A. Diplomstudium Physik
Erster Studienabschnitt
- 804690 VO Einführung in die Physik II - Einführung in die Physik II
- 901843 UE Methods of Experimental Physics I - Methods of Experimental Physics I
- 901844 VO Methods of Experimental Physics I - Methods of Experimental Physics I
- 877792 UE Methods of Experimental Physics I - Methods of Experimental Physics I
- 877793 UE Methods of Experimental Physics I - Methods of Experimental Physics I
- 877794 UE Methods of Experimental Physics I - Methods of Experimental Physics I
- 877795 UE Methods of Experimental Physics I - Methods of Experimental Physics I
- 877796 UE Methods of Experimental Physics I - Methods of Experimental Physics I
- 877797 UE Methods of Experimental Physics I - Methods of Experimental Physics I
- 877759 VO Methods of Experimental Physics I - Methods of Experimental Physics I
- 877760 VO Methods of Experimental Physics I - Methods of Experimental Physics I
- 877787 UE exercise course in introductory physics I - exercise course in introductory physics I
- 877788 UE exercise course in introductory physics I - exercise course in introductory physics I
- 877789 UE exercise course in introductory physics I - exercise course in introductory physics I
- 877790 UE exercise course in introductory physics I - exercise course in introductory physics I
- 877791 UE exercise course in introductory physics I - exercise course in introductory physics I
- 877757 UE exercise course in introductory physics II - exercise course in introductory physics II
- 877758 UE exercise course in introductory physics II - exercise course in introductory physics II
- 901823 UE exercise course in introductory physics II - exercise course in introductory physics II
- 802931 VO Analysis for physics II - Analysis for physics and related sciences II
- 902418 PS Introductory seminar: Analysis for physics 2 - Introductory seminar: Analysis for physics and related sciences 2
- 804712 VO Principles of Modern Physics - Principles of Modern Physics: Special Relativity and Elementary Quantum Mechanics
- 804713 KO Repetitorium to principles of modern physics - Repetitorium to principles of modern physics
- 804972 VO Einführung in die Vektor- und Tensorrechnung II - Einführung in die Vektor- und Tensorrechnung II
- 804968 UE Übungen zur Vektor- und Tensorrechnung II - Übungen zur Vektor- und Tensorrechnung II
- 804761 PR Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 - Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 (Applications of Computers in Theoretical Physics)
- 878254 VO Introduction into PC hardware for scientists II - Introduction into PC hardware for scientists II
- 804538 UE Datenverkehr über Computernetze - Datenverkehr über Computernetze (Internet, WWW, E-mail, etc.)
- 804882 VO Datenverarbeitung und Informatik - Datenverarbeitung und Informatik (auch für Lehramtskandidaten)
- 800053 UE Informatikübungen - Informatikübungen für Naturwissenschaftler
- 804153 UE Informatikübungen - Informatikübungen für Naturwissenschaftler
- 896335 UE Informatikübungen - Informatikübungen für Anfänger (Problemlösungen in der Programmiersprache C)
Zweiter Studienabschnitt
2.1. Experimentelle Physik
- 877964 VO Microstructure, Plasticity and Phase Transitions - Microstructure, Plasticity and Phase Transitions
2.1.1. Kurs Experimentelle Physik
- 800107 VO Experimentelle Physik II - Experimentelle Physik II: Elektrodynamik und Optik
- 800109 UE Exercises in experimental physics II - Exercises in connection with the lecture "experimental physics II"
- 803537 VO Experimental Physics IV - Experimental Physics IV: Physics of Condensed Matter (including Materials Science)
- 803538 UE Übungen zu Experimentelle Physik IV - Übungen zu Experimentelle Physik IV (Physik kondensierter Materie)
- 877828 VO Subatomic Physics - Subatomic Physics
- 877898 SE Seminar Subatomic Physics - Seminar Subatomic Physics
- 877965 SE Current topics in materials science - Current topics in materials science
2.1.2. Physikalische Praktika
- 804140 PR Physics laboratory II - Physics laboratory II Höhere Praktika (Physikalisches Praktikum III)
- 800137 PR Practical Lab courses in Quantum Optics - Practical Lab courses in Quantum Optics
- 804255 PR Exp. course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics - Experimental course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
- 889955 PR Moderne Methoden der Experimentalphysik - Kennenlernen ausgewählter experimenteller Techniken im Forschungsbetrieb(Vorgeschrittenenpraktikum der Physik)
- 804643 PR Laboratory course in low temperature physics - Laboratory course in low temperature physics (for advanced students)
- 806594 VO+PR Modern Microscopical Methods - Modern Microscopical Methods
- 804332 PR Advanced lab course in solid state physics - Advanced lab course in solid state physics
- 800119 PR Elecronics for Physicists II - Electronics for Physicists II
- 804246 PR Physikalisches Praktikum für Vorgeschrittene - Physikalisches Praktikum für Vorgeschrittene
- 804365 PR Laboratory Course on Materials Physics - Laboratory Course on Materials Physics
