2.4.2. Teil II Ökologie (Semester 7-10)
- 300025 EX Vertebrate ecological special excursions - Vertebrate ecological special excursions
- 300028 VO Humanökologie und Soziale Ökologie - Humanökologie und Soziale Ökologie: Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung
- 300038 SE Limnological Seminar - Limnological Seminar
- 300039 SE Methods of Social Ecology - Methods of Social Ecology: Biophysical processes and Sustainable Development - concepts and indicators
- 300045 SE Behavioral Ecology - Seminar zur Verhaltensökologie (Voraussetzung: Einführung in die Verhaltensbiologie)
- 300051 SE Scientific guidance - Scientific guidance for master and PhD students
- 300052 VO Habitatmapping - Habitatmapping
- 300053 VO Limnology of salt lakes - Limnology of salt lakes
- 300065 VO+SE Environmental Information Management - Environmental Information Management with Special Reference to the EU Enlargement Process in Eastern Europe
- 300067 VO Flora of Austria - Flora of Europa (taxonomy, phylogenetic systematics, ecology, morphology, ethnobotany)
- 300076 PR Entomological laboratory - Entomological and taxonomic studies on selected insects
- 300080 SE+UE Protection of sea turtles in Turkey II - Protection of sea turtles in Turkey II
- 300083 VO Chemical Ecology - Introduction to Chemical Ecology
- 300084 VO Ecological Biochemistry - Ecological Biochemistry (Ecological Interactions of Secondary Metabolite Diversity)
- 300088 SE Scientific Literature in Human Ecology - Scientific Literature in Human Ecology
- 300101 VO Aquatic microbial Ecology - Aquatic microbial Ecology
- 300102 VO Introduction to ecophysiology of animals - Introduction to ecophysiology of animals
- 300103 VO Introduction Hydrology and Running Water Ecology - Introduction to Hydrology and Running Water Ecology
- 300109 VO Biology of recent reefs - Biology of recent reefs
- 300114 UE Lab Course in Cell Physiology - Lab Course in Cell Physiology
- 300115 VO Soil science for Ecologists - Soil science for Ecologists
- 300116 VO Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
- 300117 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
- 300120 VO Approaches for ecological research in organic farming - Approaches for ecological research in organic farming
- 300126 VO Water Management in Austria - Water Management in Austria
- 300129 VO Radiation and life - Radiation and life
- 300130 SE Seminar in hydrobotany I - Seminar in hydrobotany I: New topics and publications on aquatic macrophytes
- 300131 UE Laboratory of Plant Physiology for adv. students - Laboratory of Plant Physiology for advanced students
- 300132 VO Comparative anatomy of aquat. and terrestr. plants - Comparative anatomy of aquatic and terrestrial plants
- 300133 VO Introduction to the Lab Course in Cell Physiology - Introduction to the Lab Course in Cell Physiology
- 300134 VO Plant Physiology for advanced students - Plant Physiology for advanced students
- 300140 VO Principles in Aquatic Microbial Ecology - Principles in Aquatic Microbial Ecology
- 300144 VO Tropical Ecosystems - Tropical Ecosystems
- 300148 VO Introduction to Desert Biology - Introduction to Desert biology: Life communities of subtropical and tropical deserts.
