Private Law Stage (Module 4-9)
2.1. PM4 Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure (16 ECTS)
2.1.1. Lecture Courses
- 030685 VO Criminal law general section II - Strafen und andere Rechtsfolgen
- 030790 VO Criminal Procedure
- 030855 VO Quickstart Criminal Law
2.1.2. Exercises
- 030059 PUE Exercise in Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure
- 030221 PUE ( REMOTE ) Exercise in Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure
- 030288 PUE Exercise in Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure
- 030507 PUE ( REMOTE ) Exercise in Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure
- 030617 PUE ( REMOTE ) Exercise in Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure
2.1.3. Case study courses
2.1.4. Seminars
2.1.5. Revision Courses
2.1.6. Courses
- 030013 KU Criminal defence
- 030049 KU Cyber Criminal Law II
- 030265 KU Criminal Policy
- 030305 KU White collar crime law in practice
- 030480 KU Discussion group on anti-curruption law
- 030687 KU Economic and european criminal law
- 030801 KU State protection and the fight against terrorism
2.1.7. Seminars
- 030052 SE Seminar in Criminology - for graduates and doctoral candidates
- 030304 SE Comparison of Criminal Law and Delinquency LIVE - in collaboration with the Institute of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology, University of Graz
- 030527 SE Seminar "Criminal and Procedure: jurisdiction and doctrine - exchanging views" - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030590 SE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Transnational Organised Crime: Legalisation and decriminalisation of narcotic drugs, Part 2 of 2 - seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 030611 SE Seminar in Criminal Law: Communication Technologies, Pend Law and Human Rights
- 030683 SE ( MIXED ) Organised crime and terrorism in international law - Seminar for diploma and doctoral students
2.2. PM5 Civil Law (14 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE REMOTE COMM Oral module examination in Civil Law
- EXAM REMOTE COMM Written module examination in Private Law
2.2.1. Lecture Courses
- 030558 VO ( REMOTE ) Consumer Law
- 030732 VO Family Law
- 030755 VO Law of Succession
- 030763 VO Property Law - Austrian Private Law
2.2.2. Exercises
- 030065 PUE Exercise in Civil Law
- 030073 PUE Exercise in Civil Law
- 030110 PUE ( MIXED ) Exercise in Civil Law
- 030159 PUE Exercise in Civil Law
- 030266 PUE Exercise in Civil Law
- 030364 PUE Exercise in Civil Law
- 030439 PUE Exercise in Civil Law
- 030453 PUE Exercise in Civil Law
2.2.3. Case study courses/Exercises
- 030063 KU Case Studies In Private Law - für den Prüfungstermin April 2022
- 030377 KU Case Studies in Private Law - für den Prüfungstermin April 2022
- 030523 KU Case study course in Civil Law - für den Prüfungstermin Juni 2022
- 030546 KU Case study course in Civil Law - für den Prüfungstermin Juni 2022
2.2.4. Revision Courses
- 030497 VO Review course: Conflict of Laws, Convention on the International Sale of Goods
- 030746 VO Revision Course in Civil Law - for October 2022
- 030774 VO Revision Course in Civil Law - for June 2022
2.2.5. Seminars
- 030095 SE Seminar in Private Law - für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030255 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar on Private Law, Conflict of Laws and Comparative Law
- 030460 SE ( REMOTE ) Seminar in Civil Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030465 SE [ de en ] Smart Contracting
- 030596 SE Data in Law
- 030699 SE Course in Civil and Labour Law - Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 030700 SE Seminar: Family and Enterprise Corporations - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030745 SE ABGB, Roman Law, and Comparative Law - also for diploma and doctoral students
2.2.6. Courses
- 030041 KU International Tort Law
- 030098 KU Construction contract and construction management aspects of supplementary contract management
- 030101 KU ( REMOTE ) Citation Styles & Reference Management Systems in Legal Studies
- 030117 KU Innovations in European, Austrian and German digital contract law - Quality in relation to data protection, data contract law, contract types - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030223 KU Personality Rights - of private individuals and celebrities; authors; artists
