Bachelor Chinese Studies ( 611 [5] - Version 2022)
Introductory and Orientation Period (StEOP) (17 ECTS)
M01 Introduction to Modern Chinese 1 (9 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE COMM M01 StEOP Module Exam: Introduction to Modern Chinese 1 (compulsory module)
- 150101 PKU [ de zh zh en zh ] ( STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Modern Chinese 1a
- 150267 VO ( OV STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Introduction to Modern Chinese
M02 Introduction to Chinese Cultural History 2 (4 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE M02 StEOP Module Exam: Introduction to Chinese Cultural History (compulsory module)
- 150071 VO [ de en ] ( STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Introduction to Chinese Cultural History
M03 Introduction to Chinese Political History 2 (4 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE REMOTE M03 StEOP Module Exam: Introduction to Chinese Political History (compulsory module)
- 150180 VO ( STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Introduction to Chinese Political History
M04 Introduction to Modern Chinese 2 (6 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE M04 Module Exam: Introduction to Modern Chinese 2 (compulsory module)
- 150102 KSTEOP [ de zh zh ] ( STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Speaking Lab 1a
- 150104 KSTEOP [ de zh zh ] ( STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Speaking Practice 1a
M1 Elementary Chinese (14 ECTS)
M1-1 Elementary Chinese 1 (8 ECTS)
M1-2 Elementary Chinese 2 (6 ECTS)
M2 Pre-Intermediate Chinese (30 ECTS)
M2-1 Pre-Intermediate Chinese 1 (10 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE M2-1 Module Exam: Pre-Intermediate Chinese 1 (compulsory module)
- 150140 KU [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Modern Chinese 2a (M2)
M2-2 Pre-Intermediate Chinese 2 (20 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE M2-2 Module Exam: Pre-Intermediate Chinese 2 (compulsory module)
- 150146 KU [ zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Speaking Practice 2a (M2)
- 150149 KU [ zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Writing Practice 2a (M2)
- 150153 KU [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Reading Practice 2a
M3 Intermediate Chinese (31 ECTS)
M3-1 Intermediate Chinese 1 (16 ECTS)
- 150121 KU [ zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Writing and Reading Chinese A
- 150157 KU [ zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Listening and Speaking A (M3-1)
M3-2 Intermediate Chinese 2 (15 ECTS)
- 150033 KU ( ON-SITE ) Classical Chinese (M3-2)
- 150038 KU [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Specialist Language (M3) - Business Chinese
- 150068 KU [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Newspaper Reading and Media Language (M3-2)
- 150077 KU [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Specialist Language (M3) - Diplomacy
- 150187 KU [ en zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Newspaper Reading and Media Language - Taiwan (M3-2)
M4 Basic Knowledge (11 ECTS)
M5 Basics of Academic Research and Writing (10 ECTS)
- 150047 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Working with Academic Literature (Social Sciences) - Navigating your way through arguments and debates
- 150087 UE ( ON-SITE ) Foundations of Academic Research and Writing in Chinese Studies
- 150216 UE ( ON-SITE ) Working with Academic Literature (Cultural Studies) - Gangs in Taiwan. Their presentation and social role in film
M6 Applied Methods of Chinese Studies (8 ECTS)
- 150062 UE ( ON-SITE ) Social Science Research Methods in Chinese Studies - From Text to Data Quantitative Content Analysis
- 150076 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Cultural Studies Research Methods in Chinese Studies - Mapping an Archive: Researching Chinese Art since the 1980s
- 150106 UE ( ON-SITE ) Social Science Research Methods in Chinese Studies - Media coverage of Chinese state-run newspapers during the Covid-19 pandemic: Techniques of qualitative content analysis
M7 Research Topics in Chinese Studies (12 ECTS)
- 150048 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Culture in the (former) colony - traces and legacies of Japanese influence in Taiwan
- 150053 SE ( ON-SITE ) Greater China in and as discourse
- 150063 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) How does the Chinese Communist Party rule China?
