2.2.2. Teil II Botanik (Semester 7-10)
- 270296 VO Eukaryotic Photosynthesis - Eukaryotic Photosynthesis
- 300050 VO GMO ¿ the ecological perspective - Genetically Modified Organisms ¿ the ecological perspective
- 300055 EX Excursion to Syntaxonomie - Excursion to Description, comparison and classfication of plant communities (Syntaxonomie)
- 300057 VO Syntaxonomy - Description, comparison and classification of plant communities (Syntaxonomy)
- 300065 EX Excursion to the Alps - Extensive Excursion to the Alps: Vegetation, Fauna, Land Use, Conservation
- 300068 UE Electron microscopy of plant cells 2 - Electron microscopy of plant cells 2
- 300078 VO Intro. lectures on horticultural plant physiology - Introductory lectures on the basics of the eco-physiological - horticultural training course (obligatory with 897105).Applied ecology.
- 300079 UE+EX Eco-physiological - horticultural training course. - Eco-physiological - horticultural training course, applied ecology (can be selected only together with theoretical introduction 897116)
- 300080 SE Department Seminar - Seminar for Conservation Biology, Vegetation- and Landscape Ecology
- 300081 VO Vegetation Ecology - an Introduction - Vegetation Ecology - an Introduction
- 300083 VO New System of Eurpean Plants - New System of Eurpean Plants
- 300091 UE Practice in Plant anatomy for advanced Students - Practice in Plant anatomy for advanced Students ( only combined with Nr. 981 208)
- 300092 VO Introduction in Plant anatomy f. advanced Students - Introduction in Plant anatomy for advanced Students (only combined with Nr. 891 219)
- 300106 SE+UE+EX Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology - Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology and plant production: Stress physiology of photosynthesis, functional growth analysis and energy balances, applied ecology in horticulture and agriculture. Obligatory for diploma and PhD students.
- 300121 VO+UE Molecular marker in population biology - Molecular marker in population biology
- 300137 VO Flora and Vegetation of Central Europe - Flora and Vegetation of Central Europe
- 300138 EX Botanical excursions - Botanical excursions
- 300139 SE Financing, communication & management of projects - Financing, communication and management of projects - Practices and techniques for project holders
- 300150 UE Habitatmapping1 - Habitatmapping1
- 300157 UE+EX Eco-physiological - horticultural training course. - Eco-physiological - horticultural training course, applied ecology (can be selected only with 809667)
- 300161 VO Intro. lectures on horticultural plant physiology - Introductory lectures on the basics of the eco-physiological - horticultural training course (obligatory with 809711).Applied ecology.
- 300186 EX Floristic mapping campaigns in Austria - Floristic mapping campaigns in Austria
- 300207 UE Field laboratory course in Ecophysiology of plants - Field laboratory course in Ecophysiology of plants
- 300208 VO Field laboratory course in Ecophysiology of plants - Ecophysiology of plants, introduction to the field laboratory course
- 300209 UE Introduction in practical Photobiology - Practical Photobiology
- 300210 VO Lessons in Photobiology - Lessons in Photobiology
- 300212 UE+VO Field survey of aquatic vegetation - Field survey of aquatic vegetation and related modern data analysis and evaluation
- 300215 SE+UE+EX Specific ecology of plants II - Specific ecology of plants II: stressphysiology, photobiology, development and functinal anatomy, urban ecology, ecosystem analysis.
