Interdisciplinary Degree Programmes
Master Ethics for Teachers and Professionals (641)
Master Gender Studies (808 [3] - Version 2013)
Basics of interdisciplinary Gender Studies (15 ECTS)
- 240052 UE Guided Reading - Queere Sexualitäten?
- 240134 UE Scientific Scriptorium (4 ECTS)
- 240135 UE Guided Reading - Queere Sexualitäten?
- 240136 UE UE Introduction Gender Studies
- 240199 VO VO Introduction Gender Studies
- 240200 UE UE Introduction Gender Studies
- 240204 UE Scientific Scriptorium (4 ECTS) - gender-reflected writing-workshop
Theories and Methods (15 ECTS)
- 240050 SE SE Methods of Gender Studies
- 240051 SE SE Theory I - Theories and Methods of Gender Studies - In/visible epistemologies Un/sichtbare Epistemologien. Wissenschaftliche personae aus einer geschlechtertheoretischen Perspektive
- 240137 SE SE Methods of Gender Studies
- 240138 SE SE Theory I - Theories and Methods of Gender Studies
- 240209 VO Theories and Methodics
Topic Areas (20 ECTS)
- 010069 SE Religions and Sexual Violence in Comparative Perspective
- 240078 SE VM4 / VM7 - Recent feminist, queer, post- and decolonial debates - in international development research
- 240111 SE SE Topics of Gender Studies - Feministisch-theologische und befreiungstheologische Perspektiven vs. Donna Haraway.
- 240126 SE Gender Studies Topics and Themes II - Denken der sexuellen Differenz. Schlüsselbegriffe, Arbeitsfelder und Gegenwartsanalyse eines fem. Ansatzes
- 240236 VU VU topics - Lecture Series & Workshops
Fields of Application (15 ECTS)
- 240114 SE SE/PR (research-) project development
Individual In-Depth Studies (15 ECTS)
- 030186 KU Gender studies in criminology - accountable for Specialisation - EC-Criminal Law
- 180002 SE Feminist ethics
- 180037 SE Cultural Difference and Racism
- 180130 VO-L Current Aspects of Gender Ethics - Introduction to Philosophical Ethics in Gender Context
- 180131 VO Market, Labor, Production - Gender Perspectives on Basic Economic Terms and Concepts
- 230074 SE Dynamics in virtual groups
- 233001 UK Science, Publics, Democracy - Wissenschaft, Öffentlichkeit, Expertise & Demokratie. Von der Nachkriegsordnung zum post-faktischen Zeitalter?
- 233007 UK Knowledge and Science Cultures - Die Bedeutung von ‘Big Data’ für Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit
- 240003 SE [ en ] Transgender Visibility through Readability: transgender narratives and activism in literature
- 240041 PS Afrobubblegum: Cinemas - Feminism - Africa
- 240042 SE Focus on gender bias in Wikipedia - mit Fokus auf den Gender Bias in der Wikipedia
- 240044 VO [ de en ] Doing Feminisms
- 240053 SE Individual Focus Modul - Geschlecht und psychische Erkrankungen in Comics
- 240097 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM1 / VM7 - Gender, Conflict, Security - Feminist contributions to Peace nd conflict Studies
- 240117 EX Individual Focus Modul - Frauen.Leben.Widerstand im Roten Wien
- 240124 SE [ en ] LGBTQI and same sex marriage in Asian Film. With a Focus on Taiwan.
- 240125 VO ( ISK ) VM2 / VM7 - Women, Transnationalization and Care-work - Local intersections of global structural inequality
Scientific Work (16 ECTS)
- 240104 VU Gender Specific Communication and Organization Skills (Module)
- 240115 SE+UE SE + UE Preparatory Exercise
- 240198 SE SE Masterseminar
Master's Degree Programme History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) (944 [2] - Version 2014)
Middle European interdisciplinary master's programme in Cognitive Science (013)
Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:48