MG1 Specialisation Modules (50 ECTS)
Aus den im Folgenden angeführten sechs Schwerpunktmodulen sind zwei Module (25 ECTS) verpflichtend zu absolvieren.
MG1.1 Geomorphology and Risk Research (25 ECTS)
- 290017 PS Climate Changes
- 290058 PR Practical training in Geomorphology and natural hazards research
- 290173 UE [ en ] Measurement of Greenhouse Gases
- 290212 VU [ en ] Scientific Progress in Geomorphology
- 290347 SE Master seminar in Physical Geography: Wind and water in Physical Geography - Betrachtungen auf unterschiedlichen Skalenebenen
MG1.2 Geoecology and Quaternary Research (25 ECTS)
- 290017 PS Climate Changes
- 290071 PR Practical Training in Geoecology and Quaternary Research
- 290173 UE [ en ] Measurement of Greenhouse Gases
- 290347 SE Master seminar in Physical Geography: Wind and water in Physical Geography - Betrachtungen auf unterschiedlichen Skalenebenen
- 290365 KU Scientific Progress in Quaternary Research
MG1.3 Social and Economic Geography (25 ECTS)
- 240057 VO ( NR ) Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - Rohstoffe und Entwicklung: Aktuelle Auseinandersetzungen im historischen Kontext
- 290038 PSE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - Strategische Landesentwicklung in Kärnten am Beispiel von St. Urban
- 290039 UE Methods and Concepts in urban real estate analysis
- 290061 VU [ en ] Catching-up economies in Asia: Innovation, Policy and Development
- 290065 VU Theories of Spatial Development
- 290066 PS "Silicon Wadi" and "Startup Nation": Economic geography of Israel
- 290106 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Innovation for grand societal challenges - Räumliche Aspekte und neue Politikansätze
- 290117 VU Local Recreation, Tourism and Open Space Planning
- 290122 VU Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA): Introduction to participatory research approaches and methods
- 290148 SE Urban real estate markets - internationalisation and financialisation
- 290174 VU Structural change, innovation, and regional policy in EU enlargement and neighborhood countries
MG1.4 Population and Urban Research (25 ECTS)
- 290006 PS The challenge of protracted displacement - Refugee's everyday lives in limbo and possible durable solutions
- 290014 VU [ en ] Urban Population Dynamics
- 290039 UE Methods and Concepts in urban real estate analysis
- 290046 SE [ en ] Masterseminar aus Humangeographie: Population dynamics in Asia and Africa. Comparative perspectives.
- 290054 VU [ en ] Geographies of Innovation and Transitions
- 290056 VU Sustainable Cities
- 290089 PS Simulation Game Humanitarian Interventions
- 290109 VU [ en ] Contemporary Challenges in Urban and Regional Development
- 290111 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Migration in the age of global environmental change
- 290115 SE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning: - Urban and regional development in Lower Austria - small towns along the track
- 290117 VU Local Recreation, Tourism and Open Space Planning
- 290120 VU [ en ] Principles of Urban Planning and Urbanism
- 290122 VU Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA): Introduction to participatory research approaches and methods
- 290148 SE Urban real estate markets - internationalisation and financialisation
- 290165 PS [ en ] Contested Resources, Rural Livelihoods and Globalisation
MG1.5 Focus on Europe (25 ECTS)
- 290016 VU Practical Aspects of Regional Policy in Austria
- 290039 UE Methods and Concepts in urban real estate analysis
- 290055 PS Practice of Spatial Planning in Central Europe
- 290056 VU Sustainable Cities
- 290065 VU Theories of Spatial Development
- 290066 PS "Silicon Wadi" and "Startup Nation": Economic geography of Israel
- 290106 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Innovation for grand societal challenges - Räumliche Aspekte und neue Politikansätze
- 290114 VO History of Spatial Planning and Urban Design
- 290122 VU Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA): Introduction to participatory research approaches and methods
- 290148 SE Urban real estate markets - internationalisation and financialisation
- 290174 VU Structural change, innovation, and regional policy in EU enlargement and neighborhood countries
MG1.6 Focus on Asia (25 ECTS)
- 150017 VO China and East Asia (M4)
- 150057 SE [ en ] Economic Development in East Asia
- 150224 VO [ en ] Intercultural Negotiation Patterns
- 240047 VO EC - TEFA Transdisziplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
- 290006 PS The challenge of protracted displacement - Refugee's everyday lives in limbo and possible durable solutions
- 290061 VU [ en ] Catching-up economies in Asia: Innovation, Policy and Development
- 290089 PS Simulation Game Humanitarian Interventions
- 290111 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Migration in the age of global environmental change
- 290122 VU Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA): Introduction to participatory research approaches and methods
- 290165 PS [ en ] Contested Resources, Rural Livelihoods and Globalisation
Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:49