Erster Studienabschnitt
1.1. Pflichtfächer
- 250356 VO Analysis 2 - Analysis 2
- 250307 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 2 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 2
- 250372 VO Lineare Algebra and Geometry 2 - Lineare Algebra and Geometry 2
- 250308 PS Introd. Seminar to Linear Algebra and Geometry 2 - Introductory Seminar to Linear Algebra and Geometry 2
- 250404 VO Algebra 1 - Algebra 1
- 250316 VO Complex Analysis 1 - Complex Analysis 1
- 250342 PS Introductory Seminar to Complex Analysis 1 - Introductory Seminar to Complex Analysis 1
- 250377 VO Ordinary Differential Equations 1 - Ordinary Differential Equations 1
- 250315 PS Introductory Seminar to Ord. Diff. Equations 1 - Introductory Seminar to Ordinary Differential Equations 1
- 250334 PS Introductory Seminar to Algebra 1 - Introductory Seminar to Algebra 1
1.2. Freie Wahlfächer
- 250319 VO Introduction into Mathematical Methodology - Introduction into Mathematical Methodology
- 250375 UE Repetition course to Analysis 2 - Repetition course to Analysis 2
- 250374 UE Repetition course to Lin. Algebra and Geometry 2 - Repetition course to Lineare Algebra and Geometry 2
- 250419 UE Introduction in Using the computerrrooms - Introduction in Using the computerrrooms
- 250371 KO English for Mathematicians - English for Mathematicians
- 250327 UE Repetition course to Analysis 1 - Repetition course to Analysis 1
1.3. Abendstudium
- 250325 VO Analysis 1 - Analysis 1
- 250326 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1
- 250327 UE Repetition course to Analysis 1 - Repetition course to Analysis 1
- 250345 VO Lineare Algebra and Geometry 1 - Lineare Algebra and Geometry 1
- 250431 UE Repetition course to Linear Algebra and Geometry 1 - Repetition course to Linear Algebra and Geometry 1
- 250322 VO Analysis 3 - Analysis 3
- 250321 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 3 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 3
- 250323 UE Repetition course to Analysis 3 - Repetition course to Analysis 3
- 250344 PS Intro. Seminar to Lineare Algebra and Geometry 1 - Introductory Seminar to Lineare Algebra and Geometry 1
1.4. Mathematik für Physik
- 260096 VO Analysis for physics II - Analysis for physics and related sciences II
- 260110 PS Introductory seminar to Analysis for physics 2 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis for Physics and related fields 2
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34