Master European Ethnology (823 [2] - Version 2019)
Compulsory modules (95 ECTS)
M100 Media, Discourse and Representation (13 ECTS)
- 080123 SE ( REMOTE ) M110 Media, Discourse and Representation: On the End of the World
- 090054 PS [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Greek film narratives during the Cold War
- 290105 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) Climate Change and Climate Crisis - Transformative Concepts and Innovations
M200 Space-Time Configurations (13 ECTS)
- 080092 VU ( ON-SITE ) M220 Space - Time Configurations: Countryside an Rurality. About imaginations and social life
M300 Cultural Practices and Semiosis in Everyday Life (13 ECTS)
- 080027 SE ( MIXED ) M310 Cultural Practices and Semiosis in Everyday Life: By Comparison. - Practices of Doing Auto/Biography
M400 Knowledge and Materiality (12 ECTS)
- 080029 SE ( REMOTE ) M410 Knowledge and Materiality: Biomedicine as Practice
- 080030 VU ( REMOTE ) M420 Knowledge and Materiality: What do we know about things? - Questions and theories about material objects from phenomenological theory to new materialism.
M500 Methodology and Fields of Work (15 ECTS)
- 080036 SE ( REMOTE ) M510 Methodology: City - Water - River: Research Perspectives and Methods - (Vienna and other examples)
- 080132 VU ( MIXED ) M520 Departmental Colloquium: "Gemischter Satz" - European Ethnology in Vienna
- 070157 UE ( REMOTE ) Methodological workshop - Space and Time
M600 Research Project (24 ECTS)
- 080010 SE ( MIXED ) M630 Project II: - "We never thought we could ever get old" (Bob Dylan)
- 080011 UE ( MIXED ) M640 Interpretation and Writer`s Workshop
M700 Master (5 ECTS)
- 080133 SE ( MIXED ON-SITE ) M710 Master`s Thesis Seminar
Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03