Master Religious Education (Emphasis: Catholic Religious Education) (796 - Version 2017)
MA RP01 Denominational and Interreligious Cooperation (5 ECTS)
MA RP02 Designing Learning - Considering Inclusion (9 ECTS)
- 010073 VU ( KPH Krems ) Shaping learning in primary education
- 490010 VO VO Design and Modes of Reflection of Education and Instruction
- 490073 SE Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes - Methodenwerkstatt zur Bias-Sensibilisierung
- 490226 SE ( KPH Krems ) Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes
- 490238 SE ( KPH Krems ) Seminar on Designing Inclusive Educational Processes
MA RP03 School Practice (7 ECTS)
- 010022 SE Complementary Seminar for Practical Training - Praxisseminar
MA RP04kath Biblical Studies (12 ECTS)
MA RP05kath Advanced Course: Philosophy and Sytematic Theology 1 (12 ECTS)
- 010027 VO Basic Course Patrology
- 010210 VO Introduction to spiritual theology: Foundations of spiritual life
MA RP06kath Advanced Course: Philosophy and Systematic Theology 2 (12 ECTS)
- 010069 VO Theology of Creation
- 010096 VO Philosophy of Language
MA RP07kath Theological Ethics and Social Teaching (9 ECTS)
MA RP08kath School Practice and Subject-Sprcific Didactics (11 ECTS)
- 010013 SE ( KPH Krems ) Bible didactics Old Testament
- 010047 SE Specific subject didactics
- 010076 SE General subject didactics: Subject-didactical seminar accompanying the practical school training
MA RP09kath Advanced Course: Practical Theology (12 ECTS)
- 010004 VO Basic Course Liturgical Studies
- 010021 VO Jews, Christians, Muslims (Special Pastoral Theologies) - Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspectives on the interfaith dialogue between the Abrahamic Traditions
- 010025 VO Basic Course Canon Law I - Introduction into the fundamental problems of Canon Law: constituitional law, law on the Teaching Office of the Church, law on the Sacraments, state ecclesiastical law (in particular religious education in the school system)
- 010045 VO Religious Pedagogics and Catechetics
MA RP10kath Ecumenical Theology (6 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 08.01.2021 00:45