Field Trips (10 ECTS)
Fachexkursionen, die bereits im Bachelorstudium Geographie an der Universität Wien absolviert wurden, dürfen im Masterstudium nicht nochmals besucht werden.
- 290010 EX Field Trip: Cartography and GIS - GIS und Kartographie bei Behörden, wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen und Wirtschaft in Österreich
- 290016 EX Field Trip: Vienna - Gürtel West
- 290033 EX Field trip: Urban social innovation: actors, structures and effects (selected examples) - Akteure, Strukturen und Effekte anhand ausgewählter Beispiele
- 290041 EX ( ON-SITE ) Field Excursion: Germany - Peripheral Places in the Bavarian Forest and along the North Sea Coast
- 290045 EX ( ON-SITE ) Climate and Water as Environmental Resources
- 290048 EX ( ON-SITE ) Field Trip: Applied Climatology
- 290053 EX [ en ] Physiogeographical Field Trip: Flood Management in the City of Vienna
- 290060 EX Digitalization in Rural Areas - Part 1: The Concept of the 'Smart Village'
- 290061 EX Digitalization in Rural Areas - Part 2: Digital Service Provision
- 290062 EX Digitalization in Rural Areas - Part 3: Co-Working in Rural Areas
- 290063 EX Digitalization in Rural Areas
- 290066 EX Field Trip: Global Cause, Urban Effect: Tracking Major Geopolitical Events in Urban Space - Global Cause, Urban Effect - Wirken und Spuren geopolitischer Großereignisse im städtischen Raum
- 290077 PS ( ON-SITE ) Preparatory course for field excursion: Urban Development in South-Eastern Europe - (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290079 EX Field excursion: Urban Development in South-Eastern Europe
- 290080 EX Field Trip: National Sources of Geodata
- 290085 PS Preparatory Course for Field Excursion: Germany - Peripheral Places in the Bavarian Forest and along the North Sea Coast
- 290086 EX ( ON-SITE ) Field Trip: Terrain Navigation
- 290093 EX ( ON-SITE ) Physiogeographical Field Trip: Loess Landscapes of Lower Austria
- 290098 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Thayatal
- 290099 EX ( ON-SITE ) Physiogeographical Field Trip: Mountain Torrents in Vienna - Naturgewalt gebändigt im Stadtgebiet
- 290108 EX ( ON-SITE ) Physiogeographical Field Trip: Vienna Basin
- 290113 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Land Slides in Lower Austria
- 290156 EX Phyisogeographical Field Trip: Loess and Crystalline Landscapes of North-West Lower Austria
- 290161 EX Field Trip: Changing Vienna: Geopolitical Metropolis to Smart City
- 290171 EX ( ON-SITE ) Field Trip: Water Management of the City of Vienna
- 290177 PR Field trip - Cartography and GIS: UAV-based and terrestrial 3D-data acquisition in remote sensing - UAV-gestützte und terrestrische 3D-Datenerfassung in der Fernerkundung
- 290242 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Soil Erosion Research in Lower Austria
- 290248 EX Field Trip: The Danube in the Vienna Basin
- 290390 EX ( ON-SITE ) Physiogeographical Field Trip: Geomorphology of the Salzkammergut
- 290395 EX ( ON-SITE ) Field Trip: Water Ressource Management Lower Austria
- 290448 EX ( ON-SITE ) Field Trip: Waterbalance and Agriculture in Marchfeld
Last modified: Mo 11.10.2021 09:18