Theoretical Chemistry and Spectroscopy (10 ECTS)
- 270043 PR ( MIXED ) Research Example Modeling of Soft Matter and Materials
- 270063 VO Symmetry in Chemistry
- 270068 VO ( MIXED ) Molecular Modeling and Drug Design
- 270073 UE Symmetry in Chemistry
- 270086 VO Simulation of Chemical Dynamics
- 270087 VO Machine learning for molecules and materials
- 270095 UE Machine learning for molecules and materials
- 270124 VO Computer Graphics and Molecular Modelling
- 270128 PR Guided Research in Computational Biological Chemistry
- 270129 PR Practical Course: Computer Graphics and Molecular Modelling
- 270142 VO Spectroscopy of nuclear motion I
- 270159 VU ( MIXED ) Structure and Dynamics of Biopolymeres
- 270210 VO NMR Spectroscopy of bio-molecules - Strukturbestimmung von freien und proteingebundenen Kohlehydraten
- 270228 UE Computer Training of Simulation of Chemical Dynamics
- 270229 PR Research Example in Chemical Dynamics
- 270232 VO [ de en ] Molecular Modelling in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
- 270233 UE [ en ] Excercises for Molecular Modelling for Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
- 270236 PR ( MIXED ) Practical Course on Problems of Bioinformatics in Chemistry and Biology
- 270237 PR [ de en ] Research Example from Theoretical Chemistry
- 270282 PR [ de en ] Advanced Practical Course Spectroscopy
- 270324 UE Advanced laboratory course of organic chemistry -modul OC-5 - spectroscopic methods in structural analysis
Last modified: Fr 20.01.2023 15:35
wobei maximal drei Module aus dieser Gruppe im Masterstudium Chemie gewählt werden können.Die Module im Überblick mit Links zu Detailseiten:TC-1: Theoretische Biochemie (RNA Strukturanalyse, Cheminformatik) Quantenchemie und chemische Dynamik Computergestützte Biologische Chemie und molekulare Modellierung (Molekulardynamische Simulationen) Molekülspektroskopie