- 030289 KU Problems of contract law, case studies insurance law - case studies insurance law
- 030297 KU [ en ] Public Markets, Securities Regulation and Corporate Governance - A Comparative EU and US Approach
- 030739 KU EU Regulation on Succession and Wills and Main Features of Foreign Law of Succession
2.2.7. Moot Court
- 030411 MC Moot Court Private Law
- 030623 MC [ en ] PAX Moot Court - Moot Court for International Civil Procedure and Private International Law
2.3. PM6 Business Law (14 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE ON-SITE COMM Oral module examination in Business Law
- EXAM REMOTE COMM Written module examination in Private Law
2.3.1. Lecture Courses
- 030631 VO ( REMOTE ) International Business Law
- 030705 VO Commercial law and an introduction to intellectual property and unfair competition law
- 030815 VO Competition Law and Intellectual Property
2.3.2. Exercises
- 030083 PUE ( MIXED ) Exercise in Business Law
- 030291 PUE Exercise in Business Law
- 030295 PUE Exercise in Business Law
- 030310 PUE Exercise in Business Law
- 030340 PUE Exercise in Business Law
- 030381 PUE Exercise in Business Law
- 030383 PUE ( MIXED ) Exercise in Business Law
- 030632 PUE Exercise in Business Law
2.3.3. Case study courses
- 030347 KU Case Study Course in Commercial and Business Law - zur Vorbereitung auf die FÜM II
- 030391 VO Case Study Course in Commercial and Business Law - Zur Vorbereitung auf die FÜM II
2.3.4. Revision Courses
- 030127 VO Commercial and Business Law - Vormals Repetitorium aus Unternehmensrecht I Allgemeine Bestimmungen, unternehmensbezogene Geschäfte. 1., 3., 4. Buch zum UGB
- 030145 VO General Principles of Corporate Law and Law of Partnerships
- 030268 VO Commercial and Business Law - Law of Corporations
- 030604 VO Commercial and Business Law - Securities, Intellectual Property and Competition Law
2.3.5. Courses
- 030080 KU Shareholder Disputes
- 030216 KU Crypto-assets in corporate and capital markets law
- 030249 KU European and Austrian Antitrust Law
- 030758 KU [ en ] M & A International Part II - Competition Law (cartel-agreements, mergers) - Gesellschaftsrecht und Kartellrecht
- 030829 KU ( REMOTE ) Copyright in the digital single market
2.3.6. Privatissimum
2.3.7. Seminars
- 030047 SE Seminar on Commercial and Business Law - for diploma students and graduates
- 030207 SE Seminar on Commercial and Business Law - für Diplomand*innen
- 030217 SE Seminar on corporate and commercial law - Seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 030239 SE [ en ] European and International Business and Technology Law Seminar
- 030252 SE Seminar on Commercial and Business Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030312 SE ( MIXED ) Seminar on Commercial and Business Law - for Undergraduates
- 030512 SE ( MIXED ) Seminar on Commercial and Business Law: Main Emphasis on Association Law - for Undergraduates
- 030593 SE Comparative law and economic analysis of private business law - Seminar for diploma students and doctoral students
- 040170 SE Seminar Economic Law (MA)
2.4. PM7 Law of Civil Procedure (14 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE REMOTE COMM Oral module examination in Law of Civil Procedure
2.4.1. Lecture Courses
- 030716 VO ( MIXED ) Civil Procedure II (Enforcement Law)
- 030779 VO Civil Procedure II (Insolvency Law)
2.4.2. Exercises
- 030086 PUE ( REMOTE ) Exercise in Law of Civil Procedure - for examination candidates who take Prof. Oberhammer's module examination on civil procedure in April and in June 2022
- 030091 PUE ( REMOTE ) Exercise in Law of Civil Procedure - for examination candidates who take Prof. Oberhammer's module examination on civil procedure in June and in October 2022
- 030195 PUE ( REMOTE ) Exercise in Law of Civil Procedure
- 030421 PUE Exercise in Law of Civil Procedure
- 030605 PUE Exercise on Civil Procedure
- 030614 PUE Exercise in Law of Civil Procedure
- 030717 PUE Exercise in Law of Civil Procedure
- 030749 PUE Exercise in Law of Civil Procedure
2.4.3. Revision Courses
- 030148 VO Prep Course for the exam on civil procedure
- 030343 VO Prep Course for the exam on civil procedure
- 030592 KU Conversatorium - for examination candidates who take Prof. Scholz-Berger's module examination on civil procedure in June 2022
2.4.4. Seminars
- 030121 SE ( MIXED ) Seminar on Civil Procedure - Current developments in (inter)national civil procedure - for diploma students and doctoral students
