M 3: Specialisation III (10 ECTS)
- 080015 SE Michelangelo Architect
- 080026 SE Decorated Paper - from Early Modern Bindery to the Art of the Vienna Secession
- 080030 SE The Schotten Altarpiece and Painting in the 15th Century
- 080031 SE Franz Anton Maulbertsch and Austrian Baroque Painting of the 18th Century
- 080038 SE Sacred Architecture of the 18th Century: Italy and Central Europe in Comparison
- 080039 SE Marcel Duchamp. The Large Glass and the Readymades
- 080041 SE Artwork and Cult Objects in the Church Year
- 080047 SE The Old New Media: Video and Video Installation since the 1970s
- 080051 SE Rembrandt's Etchings
- 080052 SE Gender Trouble. Reconsidering "Titian's Women"
- 080058 SE Action or Retraction? Czech Art and Philosophy in the International Context, 1945-1989
- 080060 SE Presenting Divinity in Buddhist Art
- 080062 SE Streets, Fountains, Squares. Urbanism in Baroque Rome
- 080100 SE Interiors and Interiority - Jan Vermeer and Interior Painting in the Dutch Golden Age
- 080104 SE Macedonia: Art and Culture from Late Antiquity to Early Modern Times
- 080108 SE Interpreting "Liber depictus"
Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:56