2.1.3. Schwerpunkt: Experimental Physics Fachspezifische Höhere Praktika
- 804255 PR Exp. course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics - Experimental course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
- 800119 PR Elecronics for Physicists II - Electronics for Physicists II Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen
- 804286 PR Introduction to neutron and X-ray scattering - Practical Training Course on Neutron Scattering
- 804649 VO Holographische Speichermaterialien - Holographische Speichermaterialien
- 804552 VO Radioactivity-Radionuclide Metrology-Data Eval. - Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 886017 SE Sem.: Probl. in exp.nuclear phys. and data eval. - Seminar: Problems in experimental nuclear physics and data evaluation
- 804303 SE Seminar Exp. Quantenphysik - Seminar aus Experimenteller Quantenphysik
2.1.4. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen aus Experimenteller Physik
- 901836 VO Experimentelle Methoden der Quantennanophysik I - Experimentelle Methoden der Quantennanophysik I
- 804237 SE Quantum Information, Entanglement and Geometry - Quantum Information, Entanglement and Geometry
- 901845 VO "Information is physical" - "Information is physical"
- 804155 VO Natural and Environmental Radioactivity - Natural and Environmental Radioactivity
- 877898 SE Seminar Subatomic Physics - Seminar Subatomic Physics
- 806527 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II - Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II
- 877828 VO Subatomic Physics - Subatomic Physics
- 803556 VO Forschung an Großforschungsanlagen - Research with neutrons and synchrotron radiation at European facilities
- 804367 VO Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology II - Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology II
- 804860 VO Alternative nuclear energy systems - Alternative nuclear energy systems
- 801542 SE Recent scientific results - Recent scientific results
- 800117 VO Electronics for Physicists II - Electronics for Physicsts II
- 814158 EX Excusion to Physics Facilities - Excusion to Large Experimental Physics Facilities
- 804552 VO Radioactivity-Radionuclide Metrology-Data Eval. - Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 886017 SE Sem.: Probl. in exp.nuclear phys. and data eval. - Seminar: Problems in experimental nuclear physics and data evaluation
2.2. Theoretische Physik
2.2.1. Kurs Theoretische Physik
- 804059 VO Theoretical Physics T2 - Theoretical Physics T2: Quantum Mechanics
- 804254 UE Excercises for T2 - Exercises for Theoretical Physics T2
- 896588 VO Theoretical Physics T4 - Theoretical Physics T4: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
- 800141 UE Exercises to T4 - Exercises to T4: Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics
2.2.2. Theoretische Methoden der Physik
- 804004 VO Theoretical Methods M2 - Theoretical Methods of Physics 2
- 804260 UE Exercises in M2 - Exercises in Theoretical Methods 2
2.2.3. Schwerpunkt: Theorie der Quantenstruktur und Geometrie von Raum, Zeit und Materie
- 896632 VO Relativity 2 - Introduction to Relativity 2
- 804644 UE Exercises in Relativity 2 - Exercises in Relativity 2
- 880538 VO Elementary Particle Physics 2 - Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics 2
- 804230 UE Exercises to Elementary Particle Physics 2 - Exercises to Elementary Particle Physics 2
- 804237 SE Quantum Information, Entanglement and Geometry - Quantum Information, Entanglement and Geometry
- 804234 SE Seminar in Theoretical Physics - Seminar in Theoretical Physics: Applications of quantum theory in modern physics
- 859621 SE Treatment of sel. conceptual quantum theor. probl. - Community based treatment of selected conceptual quantum theoretic problems
- 886260 SE Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics - Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics
2.2.4. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen aus Theoretischer Physik
- 803497 VO Introduction to relativistic cosmology - Introduction to relativistic cosmology
- 901830 UE Exercises to relativistic cosmology - Exercises to relativistic cosmology
- 901845 VO "Information is physical" - "Information is physical"
- 804761 PR Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 - Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 (Applications of Computers in Theoretical Physics)
- 804003 VO Modern Physics - Modern Physics' Conception of the World': Relativistic astrophysics and cosmology
- 901828 UE ODICS - ODICS (Order and Disorder in Complex Systems)
2.3. Computational Physics
2.3.1. Schwerpunkt: Computational Physics Fachspezifische Höhere Praktika Weitere Lehveranstaltungen
- 803588 VO Computational Statistical Mechanics - Computational Statistical Mechanics
- 901829 UE Übungen zu Computational Statistical Mechanics - Übungen zu Computational Statistical Mechanics
- 803589 SE Computersimulation molekularer Systeme - Computersimulation molekularer Systeme
- 804976 VO Controlling of the temperature and weight of the b - Controlling of the temperature and weight of the body.
