, and Liberalism
- 070314 VO Lecture - Contemporary History and Media
- 070317 VO Lecture - Public History - Public History und interdisziplinäre Geschichtsvermittlung unter Berücksichtigung ausgewählter Themen
- 070319 SE Seminar - "Civilization": Concepts and Debates - Enlightenment - Imperialism - Spengler - Present Time
- 070339 SE Seminar (PM4) - Land ownership and agrarian reforms in South-Eastern Europe in the interwar period
- 070353 SE Seminar - Monetäre Integration und Desintegration im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- 070356 SE Seminar - The United States and the Cold War
- 070358 PS BA-Proseminar - The Cold War in Eastern Europe
- 070363 SE ( KPH Krems ) Seminar - Holocaust education
- 070369 PS PS Proseminar
- 080131 VO+UE B620 Culture and Society: »Visions of Pride«? - Gay pride - 50 years after ›Stonewall‹
- 140050 SE+UE M7: Islamic Education in the European Context
- 170310 VO Lecture: The History of Film - Film history of money
- 170320 VO Lecture: The History of Media
- 170993 VO Image and Word Combinations in History and Theory
- 170994 VO Development of Media and Forms of Communication
- 210133 VO M10: SpezialVO Culture and Politics - Visual Politics
- 210145 SE M13: Seminar for MA
- 220092 VO [ de en ] THEO: VO KPOL - Media and Communication Policy
- 220093 VO [ de en ] Jean Monnet lecture series - Crises, Democracy and the Media in Europe
- 230088 VO Authoritarian turn. Social change and the transformation of democracy
- 410001 SE Theories and methods in historial and cultural European studies
- 410002 SE Interdisciplinary Seminar; Methods of Text, Discourse and Image Analysis für Doctoral Candidates
- 410003 SE [ de en ] GRACEH Seminar: Negotiating Hierarchies. Status and Rank in European History. - Interdisciplinary seminar for doctoral candidates
- 410004 SE Interdisciplinary Seminar for Doctoral Candidates: Paradigms, Theories, Methodes
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32