Jewish Studies
The following courses of the studies programme 6 are appropriate for doctoral candidates with a dissertation subject in Jewish Studies.
- 060019 SE Abraham Ibn Daud
- 060020 SE The First Crusade
- 060022 SE [ de en he ] ...until the fifth generation: Trauma and Shoah in Israeli Film
- 060024 SE The Pesiqtot: The homiletical midrashim Peqiqta de Rav Kahana and Pesiqta Rabbati
- 060030 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) The Roots of Christian and Muslim Antisemitism in Antiquity - Die antiken Wurzeln des heutigen Antisemitismus
- 060046 SE From Reform to JewBoo - modern Jewish currents
Last modified: Tu 08.08.2023 13:53