Master Teacher Training Programme: French (196 048, 199 509 - Version 2015 and 2017)
Subject-Specific Science (12 ECTS)
- 110196 SE [ fr ] ( MIXED ) Linguistics Seminar (MA) - French - Le français du Sud / Das Südfranzösische
- 110151 SE [ fr ] ( ON-SITE ) Literature Seminar (MA) - French - Du carmen figuratum au spatialisme
- 110238 SE [ fr ] ( MIXED ) Regional Studies Seminar (MA) - French - Combats de femmes et luttes féministes en France aux XXe-XXIe siècles
- 110147 SE [ fr ] ( REMOTE ) Media Studies Seminar (MA) - French - Le film francophone
Subject Didactics (6 ECTS)
- 110050 SE [ de fr ] ( REMOTE ) SE subject-specific didactics (MA of Education) - French
- 110087 SE [ de fr ] ( MIXED ) SE subject-specific didactics (Training) - Französisch Eigenen und fremden Unterricht erforschen
Command of Language (4 ECTS)
- 110206 UE [ fr ] ( MIXED ) Professionally oriented language use French
Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03