Bachelor Thesis (6 ECTS)
- 220063 SE ( MIXED ) INSOWI B: SE FOPRA Research Practice
- 230017 SE ( REMOTE ) Selected Paradigms: New Sociology of Knowledge
- 230018 SE ( MIXED ) Selected Paradigms: Social Movements and Social Change
- 230019 SE ( REMOTE ) Selected Paradigms: The Chicago School - Theory and methodology of a sociological paradigm
- 230020 SE ( REMOTE ) Selected Paradigms: Weber Paradigm? Max and Marianne Weber
- 230021 SE ( MIXED ) Selected Paradigms: Milestones of Sociology
- 230070 VO+SE ( REMOTE ) Sociology of Age
- 230071 VO+SE ( REMOTE ) Sociology of Media
- 230072 VO+SE ( MIXED ) Visual communication in organizations
- 230073 VO+SE ( MIXED ) Sociology of Police
- 230074 VO+SE ( REMOTE ) Sociology of Organization and Health
- 230080 FPR [ en ] ( MIXED ) Research Practice 1: Social and environmental sustainability - Trade-offs and opportunities
- 230081 FPR ( MIXED ) Research Practice 1: "Marienthal reversed" - A study on the transition out of long-term unemployment
- 230082 FPR ( REMOTE ) FPR Research Practice 1: Resilience and COVID-19
- 230083 FPR ( MIXED ) FPR Research Practice 1: Security Society - Development and prospects of control culture
- 230084 FPR ( REMOTE ) FPR Research Practice 1: The meaningful construction of the digital world - Towards a sociology of the digital
- 230086 FPR ( MIXED ) FPR Research Practice 2: Private Debts and Financial Literacy
- 230087 FPR ( MIXED ) FPR Research Practice 2: The Rich and the Super-Rich - Empirical analyses of the structure and dynamics of wealth in Vienna
- 230088 FPR ( MIXED ) FPR Research Practice 2: Implications of the pandemic on structures of social inequality
- 230089 FPR ( REMOTE ) FPR Research Practice 2: Democratization and Radicalization in Europe
- 230113 SE ( ON-SITE ) Writing the bachelor thesis successfully! - Seminar to support bachelor students in their qualitative empirical thesis (indepentant of the research topic)
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