M8 Bachelor (11 ECTS)
- 150163 SE ( ON-SITE ) Bachelor's Colloquium (M8)
M8 Bachelor (11 ECTS)
- 150022 VO ( REMOTE ) History and Philosophy in Dynastic China (M4)
- 150114 UE ( ON-SITE ) Taiwanese gangs in Taiwan film and academic presentation
- 150117 UE [ zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Chinese Calligraphy
- 150133 UE ( REMOTE ) Übung zur neuen chinesischen Literatur
Bachelor Sinology (611 [3] - Version 2016) - discontinued
Introductory and Orientation Period (20 ECTS)
M 01 Introduction to Modern Chinese 1 (9 ECTS)
- 150101 PKU [ de zh zh en zh ] ( STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Modern Chinese 1a
- 150267 VO ( OV STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Introduction to Modern Chinese
M 02 Introduction to Modern Chinese 2 (6 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE M04 Module Exam: Introduction to Modern Chinese 2 (compulsory module)
- 150102 KSTEOP [ de zh zh ] ( STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Speaking Lab 1a
- 150104 KSTEOP [ de zh zh ] ( STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Speaking Practice 1a
M 03 Introduction to Chinese History, Literature and Politics (5 ECTS)
- 150071 VO [ de en ] ( STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Introduction to Chinese Cultural History
- 150180 VO ( STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Introduction to Chinese Political History
Compulsory Modules (130 ECTS)
M 1 Language Acquisition Basic (15 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Examination M1
- EXAM ON-SITE M1-2 Module Exam: Elementary Chinese 2 (compulsory module)
- EXAM ON-SITE M1-1 Module Exam: Elementary Chinese 1 (compulsory module)
M 2 Advanced Language Acquisition (30 ECTS)
- EXAM Examination M2
- EXAM ON-SITE M2-2 Module Exam: Pre-Intermediate Chinese 2 (compulsory module)
- 150140 KU [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Modern Chinese 2a (M2)
- 150146 KU [ zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Speaking Practice 2a (M2)
- 150149 KU [ zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Writing Practice 2a (M2)
- 150153 KU [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Reading Practice 2a
M 3 Language Acquisition Intermediate (30 ECTS)
- 150033 KU ( ON-SITE ) Classical Chinese (M3-2)
- 150038 KU [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Specialist Language (M3) - Business Chinese
- 150068 KU [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Newspaper Reading and Media Language (M3-2)
- 150077 KU [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Specialist Language (M3) - Diplomacy
- 150121 KU [ zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Writing and Reading Chinese A
- 150157 KU [ zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Listening and Speaking A (M3-1)
- 150187 KU [ en zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Newspaper Reading and Media Language - Taiwan (M3-2)
M4 Basic Knowledge (11 ECTS)
- 150022 VO ( REMOTE ) History and Philosophy in Dynastic China (M4)
M 5 Research Methods and Academic Writing (9 ECTS)
- 150047 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Working with Academic Literature (Social Sciences) - Navigating your way through arguments and debates
- 150087 UE ( ON-SITE ) Foundations of Academic Research and Writing in Chinese Studies
- 150216 UE ( ON-SITE ) Working with Academic Literature (Cultural Studies) - Gangs in Taiwan. Their presentation and social role in film
M 6 Extended Knowledge (12 ECTS)
- 150062 UE ( ON-SITE ) Social Science Research Methods in Chinese Studies - From Text to Data Quantitative Content Analysis
- 150076 UE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Cultural Studies Research Methods in Chinese Studies - Mapping an Archive: Researching Chinese Art since the 1980s
- 150106 UE ( ON-SITE ) Social Science Research Methods in Chinese Studies - Media coverage of Chinese state-run newspapers during the Covid-19 pandemic: Techniques of qualitative content analysis
- 150114 UE ( ON-SITE ) Taiwanese gangs in Taiwan film and academic presentation
M 7 Applied Research Methods and Academic Writing (12 ECTS)
- 150048 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Culture in the (former) colony - traces and legacies of Japanese influence in Taiwan
- 150053 SE ( ON-SITE ) Greater China in and as discourse
- 150063 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) How does the Chinese Communist Party rule China?
