MEC-9 Individual Specialization (30 ECTS)
- 280145 LP [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) MA-ERD-W-3.26 Conservation Paleobiology and Historical Ecology (PI)
- 280250 SE [ en ] Transformative Change towards Sustainable Futures - Environmental Engagements: talks (PI)
- 290071 PR [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Practical Training in Geoecology and Quaternary Research
- 300010 UE ( ON-SITE ) Advanced techniques of electronmicroscopy and ultrastructural research
- 300013 VO Aspects of freshwater bioindication - Methods of assessment
- 300024 SE [ en ] Advances in Marine Biology, part 2 - Seminars for MS and PhD students in Division Bio-Oceanography
- 300038 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) The Human Microbiome
- 300042 VO [ de en ] Water Framework Directive &Habitats Directives &European Standards related to the aquatic vegetation - Basics for assessing the ecological status of waterbodies in Europe
- 300046 UE [ de en ] Transmission Electron Microscopy of Cells and Tissues -Techniques and Preparation
- 300057 SE+EX [ en ] Heavy Metals in Plants and Soils - Seminar for Master and PhD students
- 300063 UE ( REMOTE ) Spatial analytic methods in Conservation Biology - Introduction to GIS (GIS 1)
- 300067 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Seminar Soil Ecology
- 300068 UE ( ON-SITE ) Diversity of marine zooplankton and the evolution of animal life cycles
- 300078 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Biogeographical Excursions
- 300080 VO [ en ] Symbiosis concepts and model systems (Part 2)
- 300091 UE [ en ] OMICS in the research on model organisms and ecosystems
- 300094 UE [ en ] Proteomics in System Biology
- 300102 VU ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to the ecology, classification and determination of wild bees
- 300104 VO ( REMOTE ) Bioindicaton and Biomonitoring
- 300108 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Macroecology and spatial phylogenetics of animals
- 300114 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Current Topics in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution 2
- 300115 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) DNA Barcoding - A new approach to species identification in ecology and biodiversity research
- 300117 VO+UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to ecological modelling
- 300124 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Current topics in macroecology, biogeography and spatial biodiversity research
- 300126 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Soil System Science - Seminar for Master- and PhD Students
- 300128 UE [ en ] Marine Microbial Symbiosis Course
- 300129 SE ( ON-SITE ) Supervisor Seminar for Masterstudents and PhDs
- 300138 UE ( ON-SITE ) Ascertaining major components of the Austrian flora in the field
- 300142 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Evolutionary Biology - Departmentalseminar for Master- and PhD-Students
- 300149 SE+UE [ de en ] Light and video microscopy in theory and practice (parallel courses)
- 300153 UE ( ON-SITE ) Ecology and biodiversity of moths
- 300158 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Journal Club - Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics
- 300159 VO [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Conservation Genetics - Konzepte und Anwendungen am Beispiel ausgewählter Arten , z.B. Wölfe, Tiger, Seeadler, Kondore
- 300163 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Methods in pollination biology
- 300165 UE [ de en ] Algae - their world explored
- 300170 VO ( REMOTE ) Spatial analytic methods in Conservation Biology - Introduction to GIS (GIS 1)
- 300171 UE ( REMOTE ) Writing scientific theses
- 300175 VO [ en ] Microbial Oceanography
- 300176 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Diversity and functional attributes of biological communities - along enviromental gradients
- 300177 SE+UE [ de en ] Biogeochemical cycles in freshwater ecosystems
- 300181 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Current topics in computational biology - Literature seminar
- 300182 VO ( REMOTE ) Ecology and diversity of secondary plant metabolites
- 300183 UE ( REMOTE ) Practical Course in bioindication and monitoring
- 300201 UE [ en ] Microbial Oceanography Course
- 300218 UE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Scanning electron microscopy - techniques and preparations for biologists
- 300235 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Biosystematics and evolution of plants - Seminar for Master- and PhD-students
- 300244 UE [ de en ] Advanced field course fish ecology
- 300268 UE ( ON-SITE ) Excursions on vegetation ecology - Excursions on Conservation, Vegetation and Landscape Ecolgy in Austria
- 300283 UE+EX Identification of amphibian larvae in lab and field
- 300316 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Morphology, systematics and developmental biology of animals - Seminar for Master- and PhD-Students
- 300330 PR [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300332 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Practial Course in Modelling and Systems Biology
- 300344 VO [ en ] Introduction to Quantitative Biology and Systems Biology
- 300352 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) How to get 3D data from biological objects with X-Ray Tomography and analyse them - Special Methods of Structural Botany 1
- 300366 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Advances in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution 2
- 300369 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Genomic approaches to variation, adaptation and speciation
- 300374 UE [ de en ] Water Framework Directive: Introduction to Macrophyte survey - Practical application
- 300387 UE [ en ] Biodiversity of Stream Ecosystems
- 300412 UE [ en ] Basic Methods in Plant Physiology, Anatomy and Ecology
- 300447 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Tropical Ecology
- 300466 UE Rotifers from Europe - Systematic, biology and ecology of the limnetic, marine and semi-terrestrial rotifers of Europe
- 300600 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Methods of chemodiversity research - Phytochemistry and secondary metabolism
- 300648 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Molecular and cytogenetic tools in ecology & evolution
- 300659 SE [ en ] Limnology Seminar - Current research and ecological concepts
- 300724 SE [ en ] Ecological Genetics 1- Seminar for Master- and PhD Students
Last modified: Tu 01.03.2022 12:04