Research Phase (40 ECTS)
B500 Space as a Category of Cultural Analysis (13 ECTS)
- 080069 SE B510 Space as a Category in Cultural Analysis: Production of Urban Space - Urban Spaces in Transition
- 080077 EX B520 EX Space: Analyzing Waterworlds: - A field trip to Lake Neusiedl and the Donaukanal in Vienna
B600 Analysis of Society in Cultural Studies (13 ECTS)
- 080072 SE B610 Society: Doing Law. Doing Kinship! - Rationalization, emotional practices and moral values in (post)familial everyday law practice
- 080005 VU B620 Society: The Politics of Transhumanism - Technoprogressive Cult or Visionary Future Utopia?
B700 Fields of Professional Practice (14 ECTS)
- 080101 VU B710 Cultural Studies Workshop 1: Climatological Performances: - An Artistic-Scientific Co-Laboratory of Climate Control
- 080088 VU B720 Cultural Studies Workshop 2: Work for museums: - Insight into the activities of a service point for regional museums
- 080008 KU B730 Ethnographic Writing
Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01