A. Doctoral Degree Programme in Catholic Theology
Gilt nur für Studierende, die vor 1.10.2019 eine Dissertationsvereinbarung abgeschlossen haben
1. Introductory phase
a) Seminar in the subject area of the thesis
b) research proposal
- 360008 PV Privatissimum
c) Interdisciplinary Courses
d) Presentation at the faculty
2. Doctoral thesis agreement
a) Promotion of skills in the field of the doctoral thesis or specialized fields of theology and general language competences
b) Module: Area of concentration
c) Module University Didactics
d) Module Theology in context of Church, Science and Society
e) Module Involvement in an academic event
3. Courses especially for doctoral students
- 010023 FS [ en ] Spiritual Power and Secular State - Ecclesiology and political theory in Marsilius of Padua (1275/80 - ca. 1342) and Giles of Rome (ca. 1247-1316)
- 010051 FS ( REMOTE ) Religion and Aesthetics. Encounters
- 010070 FS Current Questions of Canon and Religious Law
- 010071 FS ( MIXED ) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit
- 010074 FS ( MIXED ) Heideggers Wegmarken
- 010075 FS ( ON-SITE ) Dogma and the Signs of the Times. On the shift in theological epistemology
- 010079 FS Research Seminar Practical Theology
- 010099 FS Aktuelle Ansätze der Christlichen Sozialethik - Diplomand*innen-, Dissertant*innen- und Habilitand*innenseminar
- 010105 FS [ en ] Current Research Questions in Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology
- 010113 FS [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Learning Ecumenism - Comparing the Catholic and Orthodox Tradition
- 010120 FS ( MIXED ) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit
- 360005 PV Privatissimum
- 360006 DR ( REMOTE ) Philosophy of History and Eschatology
- 360007 PR [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Research Seminar
- 360008 PV Privatissimum
- 360009 UE Reading Course and Exercises in Making Arguments in Theological Ethics
- 360010 PV [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Privatissimum
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 360012 PV Privatissimum
Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01