- 877783 UE Softwareentwicklung: - Neue Trends in der Softwareentwicklung: Java, Servlets, Jini u. Javaspaces
- 804971 VO Computational Physics II: Simulation - Computational Physics II: Simulation
- 804969 UE Übungen zu Computational Physics II - Übungen zu Computational Physics II
- 877784 VO Phasenübergänge und Feldtheorie - Phasenübergänge und Feldtheorie
2.3.2. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen aus Computational Physics
- 880363 VO+UE Moderne Computersysteme - Moderne Computersysteme (Verteilte Intelligenz, Internet Design, Network Security, Programmieren, Werkzeuge, LINUX und XML)
- 804538 UE Datenverkehr über Computernetze - Datenverkehr über Computernetze (Internet, WWW, E-mail, etc.)
- 804882 VO Datenverarbeitung und Informatik - Datenverarbeitung und Informatik (auch für Lehramtskandidaten)
- 803588 VO Computational Statistical Mechanics - Computational Statistical Mechanics
- 803589 SE Computersimulation molekularer Systeme - Computersimulation molekularer Systeme
- 901825 UE Neutron transport code MCNP - Neutron transport code MCNP
- 804468 UE Komplexe dynamische Systeme - Computerübungen II - Komplexe dynamische Systeme - Computerübungen II
- 804118 VO Neuronale Netze und Neuro-Fuzzy - Neuronale Netze und Neuro-Fuzzy
- 877783 UE Softwareentwicklung: - Neue Trends in der Softwareentwicklung: Java, Servlets, Jini u. Javaspaces
- 804321 VO Computational Quantummechanics - Computational Quantummechanics
- 804126 VO Einführung in die Theorie vernetzter Systeme II - Einführung in die Theorie vernetzter Systeme II: Vom zellulären Automaten zum neuronalen Netzwerk
- 804759 SE Spez. Anwen. in der Theorie vernetzter Systeme - Spezielle Anwendungen in der Theorie vernetzter Systeme II
- 878254 VO Introduction into PC hardware for scientists II - Introduction into PC hardware for scientists II
- 804065 VO+UE Scientific Computing - Scientific Computing (Sprachen und Werkzeuge, grundlegende Algorithmen)
- 800053 UE Informatikübungen - Informatikübungen für Naturwissenschaftler
- 896335 UE Informatikübungen - Informatikübungen für Anfänger (Problemlösungen in der Programmiersprache C)
- 896258 VO Dynamisches Chaos II - Chaos und Irreversibilität in den Naturwissenschaften
- 804761 PR Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 - Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 (Applications of Computers in Theoretical Physics)
- 804218 SE Practical Class PC Hardware for Science II - Practical Class PC Hardware for Science II
- 901828 UE ODICS - ODICS (Order and Disorder in Complex Systems)
- 877784 VO Phasenübergänge und Feldtheorie - Phasenübergänge und Feldtheorie
2.4. Umweltorientierte und Interdisziplinäre Physik
2.4.1. Schwerpunkt: Umweltorientierte Physik
- 901217 VO [ en ] Management of Nuclear Catastrophies II - Selected Aspects of Nuclear Safety - Management of Nuclear Catastrophies II
- 800183 VO Introduction to environmental sciences - Introduction to environmental sciences
- 901218 VO Radioactive Waste Management II - Radioactive Waste Management - Its Perception and Acceptance II (Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle - Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz II)
- 901387 SE Methoden und Konzepte der Risikoforschung II - Methoden und Konzepte der Risikoforschung II
- 804475 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 804200 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
2.4.2. Atmosphäre, Klima, Aerosole
- 800127 PR Aerosol Laboratory - Aerosol Laboratory for advanced students
- 804139 SE Staub und Aerosolkolloquium - Staub und Aerosolkolloquium
- 804653 SE Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics - Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics
- 804475 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 804200 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
- 901831 VO Aerosolphysics II - Introduction to Aerosolphysics II
- 800125 VO Kondensationsvorgänge - Kondensationsvorgänge und ihr Einfluß auf die Dynamik von Aerosolen und Wolken
- 804002 VO Dating methods - Dating methods
2.4.3. Isotope in Umwelt und Technik (inklusive Risken)
- 804155 VO Natural and Environmental Radioactivity - Natural and Environmental Radioactivity
- 806527 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II - Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II
- 804367 VO Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology II - Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology II
- 804475 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 804200 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
- 806543 UE Radiochemie (Übungen) - Bestimmung radioaktiver Stoffe in der Umwelt und in biologischen Proben
- 804002 VO Dating methods - Dating methods
- 804552 VO Radioactivity-Radionuclide Metrology-Data Eval. - Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 901386 SE [ en ] Basics of Nuclear Technology - Basics of Nuclear Technology (Grundlagen der Nukleartechnologie)
2.4.4. Ressourcen (Energie, Materialien)
