M21: Advanced Subject Area (5 ECTS)
In Wahlmodul M 21 ist ein Seminar im Ausmaß von 5 ECTS-Punkten aus dem Angebot frei wählbar.
- 010040 VU Theory of Religious Education
- 010072 SE Liturgical Rites Surrounding Illness and Death
- 010086 SE ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to Social Scientific Research on Religion
- 010089 SE Churches in Ukraine
- 010097 SE Titel
- 010119 SE Introduction to Peace Ethics
- 020028 SE ( ON-SITE ) Analysis of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue Projects - Seminar zu einem Thema der anwendungsorientierten Religionswissenschaft
- 020032 SE ( KPH Krems ON-SITE ) Seminar on Sociology and/or Ethnology of Religion - Religion und Identitäten
- 030006 SE ( REMOTE ) Law of the Christian East - The Orthodox Churches in postcommunist Europe
- 030072 KU Freedom of Religion and Belief in Austria
- 090096 PS [ en ] The apocalyptic tradition in Byzantium: Texts and themes in Eastern Christianity, 300-1600
- 143144 SE [ de en ] ( ON-SITE ) Aspirations to Social Advancement and Religious Reform through Christianity and Islam - Case Studies from the African Continent
Last modified: Tu 26.11.2024 00:48