Study Period (90 ECTS)
BM 2 Fields of Research (15 ECTS)
- 080012 PS ( ON-SITE ) B210 Fields of Research: Negotiating history (sources, objects, popular culture)
- 080070 VU ( REMOTE ) B220 Selected Field of Research: Understanding everyday conflicts. - Ethnographical research on social climate
- 080075 VO ( REMOTE ) B230 Special Fields: - Fandom Studies
BM 3 Empirical Techniques (15 ECTS)
- 080082 PS ( ON-SITE ) B310 Empiric Research
- 080079 UE ( ON-SITE ) B320 UE Historical Methodology: Doing research with autobiographical papers
- 080071 VU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) B330 Specialised Methodology: Mediating Reality
BM 4 Cultural Theories (15 ECTS)
- 080087 PS ( MIXED ) B410 Theories of Culture
- 080006 VU ( REMOTE ) B420 Theories of Culture: Language and/as Culture
- 080074 VO ( REMOTE ) B430 Special Theories: Introduction to Theories of Space and Urban Research
BM 5 Culture and Habitat (15 ECTS)
- 080069 SE ( MIXED ) B510 Space as a Category in Cultural Analysis: - Raumforschung als Zusammenspiel aus Theorie und Empirie
BM 6 Culture and Society (15 ECTS)
- 080072 SE ( ON-SITE ) B610 Society: Popular medias in the 19th century: knowledge and communication
- 080005 VU ( MIXED ) B620 Society: Crises and Futures of the Museum. An Ethnographic Search for Traces
BM 7 Occupational Field (15 ECTS)
- 080101 VU ( MIXED ) B710 Cultural Studies Workshop 1: Beyond the University: - Professional skills and perspectives for European Ethnologists/Anthropologists
- 080088 VU ( REMOTE ) B720 Cultural Studies Workshop 2: Collecting and Curating: Objects of Belief and Superstition
- 080008 KU ( MIXED ) B730 Ethnographic Writing
Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03