- 300151 EX Soil biological excursions - Ecological characterisation of different soil types
- 300152 VO+UE Soil biological course - Soil biological course: soil as habitat, introduction to taxonomy and ecology of selected soil animal groups
- 300155 SE Reproduction ecology (tropical plants) - Reproduction ecology and life strategies of tropical plants (preparation for tropical excursions and special practica studies)
- 300156 VO+SE Biology and Ecology of alpine animals - Biology and Ecology of alpine animals
- 300157 VO+SE Environment and health-aspects of human ecology - Environment and health-aspects of human ecology
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - New concepts in light- and electron microscopy
- 300160 VO Landscape Ecology - Introduction to Landscape Ecology - principles, methodes & case studies
- 300162 UE Field course Hydrology and Running Water Ecology - Field course on Hydrology and Running Water Ecology
- 300176 VO Ecography of selected cultural landscapes - Ecography of selected cultural landscapes - structure, vegetation & land use
- 300179 VO Introduction into the fauna - Introduction into the fauna and ecology of the Amazon basin
- 300182 VO Freshwater Ecosystems: Structure and Function - Freshwater Ecosystems: Structure and Function
- 300184 UE+EX Marine ecological field course - Marine ecological field course in Red Sea coral reefs
- 300187 VO Principles of Environmental Economics II - Principles of Environmental Economics II (Macroeconomics)
- 300188 VO Techn. and Economic Aspects of Environ. Protection - Technical and Economic Aspects of Environmental Protection
- 300189 SE Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-Thesis - Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-Thesis
- 300190 SE Seminar for masters- and PhD-students - Seminar for masters- and PhD-students
- 300192 VO+UE+EX Field trips in ecology - Field trips in ecology, floristics, systematics and morphology
- 300202 VO Bioindicaton by Plants - Bioindicaton by Plants
- 300205 VO+UE Chemistry of natural waters - Introduction to the chemistry of natural waters (lecture and lab course)
- 300206 VO Mammalian Ecology, Physiology and Behavior - Mammalian Ecology, Physiology and Behavior
- 300207 UE Practice in managing biological data - Practice in managing biological data
- 300215 VO Ultrastructures - Ultrastructures - the basis for new insight into Biology
- 300216 VO Managing biological data - Data base in place of datachaos-Access for biologists
- 300218 UE+EX California Coastal Ecosystems - California Coastal Ecosystems
- 300219 SE Multivariate statistics in aquatic ecology - Multivariate statistics in aquatic ecology
- 300220 VO Fish ecology - Fish ecology
- 300221 SE California Coastal Ecosystems Seminar - California Coastal Ecosystems Seminar
- 300229 VO Maledivische Korallenriffe - Biodiversität maledivischer Korallenriffe
- 300240 VO Basic entomology - Basic entomology
- 300241 VO Tropical ecosystems of South and Central America - Tropical ecosystems of South and Central America
- 300245 VO Microbiology for Fans and Amateurs - Microbiology for Fans and Amateurs
- 300246 SE+UE+EX Seminar in Marine Biology - Seminar in Marine Biology
- 300247 SE+UE+EX Special tasks in Vegetation Ecology - Special tasks in Vegetation Ecology and Conservation Biology
- 300248 SE+UE+EX Special aspects in hydrobotany - Special aspects in hydrobotany (for MSc and PhD candidates)
- 300249 VO Fauna Australiens - Fauna Australiens: ausgewählte Beispiele zur Evolution, Ökologie und Tiergeographie
- 300251 VO+SE Zur Ökophysiologie visueller Systeme - Zur Ökophysiologie visueller Systeme
- 300257 VO Behaviour and ecology of higher vertebrates - Behaviour and ecology of higher vertebrates (in cooperation with Dr. Signe Preuschoft)
- 300258 SE Instruction for Scientific Research - Instruction for Scientific Research
- 300259 VO+UE Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologists - Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologists
- 300262 SE Sustainable Development in theory an research - Sustainable Development in theory an research
- 300264 VO Introduction to soil biology - Introduction to soil biology 1) Soil microbiology 2) soil zoology
- 300266 SE+UE+EX Ecology of terrestrial animals 1 - Ecology of terrestrial animals with emphasis on the following topics: biodiversity, biology, ecosystem ecology (recommanded for diploma & phD students)
- 300268 SE Scientific guidance: Human Ecology - Scientific guidance: Human Ecology
- 300269 SE Methods in bryology - Methods in bioindication and bryology
- 300270 VO+SE+EX Das Aquarium-Modell eines Ökosystems? - Das Aquarium-Modell eines Ökosystems? (für Biologen und Lehramtskandidaten)
- 300273 SE+UE+EX Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology - Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology and plant production
- 300274 SE Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-Thesis - Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-Thesis
- 300275 SE+UE+EX Specific Ecology of Plants I - Specific Ecology of Plants: stress physiology, photo biology, anatomy, urban ecology, ecophysiology laboratory and field analysis, structural analysis, energy and material flow balances in cultural landscapes and urban habitats
