Advanced Phase (53 ECTS)
3.1 Methods of Social and Cultural Anthropology (24 ECTS)
- 240010 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240011 PS [ de en ] Qualitative Research Methods
- 240012 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 240013 VO Introduction into the Social Anthropological Methods
3.2 Application-Oriented Fields of Research (10 ECTS)
3.2.1 Intercultural applied Fields in Organisations and Projects (10 ECTS)
- 240015 VO Indigenous communities and protected areas - who cares whom? (3.2.1)
- 240016 VO Applied Anthropology (3.2.1) - implementing social and cultural anthropological knowledge
- 240017 VS [ en ] Tracing Citizenship (3.2.1) - Researching Organisations and Practices in the context of European Asylum Systems
- 240018 VS Anthropological Approaches by Preparing and Conceptualizing Intercultural Projects (3.2.1)
- 240019 VS [ en ] Anthropology of Conservation: Empirical Examples from Africa (3.2.1)
3.2.2 Migration - Integration - Asylum (10 ECTS)
3.2.3 Anthropology and Development Cooperation (10 ECTS)
3.2.4 Museum and Educational Work (10 ECTS)
3.2.5 Medical Anthropology - Body Awareness - Transculturality (10 ECTS)
3.2.6 Visual Anthropology (10 ECTS)
- 240020 VO (Representations of the "Other" - Minorities in Images (3.2.6)
- 240022 VS [ en ] Producing short films with ethnographic content for TV, Internet and Public Screening (3.2.6)
- 240023 VS Visualizing our ideas: What we see, how and whom we perceive (3.2.6)
3.3 Current Issues in Social and Cultural Anthropology (10 ECTS)
3.3.1 Politics - Globalisation (10 ECTS)
- 240008 VO Introduction to Political Anthropology
3.3.2 Law - Peace - Conflict (10 ECTS)
- 240007 VO Anthropology of Law: An Introduction
3.3.3 Town - Space - Environment (10 ECTS)
3.3.4 Economy - Tourism (10 ECTS)
- 240024 VO Multidimensional Consumption - Introduction to the Anthropology of Consumption (3.3.4)
- 240025 VO Tourism - local, global, intersectional. Introduction to the Anthropology of Tourism (3.3.4) - Einführung in die anthropologische Tourismusforschung
- 240026 VS On the economy in rural areas (3.3.4)
- 240027 VS [ en ] Economy and morality (3.3.4)
- 240028 VS [ en ] Rethinking Middle Classes (3.3.4)
3.3.5 Religion - World View - Ritual (10 ECTS)
3.3.6 Art - Media - Narration (10 ECTS)
- 240029 VO "Yes, it hurts!". An anthropology of tattooing (3.3.6) - History, practice and theory of tattooing
- 240030 VO Narratives of violence (3.3.6) - Genocidal persecution, media presentation and artistic contributions to coping strategies
- 240031 VS Introduction to Image Analysis for Cultural and Social Anthropologists (3.3.6)
- 240032 VS Narration and visual representation (3.3.6)
- 240033 VS Ethnography and Digital Media (3.3.6)
3.4 Regional Specialisations (9 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2020 00:35