- 804097 VO Physics and economics of resource consumption - The physics and economics of an efficient energy and material consumption
- 804860 VO Alternative nuclear energy systems - Alternative nuclear energy systems
- 804475 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 901834 VO Alternative Energiesysteme - Alternative Energiesysteme
- 804200 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
2.4.5. Umweltmesstechnik und Datenauswertung
- 804200 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
- 804475 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
2.4.6. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen aus Umweltorientierter und Interdisziplinärer Physik
- 804980 VO Biophysik II - Biophysik II; Zeitabhängige Prozesse: Reaktionskinetik vernetzter Systeme, Diffussion, irreversible Thermodynamik
- 800335 VO Common features of methods in complementary medici - Common features of methods in complementary medicine - from scientific and intercultural points of view
- 901837 SE Komplexe dynamische Systeme - Komplexe dynamische Systeme-biophysikalische Aspekte
- 804475 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 804200 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
- 804552 VO Radioactivity-Radionuclide Metrology-Data Eval. - Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 804457 VO Nuclear safety and material related problems II - Nuclear safety and material related problems II
2.5. Schwerpunkt: Atomare und Subatomare Physik
2.5.1. Fachspezifische Höhere Praktika
- 804255 PR Exp. course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics - Experimental course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
- 804200 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
2.5.2. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen
- 901825 UE Neutron transport code MCNP - Neutron transport code MCNP
- 804155 VO Natural and Environmental Radioactivity - Natural and Environmental Radioactivity
- 877828 VO Subatomic Physics - Subatomic Physics
- 877898 SE Seminar Subatomic Physics - Seminar Subatomic Physics
- 804367 VO Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology II - Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology II
- 806527 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II - Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II
- 804475 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 880538 VO Elementary Particle Physics 2 - Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics 2
- 804230 UE Exercises to Elementary Particle Physics 2 - Exercises to Elementary Particle Physics 2
- 804859 VO Neutron and solid state physics - Neutron and solid state physics
- 886260 SE Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics - Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics
- 562382 VO Experiments with low-energy antiprotons - Experiments with low-energy antiprotons
- 804002 VO Dating methods - Dating methods
- 804552 VO Radioactivity-Radionuclide Metrology-Data Eval. - Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 886017 SE Sem.: Probl. in exp.nuclear phys. and data eval. - Seminar: Problems in experimental nuclear physics and data evaluation
- 562506 SE Seminar on current topics in subatomic physics - Seminar on current topics in subatomic physics
2.6. Schwerpunkt: Festkörperphysik
2.6.1. Fachspezifische Höhere Praktika
- 804332 PR Advanced lab course in solid state physics - Advanced lab course in solid state physics
2.6.2. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen
- 804309 SE Seminar: Theorie der Kondens. Materie - Seminar: Theorie der Kondens. Materie
- 804628 SE Recent Topics of Materials Physics - Recent Topics of Materials Physics (Electron Microscopical Studies)
- 880572 SE Electron Microscopical Methods (TEM) - Electron Microscopical Methods (TEM)
- 896467 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy II - Introduction into Electron Microscopy II
- 804316 SE Seminar of the Institute of Materials Physics - Seminar of the Institute of Materials Physics
- 804321 VO Computational Quantummechanics - Computational Quantummechanics
- 880451 VO Einführung in die Festkörperspektroskopie II - Einführung in die Festkörperspektroskopie II
- 880440 UE Übungen Einf.Festkörperspektroskopie II - Übungen zur Vorlesung "Einführung in die Festkörperspektroskopie II"
- 804408 SE Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy - Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy
- 804319 SE Seminar Anwendungen von Hochtemperatursupraleitern - Seminar über Anwendungen von Hochtemperatursupraleitern
- 875172 VO Diffusion in Metallen und Legierungen - Diffusion in Metallen und Legierungen
- 875183 SE Ordnung in Legierungen - Ordnung in Legierungen
- 804558 SE Defekte, Kinetik aktueller Legierungssysteme - Defekte, Kinetik und elektronische Struktur aktueller Legierungssysteme
- 804952 VO Introduction into crystallography for phycisists - Introduction into crystallography for phycisists
- 803525 VO Phase transitions in solids: Statistical Models - Phase transitions in solids: Statistical Models
- 804859 VO Neutron and solid state physics - Neutron and solid state physics
