Diploma Catholic Theology (011 [4] - Version 2011) - discontinued
Die erfolgreiche Absolvierung der STEOP-Module ist Voraussetzung für die Absolvierung aller weiterer Module.
1st Stage of the Degree Programme
STEOP 1 Introduction to the study of Theology
- EXAM STEOP 011,193,055: Modulprüfung Einführung in das theologische Studium
- 010046 PS Basic Texts: Ethics and Anthropology
- 010082 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology II
- 010110 VO ( OV ) Introduction to Catholic Theology I
STEOP 2 Introduction to the study of theology
- 010018 PS Exegetical Methods
- 020002 VO Introduction to the Methodical Comparing Study of Religions
D1 Introduction
- 010015 VO Introduction to the Bible
- 010016 PS Principles and methods of theological research
D2 Biblical Hebrew
- EXAM Modulprüfung Bibelhebräisch
- 010003 VO Biblical Hebrew I
D3 History of Philosophy
- 010028 VO Medieval philosophy
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
D4 Old Testament Studies I
- 010310 VO Basic Course Old Testament II
D5 New Testament Studies I
- 010197 VO Advanced Course New Testament I: Jesus of Nazareth - Historical Context and Theological Message
D6 History of Theology
D7 Canon Law: Basic Questions
- 010025 VO Basic Course Canon Law I
D8 Basics of Catechetics
- 010045 VO Religious Pedagogics and Catechetics
D9 Church History: from Ancient World to High Middle Ages
D10 Philosophical Anthropology and Ethics
- 010023 VO Basic Course Philosophical Anthropology
- 010026 VO Ethics I -Introduction into ethics
D11 Old Testament Studies II
- 010014 VO Advanced Course Old Testament I
D12 New Testament Studies II
- 010021 VO Advanced Course New Testament II - Paul - The Jewish "Apostle of the Gentiles" (Röm 11,13) and the "Parting of the Ways" between Jews and Christians
D13 Theory of Knowledge
- EXAM Philosophy of Knowledge
- 010049 VO Theological methodology
D14 Christology
- 010017 VO Christology
- 010024 VO Basic Course Fundamental Theology I (Revelation and History)
D15 Basic Course Moral Theology
D16 Kirchliches Verkündigungsrecht
D17 Liturgical Studies
- 010004 VO Basic Course Liturgical Studies
D18 Fundamental Pastoral
- 010039 VO Principles of Pastoral Theology
D19 Church History: Late Middle Ages to Early Modern Times
D20 Metaphysics and Theology
- EXAM Philosophical Theology
- 010048 VO Dogmatics: On God
- 010083 VO Metaphysics
D21 Ethics: Introduction to Political Ethics and Social Ethics
D22 Fundamental Exegesis New Testament IV
D23 Systematic Ecclesiology
D24 Theology and History of Eastern Churches
- 010065 VO Introduction to the Eastern Churches
D25 Introduction to the Theology of Spirituality and Literature of the Church Fathers
- 010027 VO Basic Course Patrology
- 010210 VO Introduction to spiritual theology: Theology of prayer
D26 Advanced Course of Moral Theology: In-Depth Studies in Fundamental Morality
D27 Social Studies I: Christian Social Ethics
- 010034 VO Christian Social Ethics I
D28 Practical Ecclesiology
- 010045 VO Religious Pedagogics and Catechetics
D29 Sacramental Celebrations: Introduction
D30 Thematic Module: Ecumenism
D31 Seminars for In-Depth Studies in Philosophy and Theology
- 010008 SE Liturgical Rites Surrounding Illness and Death
- 010009 SE Borderline Liturgies: Church, Life, Mind
- 010011 SE Philosophical Scriptural Interpretation
- 010013 SE [ en ] The Relationship between Church and State from Antiquity to the Modern Period
- 010029 FS Hegel's Science of Logic. The Idea I
- 010030 FS The Sign, the Pyramid and the Death - Hegel´s Dialectic and its Deconstruction in Derrida´s Early Writings
- 010031 SE Mount Athos a center of the orthodox spirituality - Theology and Spirituality of the Eastern Church Fathers
- 010036 SE Artificial Intelligence
- 010037 FS Beyond the two sexes - Inter- and transsexuality as a challenge to society and theology
- 010038 SE The Sayings Source Q: A Bridge to the Historical Jesus?
