SAL B Advanced Module: In-Depth Study and Research (28 ECTS)
- 143004 SE ( ON-SITE ) Anti-Racist Practices in the University Library - A Critical Debate in the Field of Tension between the Processing of Knowledge and the Reproduction of Stereotypical Images of Africa.
- 143016 VO ( ON-SITE ) African Studies Research on Language, Culture and Society - an den Schnittstellen von Sprache, Kultur und Gesellschaft
- 143108 SE ( ON-SITE ) Decolonial Thought in Africa: Feminist Perspectives
- 143121 VO [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) 20th century African Women's Writing and Feminism
- 143122 SE ( ON-SITE ) Master Coaching Seminar
- 143131 KU ( ON-SITE ) Love and Gender in West African Movies: Focus Sahel
- 143210 VO ( ON-SITE ) The Ego, the Self and Notions of Personhood - Constructions of "Life" and "Living" in Auto/Biographical Accounts from African Studies Perspectives
- 143256 VO ( MIXED ) Litaratures of West Africa
- 240063 SE VM4 / VM8 - Development worker in focus - The image of the 'expatriate' in cultural productions from Africa
Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01