- 886260 SE Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics - Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics
- 804680 VO Physics of the Earth - Physics of the Earth
- 260001 VO Holographische Datenspeicher - Holographische Datenspeicher
- 260002 SE Optische Materialien - Optische Materialien
2.7. Schwerpunkt: Materials Physics
2.7.1. Fachspezifische Höhere Praktika
- 804365 PR Laboratory Course on Materials Physics - Laboratory Course on Materials Physics
2.7.2. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen
- 804097 VO Physics and economics of resource consumption - The physics and economics of an efficient energy and material consumption
- 804357 VO Photorefraktive Materialien - Photorefraktive Materialien
- 804281 VO Kristallzucht - Ausgewählte Probleme - Kristallzucht - Ausgewählte Probleme
- 806527 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II - Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II
- 804309 SE Seminar: Theorie der Kondens. Materie - Seminar: Theorie der Kondens. Materie
- 804628 SE Recent Topics of Materials Physics - Recent Topics of Materials Physics (Electron Microscopical Studies)
- 896467 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy II - Introduction into Electron Microscopy II
- 880572 SE Electron Microscopical Methods (TEM) - Electron Microscopical Methods (TEM)
- 804316 SE Seminar of the Institute of Materials Physics - Seminar of the Institute of Materials Physics
- 804286 PR Introduction to neutron and X-ray scattering - Practical Training Course on Neutron Scattering
- 880451 VO Einführung in die Festkörperspektroskopie II - Einführung in die Festkörperspektroskopie II
- 880440 UE Übungen Einf.Festkörperspektroskopie II - Übungen zur Vorlesung "Einführung in die Festkörperspektroskopie II"
- 804408 SE Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy - Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy
- 804321 VO Computational Quantummechanics - Computational Quantummechanics
- 804319 SE Seminar Anwendungen von Hochtemperatursupraleitern - Seminar über Anwendungen von Hochtemperatursupraleitern
- 875172 VO Diffusion in Metallen und Legierungen - Diffusion in Metallen und Legierungen
- 875183 SE Ordnung in Legierungen - Ordnung in Legierungen
- 804558 SE Defekte, Kinetik aktueller Legierungssysteme - Defekte, Kinetik und elektronische Struktur aktueller Legierungssysteme
- 804952 VO Introduction into crystallography for phycisists - Introduction into crystallography for phycisists
- 803525 VO Phase transitions in solids: Statistical Models - Phase transitions in solids: Statistical Models
- 814156 VO Lecture "Physics of Matter II" - Lecture "Physics of Matter II"
- 804387 VO Introduction to Applied Material Physics II - Introduction to Applied Material Physics II
- 804953 SE Physical Materials Testing II - Physical Materials Testing II
- 804159 VO Lecture on Actual Meth. and Appl. of Mat. Physics - Lecture on Actual Methods and Applications of Materials Physics
- 804185 SE Seminar on High Performance Materials - Seminar on High Performance Materials
- 804457 VO Nuclear safety and material related problems II - Nuclear safety and material related problems II
2.8. Privatissima und weitere Lehrveranstaltungen für Diplomanden (alter Studienplan)
- 804063 SE Seminar for Diploma and Phd Students - Seminar for Diploma and Phd Students (Scientific Working)
- 855008 SE Scientific tutoring of Diploma and PhD thesis stud - Scientific tutoring of Diploma and PhD thesis students
- 880682 SE Working in science I, - Working in science I,
- 804396 SE Privatissimum for Diploma and PhD students - Privatissimum for Diploma and PhD students
- 854315 SE Scientific Working - Scientific Working for Diploma and PhD Students
- 854326 SE Seminar for Diploma Students - Seminar for Diploma Students
- 896654 SE Seminar in Quantum Field Theory - Seminar in Quantum Field Theory (Scientific Working for Diploma and PhD Students)
- 892144 SE Dissertanten-,Diplomanden-Seminar - Seminar für Dissertanten und Diplomanden
- 804477 SE Privatissimum for Dipl. students and PhD students - Privatissimum for Diploma students and PhD students
- 890108 SE Seminar for Diploma and PhD Students - Seminar for Diploma and PhD Students
- 854371 SE Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 804305 SE Seminar to introduction in envionmental sciences - Seminar to introduction in envionmental sciences
- 803571 SE Privatissimum for Diploma and Doctorat Students - Privatissimum for Diploma and Doctorat Students
- 854580 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten
- 854591 SE Privatissimum - Privatissimum (Statistische Physik und komplexe dynamische Systeme)
- 804726 SE Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 804438 SE Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 804475 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 877632 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (am Institut für Isotopenforschung und Kernphysik)
- 804481 SE Privatissimum - Privatissimum for PhD students and Diploma students