- 300276 SE Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen I - Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen I: Schwerpunkte: Stressphysiologie, Baumphysiologie, Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel (v. a. für Diplomanden und Dissertanten).Unter Mitwirkung von Dr.G.Bachmann und Dr.W.Wanek
- 300278 SE Seminar: Urban Ecology - Seminar: Urban Ecology
- 300280 SE literature in marine biology and ecology - Pertinent literature in marine biology and ecology
- 300281 SE+UE+EX Instr. f. composing a master- or PhD-thesis limn. - Instructions for composing a master- or PhD-thesis in limnology
- 300289 VO Theoretical computer applications in ecology - Theoretical computer applications in ecology and conservation biology
- 300290 UE+VO Course in vegetation Ecology 2 - Course in vegetation Ecology 2: Data interpretation and analysis
- 300291 VO Ecology and management of meadows and pastures - Ecology and management of meadows and pastures
- 300294 SE+EX Instructions for composing a master- or PhD-thesis - Instructions for composing a master- or PhD-thesis
- 300297 SE Instructions for Thesis students in agro-ecology - Instructions for Thesis students in agro-ecology
- 300298 UE Practical computer applications in ecology - Practical computer applications in ecology and conservation biology
- 300304 UE Trichoptera Identification Course - Trichoptera Identification Course (advanced level)
- 300305 VO Elementary hydrobotany - Elementary hydrobotany
- 300306 VO Riverine landscapes: development & vegetation - Development and Vegetation of Middle European riverine landscapes
- 300307 SE Seminar riverine geomorphology - Seminar "Interrelations between riverine geomorphology and vegetation"
- 300313 VO Microbial communities of selected ecosystems - Structure and function of microbial communities of selected ecosystems
- 300314 SE+EX [ en ] Microbial Ecology: from theory to practice - Microbial Ecology: from theory to practice
- 300315 SE [ en ] Selected chapters of microbial ecology - Selected chapters of microbial ecology
- 300322 SE+UE Specific microbial ecology I - Specific microbial ecology I: Bacterial endosymbionts of amoebae, structure and function of nitrifying bacteria, evolutionary history and detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria, DNA microarray techniques, genomics and transcriptomics of parachlamydiae. For diploma and Ph. D. students.
- 300332 VO Human Behavioral Ecology - Human Behavioral Ecology
- 300341 VO Conservation Biology and Landscape Conservation - Conservation Biology and Landscape Conservation
- 300356 VO+SE Biological Invasions - Biological Invasions: "Neobiota" and their relevance
- 300359 VO+SE+UE Modern Techniques in Ecology: - Modern Techniques in Ecology : Stable Isotope Tracing (together with ERASMUS guest professor Dr.H.Santruckova)
- 300360 VO Global Change and fitness of Plants - Global Change a challenge to plant fitness
- 300361 UE Marine biology laboratory work - Marine biology laboratory work
- 300369 VO Proteomics: Theory & applications in microb. ecol. - Proteomics: Theory and applications in microbial ecology
- 300372 SE+UE EM-Untersuchung an Objekten eigener Wahl - Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung an Objekten eigener Wahl für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 300379 VO Population Ecology - Population Ecology
- 300381 UE Data management in Habitatmapping - Habitatmapping-Data management, -analysis and -interpretation
- 300392 UE Scientific practice - Scientific practice
- 300393 SE+UE Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-Thesis - Instructions for composing a Master or PhD - Thesis
- 300394 SE Introduction to&guidance in ultrastruct. Research - Introduction to and guidance in ultrastructural Research
- 300401 VO Quantitative Ecology of Fishes of the Trout Region - Quantitative Ecology of Fishes of the Trout Region (Development, Growth, Population Regulation)
- 300407 SE Instructions for composing a Master- or PhD-Thesis - Instructions for composing a Master- or PhD-Thesis: Aquatic microbial Ecology
- 300414 SE Ethnobotanic-phytochemical seminar - Ethnobotanic-phytochemical seminar
- 300415 VO heavy metals, trace elements, Significance - Eco-physiological significance of heavy metals and trace elements
- 300416 EX Hydrobotanical excursions - Hydrobotanical Excursions "Characteristic riverine valleys in eastern Austria"
- 300418 VO+SE Biology of fishes - Biology of fishes
- 300426 VO Introduction into Human Ecology - Introduction into Human Ecology
- 300430 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
- 300434 SE Seminar fish ecology - Dicussion and presentations of new literature within the area fish ecology. Especially for master and PhD doctoral and postgraduate students
- 300436 VO Seasonality of freshwater systems - Seasonality of freshwater systems
- 300442 VO Functional Stream Ecology - Functional Stream Ecology: From Molecules to Networks
- 300445 VO Analysis of ecological data - Analysis of ecological data
- 300446 UE Laboratory Course for Analysis of Ecological Data - Laboratory Course for Analysis of Ecological Data
- 300451 VO Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants - Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants; physiological and ecological Aspects.
