Master Data Science (645 [1])
CORE Modules (30 ECTS)
Module IML Introduction to Machine Learning (6 ECTS)
Module SDS Statistics for Data Science (6 ECTS)
Module MDS Mathematics of Data Science (4 ECTS)
Module OMD Optimisation Methods for Data Science (4 ECTS)
Module MMD Mining Massive Data (6 ECTS)
- 053621 VU [ en ] Mining Massive Data
Module VED Visual and Exploratory Data Analysis (4 ECTS)
- 053622 VU [ en ] Visual and Exploratory Data Analysis
Doing Data Science, Ethical and Legal Issues (28 ECTS)
Module DEL Doing Data Science, Ethical and Legal Issues (12 ECTS)
- 053620 VU [ en ] Data Ethics and Legal Issues
- 040309 VU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Doing Data Science (MA)
Module DAP Data Analysis Project and Seminar (16 ECTS)
Specialisation in Areas of Data Science (34 ECTS)
Module SAD Specialisation in Areas of Data Science (34 ECTS)
- 040973 UK ( REMOTE ) Multivariate Time Series Analysis
- 040974 UK [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Methods of Decision Support
- 052100 VU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Algorithms and Data Structures 2
- 052101 VU [ en ] Numerical Algorithms
- 052400 VU [ en ] Information Management & Systems Engineering
- 052600 VU [ en ] Signal and Image Processing
- 052800 VU [ en ] Parallel Computing
- 052811 VU [ en ] Program Optimisations and Runtime Systems
- 052812 VU [ en ] High Performance Computing
- 136041 SE [ de en ] Weakly Supervised Machine Learning
- 250041 VO [ en ] Low-rank tensors and the data-driven solution of PDEs
- 250074 VO [ en ] Deep Learning
- 040975 UK ( REMOTE ) Biometrics 1
- 052315 VU [ en ] Natural Language Processing
- 053520 VU [ en ] Algorithmic bioinformatics
- 053521 VU [ en ] Bioinformatics of sequences and structures
- 070116 PS [ en ] ( MIXED ) Proseminar - Digital Medievalisms: Game Design and Digital Humanities
- 180007 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
- 200076 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Advanced Seminar: Mind and Brain - Fundamental Topics in Cognitive Science + Colloquium
- 269019 VO [ en ] Computational Concepts in Chemistry II
- 270028 SE+UE Research examples in theoretical materials chemistry, polymer science and characterisation
- 270037 VO Cheminformatics
- 270038 UE Computer Course for Cheminformatics
- 270089 UE [ de en ] Research Examples from Theoretical Chemistry
- 270117 VO [ en ] Modern Quantum Chemistry
- 270164 VO Bioinformatic Strategies for Data Evaluation
Master's Seminar (2 ECTS)
Module MAS Masterseminar (2 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 25.06.2021 02:04
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