- 804482 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten
- 875457 SE Privatissimum - Privatissimum for PhD students and Diploma students
- 877635 WA Scientific Working - Scientific Working in Theoretical Physics
- 803558 SE Scientific tutoring for dimploma and graduate stud - Scientific tutoring for dimploma and graduate students
- 804307 UE Supervision of scientific research - Supervision of scientific research
- 801129 SE Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 801543 SE Recent scientific results and discussion - Recent scientific results and discussion
- 854689 SE Privatissimum for Diploma and PhD students - Privatissimum for Diploma and PhD students
- 801542 SE Recent scientific results - Recent scientific results
- 801143 SE Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 804723 SE Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 854382 SE Privatissimum for Diploma and PhD students - Privatissimum for Diploma and PhD students
- 801451 SE Privatissimum: Kernphysik. Altersbestimmungsmeth. - Privatissimum für Dipl. und Diss.: Kernphysikalische Altersbestimmungsmethoden
- 804322 SE Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students - Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students
- 804299 SE Seminar Photonen- und Molekülkohärenz - Seminar Photonen- und Molekülkohärenz
- 804301 SE Privatissimum aus Quantenoptik - Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten aus Quantenoptik
- 804302 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten aus Quantenoptik - Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten aus Quantenoptik
- 804303 SE Seminar Exp. Quantenphysik - Seminar aus Experimenteller Quantenphysik
- 801562 SE Privatissimum Experimentalphysik - Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten des Instituts für Experimentalphysik
- 801563 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten Experimentalphysik - Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten des Instituts für Experimentalphysik
- 804457 VO Nuclear safety and material related problems II - Nuclear safety and material related problems II
- 885973 SE Privatissimum für Dissertanten und Diplomanden - Privatissimum für Dissertanten und Diplomanden
- 562507 SE Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 854502 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten
2.9. Lehrveranstaltungen aus Vorprüfungsfächern (alter Studienplan)
- 875491 AR Philosophical Working Group - Working Group on Philosophy and Natural Sciences
Dritter Studienabschnitt (neuer Studienplan)
3.1. Schwerpunkt: Experimental Physics
- 901836 VO Experimentelle Methoden der Quantennanophysik I - Experimentelle Methoden der Quantennanophysik I
- 804255 PR Exp. course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics - Experimental course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
- 901834 VO Alternative Energiesysteme - Alternative Energiesysteme
- 804139 SE Staub und Aerosolkolloquium - Staub und Aerosolkolloquium
- 804653 SE Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics - Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics
- 901837 SE Komplexe dynamische Systeme - Komplexe dynamische Systeme-biophysikalische Aspekte
- 800117 VO Electronics for Physicists II - Electronics for Physicsts II
- 800119 PR Elecronics for Physicists II - Electronics for Physicists II
- 901856 VO Advanced Quantum Mechanics - Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- 901857 SE Advanced Quantum Mechanics - Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- 901831 VO Aerosolphysics II - Introduction to Aerosolphysics II
- 804552 VO Radioactivity-Radionuclide Metrology-Data Eval. - Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 801563 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten Experimentalphysik - Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten des Instituts für Experimentalphysik
3.2. Schwerpunkt: Theorie der Quantenstruktur und Geometrie von Raum, Zeit und Materie
- 803497 VO Introduction to relativistic cosmology - Introduction to relativistic cosmology
- 854436 SE Seminar in Relativity - Seminar in Special Topics in Relativity
- 901830 UE Exercises to relativistic cosmology - Exercises to relativistic cosmology
- 803521 VO Supersymmetry 2 - Introduction to Supersymmetry 2
- 803522 UE Excercises to Supersymmetry 2 - Excercises to Introduction to Supersymmetry 2
- 854315 SE Scientific Working - Scientific Working for Diploma and PhD Students
- 896632 VO Relativity 2 - Introduction to Relativity 2
- 804644 UE Exercises in Relativity 2 - Exercises in Relativity 2
- 804710 SE Literature Seminar (Gravitation Theory) - Literature Seminar (Gravitation Theory)
- 901845 VO "Information is physical" - "Information is physical"
- 804234 SE Seminar in Theoretical Physics - Seminar in Theoretical Physics: Applications of quantum theory in modern physics
- 859621 SE Treatment of sel. conceptual quantum theor. probl. - Community based treatment of selected conceptual quantum theoretic problems