M 8 Bachelor Module (11 ECTS)
- 150163 SE ( ON-SITE ) Bachelor's Colloquium (M8)
Elective Module Sinology International (15 ECTS)
EM Elective Subject Sinology Abroad (15 ECTS)
Further Elective Courses (e.g. for Alternative Extensions)
- 010009 VO [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Introducing East Asian Religions
- 010080 SE ( ON-SITE ) Religion in Focus: Dance and Religion (Authentic Movement)
- 132104 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Cultural Studies
- 150010 VO Regional Studies of Japan
- 150020 VO [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Intercultural negotiation patterns - (WiSe)
- 150082 UE Monitoring Class for STEOP-Mentoring
- 150091 KU [ en zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Chinese Writing
- 150111 VO [ en ] Introduction to Japanese Economy and Management
- 150114 UE ( ON-SITE ) Taiwanese gangs in Taiwan film and academic presentation
- 150117 UE [ zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Chinese Calligraphy
- 150122 VU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Strategic Gaming: The South China Sea Dispute
- 150125 VU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Regionalism, Institutions and Transnational Crimes in East Asia
- 150133 UE ( REMOTE ) Übung zur neuen chinesischen Literatur
- 150186 VO Japanese Culture
- 490400 VU PM1 Digital Transformations
Master Sinology (811)
Scientific Track
M1 Module Advanced Language Acquisition (20 ECTS)
- 150036 UE [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Translation Practice
- 150159 UE [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Translation Practice
M2 Basic Module Topics in China Studies (18 ECTS)
- 150024 PS [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Experimental Theatre in Postsocialist China (M2) - The Avant-garde between Politics and the Market
- 150112 PS ( ON-SITE ) The Great Leap, the Cultural Revolution and Tiananmen Protests in 1989 in Family Memory
- 150113 PS [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Taiwanese gangs in Taiwan film and academic presentation - (with Taiwanese films)
M3 Advanced Module - Topics in China Studies (35 ECTS)
- 150031 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Gender Through the Lens: Chinese Femininities and Masculinities on Screen
- 150056 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Colonisers doing Culture: the case of Japan in Taiwan
- 150109 SE ( ON-SITE ) Essay writing and reportage literature in the PRC
M4 Methods of China Studies (22 ECTS)
- 150019 SE [ de en zh ] PhD Colloquium
- 150044 SE [ de en zh ] ( ON-SITE ) MA Colloquium
- 150066 SE [ de en zh ] PhD Colloquium
Teaching Track
MU1 Module Advanced Language Acquisition (26 ECTS)
- 150032 UE ( ON-SITE ) Grammar
- 150036 UE [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Translation Practice
- 150159 UE [ de zh ] ( ON-SITE ) Translation Practice
MU2 Module Linguistics (12 ECTS)
- 160101 VO [ de en ] ( STEOP ) Introduction to General Linguistics
MU3 Module Topics in China Studies (10 ECTS)
MU4 Module Teaching Methodology (29 ECTS)
MU5 Module Introduction to Schoolpedagogy and Theory of School (5 ECTS)
- 490001 VO ( REMOTE OV STEOP ) Professionalism and School
MU6 Module Pedagogy (6 ECTS)
- 490014 PS Teaching Requirements and Implications - Unterricht in der Sekundarstufe: Historische, institutionelle und systematische Rahmenbedingungen des Unterrichts in der Sekundarstufe der österreichischen Schule
- 490043 VO Principles of Individual and Developmental Psychology of Education and Learning
- 490100 PS ( PH-WIEN ) Communication - Systemtheoretisch-konstruktivistische Perspektiven
- 490130 PS ( PH-NÖ ) Communication
- 490131 PS ( PH-NÖ ) Communication - Grundlegende Aspekte der Kommunikation/Interaktion und Gruppendynamik
- 490136 PS ( PH-WIEN ) Teaching and Learning - Schule 4.0. Didaktisches Design des technologieunterstützten Unterrichts
- 490137 PS ( PH-WIEN ) Teaching and Learning
- 490205 PS green pedagogy and education
- 490209 PS Teaching and Learning - Lehren und Lernen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Chancen und Probleme fächerübergreifenden Unterrichts
MU7 Module Master (7 ECTS)
- 150019 SE [ de en zh ] PhD Colloquium
- 150044 SE [ de en zh ] ( ON-SITE ) MA Colloquium
- 150066 SE [ de en zh ] PhD Colloquium
Extension Curriculum Understanding China (156 [2] - Version 2022)
M1 Basic Knowledge (12 ECTS)
- 150180 VO ( STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Introduction to Chinese Political History
M2 Advanced Knowledge (4 ECTS)
- 150004 SE ( ON-SITE ) Seminar (Politics, Economy, Law) (EC) - China and the West
Extension Curriculum Understanding China (156 [1] - Version 2016) - discontinued
M1 Basic Knowledge (11 ECTS)
- 150022 VO ( REMOTE ) History and Philosophy in Dynastic China (M4)
- 150180 VO ( STEOP ON-SITE ) STEOP: Introduction to Chinese Political History
M2 Advanced Knowledge (4 ECTS)
- 150004 SE ( ON-SITE ) Seminar (Politics, Economy, Law) (EC) - China and the West
Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01
(Registrierung für Vorlesungen = VO ab 01.09.2022 bis 30.09.2023)
ANMELDEPHASE: MI 14.09.2022, 10:00 Uhr bis MI 28.09.2022, 10:00 Uhr
ABMELDEFRIST für prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen: bis FR 28.10.2022, 23:59 Uhr