B. Lehramt Physik
Erster Studienabschnitt
- 260089 VO Introduction to Physics I - Introduction to Physics I
- 260162 UE Exercise course in introductory physics I - Exercise course in introductory physics I
- 260208 PR Pre - Laboratory for Physics Teacher Training - Pre - Laboratory for Physics Teacher Training
- 260163 UE Methods of Experimental Physics I - Methods of Experimental Physics I
- 260164 SE Fachdidaktische Vertiefung I - Training in schoolphysics
- 260217 SE Fachdidaktische Vertiefungen der Physik II: - Fachdidaktische Vertiefungen der Physik II: Reflexion grundlegender Erkenntnisse der Physik
- 260256 PR Hands-on experiments - Teaching aspects of physics: Hands-on experiments
- 260102 VO Introduction to Mathematics for Physicists I - Introduction to Mathematics for Physicists I
- 260157 UE Practical exercises to Mathematics for Physicists - Practical exercises to Introduction to Mathematics for Physicists
- 260216 VO Introduction to Mathematics for Physicists II - Introduction to Mathematics for Physicists II
- 260230 VO Mathematical basics for Physics 2 - Mathematical basics for Physics 2
- 260231 PS Intro. Sem. to Math. basics for Physics 2 - Introductory Seminar to Mathematical basics for Physics 2
- 260223 VO Chemie für Physiker - Chemie für Physiker (Teil A: Anorganische Chemie)
- 260131 VO Chemie für Physiker, Teil B - Chemie für Physiker, Teil B (Organische Chemie)
- 260203 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy I - Introduction into Electron Microscopy I
- 260034 VO Introduction to Vector and Tensor Calculus I - Introduction to Vector and Tensor Calculus I
- 260105 UE Exercises to Vector and Tensor Calculus I - Exercises to Vector and Tensor Calculus I
- 260199 VO+PR spiel.raum.physik - spiel.raum.physik - Das Wissenschaftsfestival
- 260248 SE Multimedia in Physics-Teaching - Multimedia in Physics-Teaching
- 260222 VO "How can I explan it to my young students ?" - "How can I explan it to my young students ?" - How to explain physics to young students
Zweiter Studienabschnitt
- 260159 VO Physics of Matter I - Physics of Matter I
- 260263 SE Order and Disorder in Complex Systems - ODICS (Order and Disorder in Complex Systems)
- 260118 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials I - Ion Beam Analysis of Materials I
- 260219 KO Elementary particle physics - Elementary particle physics for beginners
- 260070 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 260170 SE Quantennanophysic I - Quantennanophysic I
- 260218 VO Lasers - Atom Physics - Optics - Applications - Lasers - Atom Physics - Optics - Applications
- 260137 SE Treatment of sel. conceptual quantum theor. probl. - Community based treatment of selected conceptual quantum theoretic problems
- 260095 VO+PR Practical Class on Modern Microscopical Methods - Practical class on modern microscopical methods
- 260096 VO Introduction into Vacuum Physics - Introduction into Vacuum Physics with Practical Applications
- 260074 VO Introduction into the laboratory course on solids - Introduction into the laboratory course on solids
- 260005 VO Environmental Economics - Introduction into Environmental Economics
- 260161 VO Einführung in die Umweltwissenschaften - Einführung in die Umweltwissenschaften
- 260251 SE Computers in physics education - Computer in physics education with consideration of notebook based physics teaching and blended learning
- 260120 AR Modern Physics in School - Modern Physics in School: From Boltzmann to Bose-Einstein condensation
- 270217 UE Elektronenoptische Untersuchungsmethoden - Elektronenoptische Untersuchungsmethoden
- 260209 PR Advanced lab course in solid state physics - Advanced lab course in solid state physics
- 260212 EX Excursion "Large Scale Facilities" - Excursion "Large Scale Facilities"
- 260176 VO Theoretical Physics for teacher students L2 - Theoretical Physics for teacher students L2 (Quantum Physics and Statistical Physics)
- 260255 UE Exercises to L2 - Exercises to theoretical physics for teacher student L2
- 260253 EX Pedagogics of excursions: research and technics - Pedagogics of excursions: preparation and implementation (History of physics and large scale research)
- 260175 PR Laboratory Course of Schoolteacher Experiments - Laboratory Course of Schoolteacher Experiments
- 260254 SE Practical physics teaching - Physics teaching and practice in school
- 260252 SE Seminar: Physics education research - Seminar for undergraduate and graduate students - physics education research: modern physics and new media in education
- 260203 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy I - Introduction into Electron Microscopy I
- 260213 PV Privatissimum (High School Teacher Education) - Privatissimum (High School Teacher Education)
- 260214 SE Scientific Working - Scientific Working (High School Teacher Education)
- 260264 VO Linear and nonlinear photonics - Linear and nonlinear photonics
- 260265 SE Light-induced metastable states - Light-induced metastable states and phase transitions
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34