Master Advanced Theological Studies (795 [2] - Version 2015)
Master Advanced Theological Studies
M1 Basic Module: Theology in the European Context (18 ECTS)
- 010026 SE ( REMOTE ) Concepts of Systematic Theology
- 010038 SE ( REMOTE ) The Historical Jesus - the Christ of Our Faith? - A Discussion between New Testament Exegesis and Catholic Dogmatics
- 010039 VO ( REMOTE ) Theology of the New Testament
- 010056 VO ( REMOTE ) Theology of the Old Testament
M2a Courses in Theology and Philosophy (18 ECTS)
- 010015 VO ( REMOTE ) Advanced Course Fundamental Theology (Religion and God in Contemporary Society)
- 010034 VO ( REMOTE ) Theological Anthropology and Teaching of Grace
- 010035 VO ( REMOTE ) Advanced Course Theological Ethics III: Existential ethics
- 010063 VO ( REMOTE ) Christian Social Ethics II: Social ethics, human rights and business and media ethics
- 020030 VO Introduction to the Methodical Comparing Study of Religions
M2b Courses in Theology and Philosophy (18 ECTS)
- 010015 VO ( REMOTE ) Advanced Course Fundamental Theology (Religion and God in Contemporary Society)
- 010088 VO ( REMOTE ) African Religions
- 010092 VO ( REMOTE ) Classical Writers of Philosophy of Religion
Comparative Religious Studies
- 010070 VO ( REMOTE ) Symbol, Sign, Ritual: Introduction to Aesthetics of Religion
- 020030 VO Introduction to the Methodical Comparing Study of Religions
Course in History of Religion
- 010091 VO ( REMOTE ) Introducing Hindu Religions
- 010093 VO ( REMOTE ) Introducing Buddhism
M3 Advanced Theological Studies (14 ECTS)
- 010037 UE ( REMOTE ) Academic German for Theologians
- 090116 SE Patriarch Photios and his three emperors
M4 Current Theological Research (20 ECTS)
- 010054 VU ( REMOTE ) Pastoral challenges in context of migration: the Orthodox Church(es) in Austria - Practical Theology - orthodox approach
- 010057 SE ( REMOTE ) Orthodox Liturgy and Iconography - a byzantine symbiosis and its actual relevance - Eastern Orthodox Liturgics
- 010062 VO ( REMOTE ) Priesthood and ecclesial order in New Testament and by John Chrysostom - Orthodox Exegesis of the New Testament
- 090034 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction into Late Antique and Early Christian Archaeology
- 090036 UE Course on Describing and comparing - Early Christian Sarcophagi
- 090049 PS Roman tomb reliefs
- 090101 VO Philosophy, History and Aesthetics in Eleventh-Century Byzantium - Key topics of the thought of Michael Psellos
- 090104 VO Production and tradition of knowledge in the Byzantine book culture
- 090105 VU Intellectual life in Byzantium according to hagiographic narratives
- 090109 VO Modern Greek History II: 1821-1923
- 090111 VU The Reception of Byzantine/Greek-Culture in German-Speaking Countries
- 090116 SE Patriarch Photios and his three emperors
- 090118 PS [ de en ] Miracles and Wonders in Early Christian Art
- 090121 VO ( REMOTE ) Roman Sarcophagi - Typology, Style, Chronology
- 090122 PS Death and Funerary Culture in Archaic-Classical Athens and Attica
- 090125 VU Metaphrasis in Byzantium: Symeon Metaphrastes and his Works
M5 Master Module (20 ECTS)
- 090034 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction into Late Antique and Early Christian Archaeology
- 090036 UE Course on Describing and comparing - Early Christian Sarcophagi
- 090049 PS Roman tomb reliefs
- 090101 VO Philosophy, History and Aesthetics in Eleventh-Century Byzantium - Key topics of the thought of Michael Psellos
- 090104 VO Production and tradition of knowledge in the Byzantine book culture
- 090105 VU Intellectual life in Byzantium according to hagiographic narratives
- 090109 VO Modern Greek History II: 1821-1923
- 090111 VU The Reception of Byzantine/Greek-Culture in German-Speaking Countries
- 090116 SE Patriarch Photios and his three emperors
- 090118 PS [ de en ] Miracles and Wonders in Early Christian Art
- 090121 VO ( REMOTE ) Roman Sarcophagi - Typology, Style, Chronology
- 090122 PS Death and Funerary Culture in Archaic-Classical Athens and Attica
- 090125 VU Metaphrasis in Byzantium: Symeon Metaphrastes and his Works
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:57