- 877452 SE Mathematical Physics, Literature seminar - Mathematical Physics, Literature seminar, noncommuative geometry and strings
- 901837 SE Komplexe dynamische Systeme - Komplexe dynamische Systeme-biophysikalische Aspekte
- 880538 VO Elementary Particle Physics 2 - Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics 2
- 804230 UE Exercises to Elementary Particle Physics 2 - Exercises to Elementary Particle Physics 2
- 854294 SE Seminar in Elementary Particle Physics - Seminar in Elementary Particle Physics
- 877635 WA Scientific Working - Scientific Working in Theoretical Physics
- 804761 PR Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 - Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 (Applications of Computers in Theoretical Physics)
- 886260 SE Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics - Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics
- 901828 UE ODICS - ODICS (Order and Disorder in Complex Systems)
- 804025 UE Proseminar Klassische Hamiltonische Systeme - Proseminar Klassische Hamiltonische Systeme
- 804709 VO Classical Hamiltonian systems - Classical Hamitonian systems (previously called T5)
- 901856 VO Advanced Quantum Mechanics - Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- 901857 SE Advanced Quantum Mechanics - Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- 804663 SE Seminar in Mathematical Physics - Seminar in Mathematical Physics
3.3. Schwerpunkt: Computational Physics
- 804710 SE Literature Seminar (Gravitation Theory) - Literature Seminar (Gravitation Theory)
- 901825 UE Neutron transport code MCNP - Neutron transport code MCNP
- 804468 UE Komplexe dynamische Systeme - Computerübungen II - Komplexe dynamische Systeme - Computerübungen II
- 804976 VO Controlling of the temperature and weight of the b - Controlling of the temperature and weight of the body.
- 877781 VO Methoden der Computational Materials Sciences I - Methoden der Computational Materials Sciences I
- 804321 VO Computational Quantummechanics - Computational Quantummechanics
- 804761 PR Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 - Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 (Applications of Computers in Theoretical Physics)
- 901828 UE ODICS - ODICS (Order and Disorder in Complex Systems)
3.4. Schwerpunkt: Umweltorientierte Physik
3.4.1. Fachspezifische Praktika
- 800127 PR Aerosol Laboratory - Aerosol Laboratory for advanced students
3.4.2. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen zur Erwerbung umweltrelevanter Kompetenz
- 800125 VO Kondensationsvorgänge - Kondensationsvorgänge und ihr Einfluß auf die Dynamik von Aerosolen und Wolken
- 804002 VO Dating methods - Dating methods
- 804097 VO Physics and economics of resource consumption - The physics and economics of an efficient energy and material consumption
- 804155 VO Natural and Environmental Radioactivity - Natural and Environmental Radioactivity
- 804305 SE Seminar to introduction in envionmental sciences - Seminar to introduction in envionmental sciences
- 804367 VO Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology II - Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology II
- 804552 VO Radioactivity-Radionuclide Metrology-Data Eval. - Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 901831 VO Aerosolphysics II - Introduction to Aerosolphysics II
- 901834 VO Alternative Energiesysteme - Alternative Energiesysteme
3.5. Schwerpunkt: Atomare und Subatomare Physik
- 562382 VO Experiments with low-energy antiprotons - Experiments with low-energy antiprotons
- 562506 SE Seminar on current topics in subatomic physics - Seminar on current topics in subatomic physics
- 804002 VO Dating methods - Dating methods
- 804200 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
- 804230 UE Exercises to Elementary Particle Physics 2 - Exercises to Elementary Particle Physics 2
- 804234 SE Seminar in Theoretical Physics - Seminar in Theoretical Physics: Applications of quantum theory in modern physics
- 804255 PR Exp. course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics - Experimental course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
- 804367 VO Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology II - Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology II
- 804475 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 804859 VO Neutron and solid state physics - Neutron and solid state physics
- 806527 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II - Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II
- 854294 SE Seminar in Elementary Particle Physics - Seminar in Elementary Particle Physics
- 880538 VO Elementary Particle Physics 2 - Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics 2
- 886017 SE Sem.: Probl. in exp.nuclear phys. and data eval. - Seminar: Problems in experimental nuclear physics and data evaluation
- 886260 SE Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics - Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics
- 901825 UE Neutron transport code MCNP - Neutron transport code MCNP
3.6. Schwerpunkt Festkörperphysik
