Extension Curriculum Private Law (034)
APM A Course Law of Private Property (4 ECTS)
- 030140 KU Law of Private Property - for Non-Jurists
APM A/B Conversatorium Law of Private Property (1 ECTS)
APM A/B Specialisation and Supplement (6/10 ECTS)
- 030042 KU Unmarried Couples and their legal problems - als Schauplatz des Geschlechterverhältnisses
- 030048 KU ( MIXED ) E-Commerce
- 030099 KU Civil Law Aspects of Equal Treatment Law
- 030146 KU Equality/Diversity - Gleichheit und Ungleichheit
- 030220 KU European Family Law with a focus on International Protection of Children and Adults
- 030375 KU Gender issues in the practice of family and divorce law
- 030378 KU Justice and Rule of Law - Fundamental questions of the legal system by current problems
- 030565 SE Antidiscrimination - Religion and Freedom of consciousness
Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01