- 300219 SE Special cell physiology and scientific film - Special cell physiology and scientific film
- 300229 UE Practical plant population biology - Practical plant population biology
- 300235 VO+SE Seminar in Plant Systematics and Evolution - Seminar in Plant Systematics and Evolution
- 300236 VO Ecology and Ecophysiology of plants - Ecology and Ecophysiology of plants
- 300237 SE Botanical field research and collecting tours - Botanical field research and collecting tours
- 300238 VO+UE+EX Biology and Ecology of Plant Galls - Biology and Ecology of Plant Galls
- 300243 SE Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen II. - Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen II. (vor allem für Diplomanden und Dissertanten). Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. G. Bachmann und Dr. W. Wanek
- 300251 VO+UE Morphology and function of pollen and spores - Morphology and function of pollen and spores
- 300263 SE EM-Seminar - Seminar in the fields of Ultrastructure Research and Palynology
- 300264 SE Seminar in tropical botany - Seminar in tropical botany
- 300268 EX EX Conservation and Landscape Ecolgy - Excursions on Conservation and Landscape Ecolgy in Austria
- 300273 VO+UE Course on Vegetation Ecology 1, Part A - Course on Vegetation Ecology 1, Part A
- 300276 UE+VO Rhizosphere - Rhizosphere: Biodiversity, Metabolism and Interactions on the Soil-Root Interface
- 300278 UE Special reproductive systems - Special reproductive systems and their role for evolution and ecology
- 300304 UE Courses in identifying bryophytes - Courses in identifiying bryophytes
- 300305 VO Introduction to bryology - Introduction to bryology
- 300325 EX Hydrobotanical excursions - Hydrobotanical excursions: aquatic vegetation in characteristic habitats in Eastern Austria
- 300374 VO Macrophyte survey and Water Framework Directive - Macrophyte survey and Water Framework Directive
- 300392 SE+EX Scientific guidance: Limnology - Scientific guidance for master and PhD students
- 300408 UE+EX Ecological Floristics (field studies) - Ecological Floristics (field studies)
- 300418 SE Scientific guidance - Scientific guidance for master and PhD students
- 300421 UE Plant tissue culture - Laboratory course in plant tissue culture
- 300422 VO+UE Stress adaptation of higher plants - Stress adaptation of higher plants
- 300471 UE+EX Botanical Alpine course - Botanical Alpine course
- 300472 EX Excursion to heavy metal habitats in Slovakia - Excursion to heavy metal habitats in Slovakia
- 300507 UE+EX Botanical Excursion to Ethiopia - Tropical environments - Southeast Asia: Botanical Excursion to Ethiopia
- 300508 VO+UE Special course: Flower and floral ecology - Special course: Flower and floral ecology
- 300509 UE Chromosome analysis in flowering plants - Chromosome analysis in flowering plants
- 300510 VO Chromosome evolution in flowering plants: - Chromosome evolution in flowering plants: From chromosome counting to chromosome painting
- 300511 SE Introductory SE: Botanical Excursion to Ethiopia - Introductory seminar to the Botanical Excursion to Ethiopia
- 300512 VO+UE Microsatellites: theory and practice - Microsatellites: theory and practice
- 300518 VO Primary producers of freshwaters - Primary producers in freshwaters: ecophysiology with implications for the bio-assessment of aquatic systems and the response to climate change.
- 300524 VO Diversity and Plant Palaeobiology - Diversity and Plant Palaeobiology
- 300542 SE Seminar zum ethnobotanischen Praktikum - Begleitseminar zum ethnobotanischen Praktikum
- 300553 VO Biodiversität und Natur in Lateinamerika - Biodiversität und Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen in Lateinamerika
- 300633 SE Course in bioindication and biomonitoring - How to do a scientific investigation in the field of bioindication and biomonitoring
- 300634 SE Special chapters in veg. ecology & conserv. biol. - Special chapters in vegetation ecology and conservation biology
- 300635 UE Vegetation - Ecological Course 1, Part B - Exercise in vegetation ecology I: data interpretation and data presentation
- 300636 SE Special topics in hydrobotany - Special topics in hydrobotany, especially for MSc and PhD applicants. ( [Ass.-Prof. Dr. P. Englmaier participating]
- 300638 UE Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs - Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs: Isolation, Identification, and Mycotoxin Analysis
- 300649 VO+UE Gland cells and surface structures - Gland cells and surface structures in animals and and plants
- 300658 EX Bryological Excursions - Bryological Excursions
Last modified: Sa 26.02.2022 01:57