- 804309 SE Seminar: Theorie der Kondens. Materie - Seminar: Theorie der Kondens. Materie
- 804316 SE Seminar of the Institute of Materials Physics - Seminar of the Institute of Materials Physics
- 804319 SE Seminar Anwendungen von Hochtemperatursupraleitern - Seminar über Anwendungen von Hochtemperatursupraleitern
- 804321 VO Computational Quantummechanics - Computational Quantummechanics
- 804408 SE Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy - Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy
- 804558 SE Defekte, Kinetik aktueller Legierungssysteme - Defekte, Kinetik und elektronische Struktur aktueller Legierungssysteme
- 804628 SE Recent Topics of Materials Physics - Recent Topics of Materials Physics (Electron Microscopical Studies)
- 804799 PR Fachspez. Praktikum für Diplomarbeit - Fachspez. Praktikum aus Materialphysik vor Übernahme einer experimentellorientierten Diplomarbeit
- 804859 VO Neutron and solid state physics - Neutron and solid state physics
- 875183 SE Ordnung in Legierungen - Ordnung in Legierungen
- 880572 SE Electron Microscopical Methods (TEM) - Electron Microscopical Methods (TEM)
- 886260 SE Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics - Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics
3.7. Schwerpunkt: Materials Physics
- 804281 VO Kristallzucht - Ausgewählte Probleme - Kristallzucht - Ausgewählte Probleme
- 804309 SE Seminar: Theorie der Kondens. Materie - Seminar: Theorie der Kondens. Materie
- 804316 SE Seminar of the Institute of Materials Physics - Seminar of the Institute of Materials Physics
- 804319 SE Seminar Anwendungen von Hochtemperatursupraleitern - Seminar über Anwendungen von Hochtemperatursupraleitern
- 804321 VO Computational Quantummechanics - Computational Quantummechanics
- 804408 SE Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy - Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy
- 804558 SE Defekte, Kinetik aktueller Legierungssysteme - Defekte, Kinetik und elektronische Struktur aktueller Legierungssysteme
- 804628 SE Recent Topics of Materials Physics - Recent Topics of Materials Physics (Electron Microscopical Studies)
- 804799 PR Fachspez. Praktikum für Diplomarbeit - Fachspez. Praktikum aus Materialphysik vor Übernahme einer experimentellorientierten Diplomarbeit
- 804953 SE Physical Materials Testing II - Physical Materials Testing II
- 806527 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II - Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II
- 875183 SE Ordnung in Legierungen - Ordnung in Legierungen
- 880572 SE Electron Microscopical Methods (TEM) - Electron Microscopical Methods (TEM)
3.8. Weitere Fachspezifische Praktika
- 800127 PR Aerosol Laboratory - Aerosol Laboratory for advanced students
- 804200 PR Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and Application
- 804255 PR Exp. course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics - Experimental course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
- 804799 PR Fachspez. Praktikum für Diplomarbeit - Fachspez. Praktikum aus Materialphysik vor Übernahme einer experimentellorientierten Diplomarbeit
3.9. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen aus Theoretischer Physik
- 804663 SE Seminar in Mathematical Physics - Seminar in Mathematical Physics
3.10. Weitere Fachspezifische Lehrveranstaltungen
- 801563 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten Experimentalphysik - Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten des Instituts für Experimentalphysik
- 804299 SE Seminar Photonen- und Molekülkohärenz - Seminar Photonen- und Molekülkohärenz
- 804302 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten aus Quantenoptik - Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten aus Quantenoptik
- 804307 UE Supervision of scientific research - Supervision of scientific research
- 804482 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten
- 804552 VO Radioactivity-Radionuclide Metrology-Data Eval. - Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 804859 VO Neutron and solid state physics - Neutron and solid state physics
- 806527 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II - Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II
- 875491 AR Philosophical Working Group - Working Group on Philosophy and Natural Sciences
- 877632 SE Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (am Institut für Isotopenforschung und Kernphysik)
- 877635 WA Scientific Working - Scientific Working in Theoretical Physics
- 885973 SE Privatissimum für Dissertanten und Diplomanden - Privatissimum für Dissertanten und Diplomanden
Freie Wahlfächer und Sonstiges
- 806543 UE Radiochemie (Übungen) - Bestimmung radioaktiver Stoffe in der Umwelt und in biologischen Proben
- 900162 VO Energiebereitstellung und Risiko II - Energiebereitstellung und Risiko - Kosten und Umwelt II
- 901386 SE [ en ] Basics of Nuclear Technology - Basics of Nuclear Technology (Grundlagen der Nukleartechnologie)
- 902419 UE Analysis for physics II - Analysis for physics and related sciences II
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34