- 030360 SE ( MIXED ) Seminar on Insolvency law - für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030436 SE Seminar on Civil Procedure - for diploma students
- 030520 SE ( MIXED ) Seminar on litigation and enforcement law - Seminar for Master Candidates
- 030573 SE Seminar on Civil Procedure - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030797 SE Seminar in Labour Law and Civil Procedure - auch für Diplomand'innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030841 SE International procedural law and comparative law in the tri-border area - for undergraduate and graduate students (coop. with Universities of Lausanne and Heidelberg)
- 030842 SE Art and Law - for Doctoral and graduate Candidates
2.4.5. Courses
- 030108 KU Colloquium Collective redress in Europe - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030704 KU European Civil Procedure - Basics, Developments and Trends
- 030799 KU Austrian and international Procedural Law in Family Law Cases
2.4.6. Moot Court
- 030761 MC [ en ] Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)
- 030821 MC ( MIXED ) Mock Mediation Competition 2022: Training and Competition - in cooperation with Assoz.Prof. Dr. Sascha Ferz, University Graz
2.5. PM8 Labour Law and Law of Social Security (14 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE COMM Oral module examination in Labour Law and Law of Social Security
- 030820 MC ( MIXED ) Moot Court Labour Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030830 MC [ en ] ( MIXED ) Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition - Master Candidates
2.5.1. Lecture Courses
- 030051 VO ( MIXED ) Labour Law and Law of Social Security: Part I Collective Labour Law
- 030179 VO Employment and Contract Labour Law
- 030280 VO ( REMOTE ) Social Security Law
2.5.2. Exercises
- 030011 PUE Exercise in Labour Law and Law of Social Security
- 030082 PUE Exercise in Labour Law and Law of Social Security
- 030232 PUE Exercise in Labour Law and Law of Social Security
- 030296 PUE Exercise in Labour Law and Law of Social Security - Block-LV im Mai/Juni
- 030306 PUE Exercise in Labour Law and Law of Social Security
- 030313 PUE Exercise in Labour Law and Law of Social Security
- 030498 PUE Exercise in Labour Law and Law of Social Security
2.5.3. Revision Courses
- 030190 VO Conversatorium - mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf juristische Methodenlehre im Arbeitsrecht
- 030462 RE ( REMOTE ) Conversatorium
- 030491 RE Conversatorium
2.5.4. Conversatoriums
2.5.5. Seminars
- 030066 SE Seminar in Labour Law - Working Time Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030068 SE [ en ] Business and labour rights: theory and practice
- 030070 SE Course in Labour Law - Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 030074 SE Seminar: Labour Law and Social Security Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030093 SE Seminar: Labour Law and Social Security Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030099 SE ( MIXED ) Social protection of migrants
- 030185 SE Comparing social Policies Austria-Japan - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030699 SE Course in Civil and Labour Law - Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 030743 SE ( MIXED ) Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - auch für Diplomand*innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030797 SE Seminar in Labour Law and Civil Procedure - auch für Diplomand'innen und Dissertant*innen
- 030820 MC ( MIXED ) Moot Court Labour Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030830 MC [ en ] ( MIXED ) Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition - Master Candidates
2.5.6. Courses
- 030094 KU European Labour Law
- 030116 KU [ en ] Modern China: Law, History, and Culture
- 030128 KU [ en ] European Labour and Social Security Law
- 030237 KU Equality of people with disabilities
- 030240 KU Protection against discrimination - implementation, awareness and arguments
- 030302 KU Employment Law Cases from a Lawyer's Perspective
- 030695 KU Combating Discrimination -Equal Treatment Law in Practice
- 030696 KU Mediation of Employment Disputes
- 030735 KU Comparative Labour Law
- 030796 KU Labour Law in Sports - Course in Labour Law in Sports
- 030813 KU People with disabilities in Austria
Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:56