40 - Doctoral Directorate of Studies Social Sciences
Social Science
Research Colloquium / Dissertation Seminar
- 400003 FK [ en ] Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates - Migrants and refugees in city-making processes
- 400004 FK [ en ] Cooperation, cohesion, solidarity: Prosocial practices and institutions
- 400005 FK [ en ] Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates
- 400017 FK Dissertationskolloquium - Dissertationskolloquium
- 400018 FK [ en ] Global Demographic Trends
Research Colloquium: Suggested Courses of other Directorates
- 230196 FK Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates - Nursing Science
- 233055 SE [ de en ] Seminar for Doctoral Students in Social Studies of Science
- 350064 SE MA2I - Specialization Course Master Thesis
Research Workshop
- 400001 SE Forschungswerkstatt mit qualitativ-empirischer Ausrichtung: Auswertung qualitativen Datenmaterials
- 400002 SE Forschungswerkstatt mit quantitativ-empirischer Ausrichtung
Methods: Suggested Courses of other Directorates
- 400006 SE Experteninterviews
- 400007 SE Qualitative Interviews - Zugänge zu Dateninterpretation im Vergleich
- 400008 SE [ en ] Methodological Approaches to Qualitive Social Research
- 400009 SE [ en ] Experimental Research Designs in the Social Sciences
- 400010 SE Emisch + etisch: ethische und wissenschaftliche correctness…?
Theory: Suggested Courses of other Directorates
- 350172 VO BC2I - Sports and Society
- 400012 SE [ en ] Critique: Aim or object of social scientific theory?
- 400013 SE Jürgen Habermas
- 400014 SE Neuere Forschungen im Bereich der Internationalen Umweltforschung/Internationale Politische Ökologie
- 400015 SE [ en ] Grounded Theory and Situational Analysis
Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:49