Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Compensations: Historical Science & Slavic Languages and Literature (18 ECTS)
M2.1a Compensation: Historical Science (9 ECTS)
- 070072 UE Guided Reading Political History
- 070073 VO Eastern European History
- 070076 UE Guided Reading East European History - Toleration and Enlightenment in Russia
- 070080 UE Guided Reading Modern Times - Die Aufklärung und die politischen, kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen Ost- und Westeuropa
- 070084 UE Guided Reading Eastern European History - Russian expansion into the Arctic and Siberia - 14th-18th century
- 070085 UE Guided Reading - Contemporary History - International Student Mobility during the Cold War - Global South Students between East and West
- 070087 UE Guided Reading Gloal History - The Global Cold War
- 070113 UE Guided Reading East European History - Cultural History of Poland - from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century
- 070168 UE Guided Reading East European History - vom mittelalterlichen Königreich bis in die Gegenwart
- 070231 UE [ en ] Guided Reading Austrian Histoy 2 - Managing National Diversity in the (post-)Habsburg space - 1850-1950
- 070285 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Migration History
- 070291 UE Guided Reading Global History - Hetero- and Self-Perceptions of the "Orient in the Occident" - (18th - 20th c.) - selected text sources
M2.2a Compensation: Slavic Languages and Literature (9 ECTS)
- 480048 VO ( OV STEOP ) Basics of Slavonic Studies
- 480052 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Slavonic Literatures
- 480051 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Slavonic Lingustics
- 480013 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - Slovenia: Small country, great diversity
- 480124 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - Russian and Ukrainian Cities at the Borderline
- 480105 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - The development of Slovak Cinematography and its greatest successes
- 480106 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - Bulgaria - between the Orient and the Occident
- 480122 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - A brief history of Czech music from the 11th to the 21st century
- 480123 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian cultural policy of the XXI century
- 480104 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - The Yugoslav Wars in contemporary theater
Last modified: Fr 08.01.2021 00:46