- 300461 VO Biology and ecology of European amphibians - Biology and ecology of European amphibians
- 300515 UE Data management in Habitatmapping - Habitatmapping-Data management, -analysis and -interpretation
- 300516 SE+UE Intensive course in microbial ecology - Intensive course in microbial ecology
- 300518 VO Primary producers of freshwaters - Primary producers in freshwaters: ecophysiology with implications for the bio-assessment of aquatic systems and the response to climate change.
- 300544 UE Museological technics - Museological technics. Introduction to the preparation of insects.
- 300614 SE Journal Club Chemical Ecology - Journal Club Chemical Ecology (recommended for diploma and PhD students)
- 300615 UE Moulds on Food Stuffs - Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs: Isolation, Identification, and Mycotoxin Analysis
- 300622 VO Ecology and sociobiology of ants - Ecology and sociobiology of ants
- 300623 SE Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Neotropics - Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Neotropical region
- 300624 SE Seminar in Population Ecology - Seminar in Population Ecology (especially for MSc and PhD candidates)
- 300625 VO Landscape history - Landscape history
- 300627 VO+SE Nature conservat. & envir. protection in the Islam - Nature conservation and envir. protection in the Islam - examplified especially for Egypt
- 300637 SE Seminar for nature conservation - Seminar for nature conservation
- 300639 VO Human Ecology - Human Ecology
- 300640 SE+EX Ethnobotanic-phytochemical excursion - Ethnobotanic-phytochemical excursion: Diversity and practical importance of bioactive plant products in the palaeotropics
- 300658 VO Biology of Protozoa - Biology of Protozoa
- 300661 VO Main topics in Human Ecology - Main topics in "Biology and Environmental sciences"("Biologie und Umweltkunde"): Basic issues of Human Ecology and Environmental Ethics
- 300666 VO+SE Human Societies and the Environment - Human Societies and the Environment
- 300668 VO Mountain ecology - Mountain ecology
- 300669 VO Management of endangered species - Management of endangered species: practical species protection in marine and terrestrial ecosystems
- 300670 VO NATURA 20000 - NATURA 20000 - nature conservation in the European Union
- 300671 VO The birds of Austria - The birds of Austria - an ecological overview
- 300676 VO+UE Systematics and ecology of macrofungi - Systematics and ecology of macrofungi
- 300677 VO Biology of lichens - Biology of lichens
- 300679 VO+UE Models of species dynamics - Models and indices for the analysis of species dynamics and community patterns in aquatic systems
- 300690 SE Biogeography Seminary - Biogeography Seminary
- 300691 VO Ecology & Biogeography of the Mediterranean Flora - Ecology and Biogeography of the Mediterranean Flora
- 300692 SE Data Analysis of the Botanical Alpine Course - Data Analysis of the Botanical Alpine Course
- 300693 VO Ecology and Vegetation of the Donau-March - Ecology and Vegetation of the Donau-March-Thaya riverine forests
- 300694 VO Flora and vegetation of Austrian landscapes - Flora and vegetation of Austrian landscapes in a regional view
- 300702 VO Einführung in die Submikroskopische Anatomie - Einführung in die Submikroskopische Anatomie und Präparationstechnik
- 300389 VO Lectures for an Excursion to Morocco 2007 - Lectures for an Excursion to Morocco 2007
Last modified: Sa 12.03.2022 01:00