APM A/B Specialisation and Supplement (6/10 ECTS)
Bitte beachten Sie: Wenn Sie sich für eine LV eines Erweiterungscurriculums anmelden, müssen Sie für das jeweilige Erweiterungscurriculum registriert sein! (Registrierung über U:SPACE unter "Studium > Erweiterungscurricula")
- 030053 KU ( REMOTE ) Political basic rights
- 030072 KU ( REMOTE ) Freedom of Religion and Belief in Austria
- 030118 KU ( MIXED ) Investigative journalism - Die zwiespältige Rolle der Medien in Strafverfahren
- 030210 KU ( REMOTE ) Freedom and democracy - The parliament has voted, the population will decide?
- 030230 KU ( REMOTE ) An Area of Freedom, Security and Justice of the EU
- 030243 SE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) EU Asylum and Migration Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030378 KU ( ON-SITE ) Justice and Rule of Law - Fundamental questions of the legal system by current problems
- 030396 KU ( MIXED ) Introduction to Law on Culture - Constitutional & European Foundations, Law and Sponsorship and Subventions, Law on Organisational Structure
- 030652 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) EU Constitutional Law: The Evolving Constitution of the European Union - Structures, Principles and Recent Developments
- 030661 KU [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) European security law - EU security law - The central legal questions of the "European Security Architecture" are in the focus
Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03