UF GSP 03 Aspects and Eras 1 (13 ECTS)
Die im MA Lehramt angebotenen Exkursionen können auch für das BEd Lehramt absolviert werden. Angesichts knapper Plätze wird allerdings empfohlen, statt der Exkursion ein zweites Guided Reading zu absolvieren.
- 070217 VO ( MIXED ) Austrian History I
- 070145 VO ( MIXED ) Austrian History II
- 070072 VO ( REMOTE ) Austrian History II
- 070005 VO ( MIXED ) Economic and Social History - Economy and Society in Europe, 1000-2000
- 070144 VO ( REMOTE ) Eastern European History
- 070019 VO ( MIXED ) Women's and Gender History
- 070044 VO ( REMOTE ) Global History
- 070006 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Austrian History 1
- 070120 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Austrian History I
- 070244 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Austrian History I
- 070186 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Austrian History 1
- 070373 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Austrian History 1
- 070077 UE ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Austrian History 2 - From the corporative state to consensus democracy: The dream of a reconciled society
- 070191 UE ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Austrian History 2
- 070011 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Austrian History 2
- 070146 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Austrian History 2
- 070162 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading
- 070003 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte - Banking and financial markets in the long run
- 070036 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading - Advertising and Marketing Strategies from the Early Modern Period until Today - Von der Frühen Neuzeit bis heute
- 070032 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Vienna
- 070282 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Vienna: Urban Development and Economy - Begriffe, Diskurse und Praktiken in transdisziplinärer und epochenübergreifender Perspektive
- 070021 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Women's and Gender History
- 070275 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Women's and Gender History - Geschlechterbeziehungen und ihre visionäre Gestaltung von "Der Stadt der Frauen" bis "Thelma and Louise"
- 070041 UE ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading East European History - Land Reforms and Restitutions in the 20th Century
- 070046 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading East European History - Baltic History in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070052 UE ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Global History - The Global Cold War
- 070004 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Globalgeschichte - Nations and empires revisited: Novel perspectives on economic and political integration in the long run
- 070114 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Global History - The Open Empire: Imperial China and its Neighbours
- 070178 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Medieval History - Economic History of the Middle Ages
- 070262 UE ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Medieval History
- 070316 UE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Medieval History - Sources ca. 200 - ca. 1500
- 070015 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Modern Times
- 070263 UE ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Modern Times - History of Violence - Trends, Loose Ends and Open Question
- 070189 UE ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Modern History - Foreign experts and advisers in China (17th to 20th centuries)
- 070075 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Contemporary History - Archipel. 20th century Europe on Tenerife
- 070050 UE ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Contemporary History - International Student Mobility in the 20th Century - Global South Students between East and West
- 070081 UE ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Contemporary History
- 070079 UE ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Contemporary History - What is the economy? Approaches in the history of knowledge
- 070117 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading History of Science
- 070013 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Cultural History - Ports - Gates to the World - Die Geschichte eines Stadttyps im Längsschnitt
- 070038 UE ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Cultural History
- 070281 UE ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Cultural History - Alternative concepts of rulership (16th to early 20th century) - Discource and Practice
- 070280 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Political History - History of Political Cultures and Thoughts - 13th -16th centuries
- 070009 UE ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Further Approaches - History of European Integration
- 070113 UE ( REMOTE ) Guided Reading Further Approaches - Antisemitism or Antisemitisms?
- 070092 EX ( MIXED ) Field Trip - World-Economy, Technoscience and Historical Culture in a Habsburg Mining Town
- 070167 EX ( REMOTE ) Field Trip - Berlin - Media, the culture of rememberance, and Public History
- 070097 EX ( MIXED ) Vienna under National Socialism
Last modified: Fr 11.03.2022 07:16