- 010044 SE Basics and methods for Church History - an Introduction
- 010051 FS Research Seminar for Graduands - DiplomandInnen-, DissertantInnen- und HabilitandInnenseminar
- 010064 SE Mary - Daughter of Israel and Mother of God. Dogmatic and practical theological approaches
- 010070 SE The Human Relevance of Fiction. - Accompanying Seminar for the Lectures on Poetics and Religion
- 010072 FS Jesus, the Christ: Contemporary Approaches to Christology
- 010075 SE Learning the poetry of the images of God
- 010078 SE Thinking on the periphery of Europe - Spanish philosophy around 1900: Miguel de Unamuno and Ortega y Gasset
- 010079 SE The Psalter as Book of Prayer and Meditation
- 010080 SE Discernment of Spirits. Texts from the Christian tradition
- 010081 SE Pastoral Course I
- 010086 FS Cooperation - Confrontation - Separation? How state law reacts to religiously motivated behavior
- 010089 SE "City of God" - On the relationship between religion- city- migration
- 010106 SE Traces of the Sacred in Contemporary Art
- 010109 SE [ en ] Theories of Value in Contemporary Theological Ethics
- 010112 SE Digital mysteries religious education in times of augmented realities - Religiöse Bildung in Zeiten augmentierter Realität
- 010117 SE The Old Testament and Near Eastern Cultures
- 010128 SE Is God a Feminist? Women´s Rights and Religion
- 360009 FS [ en ] Current Research Questions in Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology
Supplementary Examination in Greek
- 010140 VU New Testament Greek I
- 010001 VO Lecture Series: Sexual Abuse of Minors. Crime and Responsibility
- 010054 UE Greek Reading
- 010087 VO Religions and Gender
- 010088 VO Introduction to the Psychology of Religion
- 010099 UE Archaeological Drawing I
- 010101 UE Biblical Hebrew Reading
- 010105 VO Austrian and European Law on Religion - Introductory Course
- 010111 VO Jesus the Messiah II
- 010115 VU The Theosophical Society
- 180184 VO [ de en ] Climate Change and Climate Crisis. Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- 300112 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
- 490300 VU PM1 Digital Transformations
2nd Stage of the Degree Programme
D32 Contemporary Philosophy
D33 Old Testament Studies III
D34 New Testament Studies III
- 010020 VO Exegesis of the New Testament - The Judges of Jesus" - "Historical Contours and Early Christian Interpretation"
D35 Discourse about God in Contemporary Fundemental Theology
D36 Theology of Creation and Eschatology
- 010069 VO Theology of Creation
D37 Theological Anthropology and Doctrine of Grace
D38 Ecumenical Theology: Theologies and Churches of the Reformation
D39 Current Topics of Moral Theology
- 010033 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics II (Ethics of Gender Relationships)
- 010035 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics III
D40 Social Studies II: Political Ethics and Economic Ethics
D41 Religious Studies
- 020002 VO Introduction to the Methodical Comparing Study of Religions
- 020003 VO Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
D42 Liturgical Studies, Sacramental Theology, Matrimonial Law
- 010005 VO Special Lecture: Ordinations
- 010093 VO Advanced Course Canon Law I - Law of the Sacraments
D43 Thematic Module: Dogma and Reason
- 010060 SE ( KPH Krems ) Thinking Philosophically and Theologically
D44 Philosophy of Language
D45 Philosophy of Science
D46 Introduction to Judaism
- 060013 VO Introduction to Judaism
D47 Theology of the Church Fathers and Mariology
D48 Sacramental Celebrations: In-Depth- Studies
- 010093 VO Advanced Course Canon Law I - Law of the Sacraments
- 010095 VO Advanced Course in Sacramental Celebrations
D49 Specific Pastoral Theologies
D50 Homiletics
D51 Church History: Enlightenment to Present
DAM Diploma Thesis Module
- 010008 SE Liturgical Rites Surrounding Illness and Death
- 010009 SE Borderline Liturgies: Church, Life, Mind
- 010011 SE Philosophical Scriptural Interpretation
- 010013 SE [ en ] The Relationship between Church and State from Antiquity to the Modern Period
- 010029 FS Hegel's Science of Logic. The Idea I
- 010030 FS The Sign, the Pyramid and the Death - Hegel´s Dialectic and its Deconstruction in Derrida´s Early Writings
- 010031 SE Mount Athos a center of the orthodox spirituality - Theology and Spirituality of the Eastern Church Fathers
- 010036 SE Artificial Intelligence
- 010037 FS Beyond the two sexes - Inter- and transsexuality as a challenge to society and theology
- 010038 SE The Sayings Source Q: A Bridge to the Historical Jesus?
- 010044 SE Basics and methods for Church History - an Introduction
- 010051 FS Research Seminar for Graduands - DiplomandInnen-, DissertantInnen- und HabilitandInnenseminar
- 010064 SE Mary - Daughter of Israel and Mother of God. Dogmatic and practical theological approaches
- 010070 SE The Human Relevance of Fiction. - Accompanying Seminar for the Lectures on Poetics and Religion
- 010072 FS Jesus, the Christ: Contemporary Approaches to Christology
- 010075 SE Learning the poetry of the images of God
- 010078 SE Thinking on the periphery of Europe - Spanish philosophy around 1900: Miguel de Unamuno and Ortega y Gasset
- 010079 SE The Psalter as Book of Prayer and Meditation
- 010080 SE Discernment of Spirits. Texts from the Christian tradition
- 010081 SE Pastoral Course I
- 010086 FS Cooperation - Confrontation - Separation? How state law reacts to religiously motivated behavior
- 010089 SE "City of God" - On the relationship between religion- city- migration
- 010106 SE Traces of the Sacred in Contemporary Art
- 010109 SE [ en ] Theories of Value in Contemporary Theological Ethics
- 010112 SE Digital mysteries religious education in times of augmented realities - Religiöse Bildung in Zeiten augmentierter Realität
- 010117 SE The Old Testament and Near Eastern Cultures
- 010128 SE Is God a Feminist? Women´s Rights and Religion
- 360009 FS [ en ] Current Research Questions in Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology
- 010001 VO Lecture Series: Sexual Abuse of Minors. Crime and Responsibility
- 010054 UE Greek Reading
- 010087 VO Religions and Gender
- 010088 VO Introduction to the Psychology of Religion
- 010099 UE Archaeological Drawing I
- 010101 UE Biblical Hebrew Reading
- 010105 VO Austrian and European Law on Religion - Introductory Course
- 010111 VO Jesus the Messiah II
- 010115 VU The Theosophical Society
- 180184 VO [ de en ] Climate Change and Climate Crisis. Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- 300112 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
- 490300 VU PM1 Digital Transformations
Optional Subject
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2020 00:35