Master International Business Administration (914 [2] - Version 2016)
- 040285 UK ( OV ) OLV - Guide into your studies for Master`s
Introductory Phase (8 ECTS)
A. Introduction (8 ECTS)
- 040024 VO [ en ] Management I - Marketing (MA)
- 040053 VO [ en ] Management II - Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (MA)
- 040293 VO ( MIXED ) Management II - Finance (MA)
B. Specialization in Business Sciences (40 ECTS)
B.1. International Management (20 ECTS)
Compulsory Lecture (4 ECTS)
- 040032 VO [ en ] Building Blocks of International Business 1: Foundations of International Business (MA)
Elective Courses (16 ECTS)
- 040065 KU [ en ] Building Blocks of International Business 2: Research Methods in International Business (MA)
- 040074 KU [ en ] Special Topics in International Business (MA) - International Entrepreneurship
- 040096 KU [ en ] Family Firm Internationalisation (MA)
- 040125 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) International Financial Accounting B (MA)
- 040219 KU [ en ] Governance of International Firms (MA)
- 040221 KU [ en ] Global Strategy (MA)
- 040227 KU [ en ] Organization and Human Resources in International Firms (MA)
- 040241 UK International Private- and European Law (MA)
- 040242 KU [ en ] International Trade Law (MA)
- 040306 KU [ en ] European Dimension of International Business (MA)
- 040312 KU ( MIXED ) Virtual meetings as instruments of efficient international management (MA) - Wie passen Technik und Interaktion zusammen?
- 040517 KU [ en ] Special Topics in Marketing: International Marketing Management 1 (MA)
- 040588 UK International Tax Planning
- 040609 KU [ en ] International Negotiations (MA)
- 040657 KU [ en ] International Financial Accounting A (MA)
- 040707 SE International Cooperative Management (MA)
B.2.1. Alternative Compulsory Module Banking & Finance (20 ECTS)
Compulsory Courses (16 ECTS)
- 040176 KU [ en ] Asset Pricing 1 (MA)
Elective Courses (4 ECTS)
- 040029 SE [ en ] Seminar (MA) - Resilient Business Models
- 040031 UE [ en ] Python for Finance I (MA)
- 040090 KU [ en ] Corporate Finance 2 (MA)
- 040095 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Investment Banking (MA)
- 040097 KU [ en ] Commercial Banking (MA)
- 040118 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Corporate Restructuring (MA)
- 040181 KU [ en ] Asset Pricing 2 (MA)
- 040187 KU [ en ] Portfolio Management (MA)
- 040259 SE [ en ] Seminar Corporate Finance (MA)
- 040275 KU [ en ] Banking and Financial Intermediation 2 (MA)
- 040514 UE [ en ] Python for Finance II (MA)
- 040569 KU [ en ] Valuation (MA)
- 040642 SE [ en ] Seminar Portfolio Management (MA)
B.2.2. Alternative Compulsory Module Controlling I (20 ECTS)
- 040049 SE ( MIXED ) Readings in Management Accounting (MA)
- 040326 KU Incentive System Design (MA)
- 040429 KU ( MIXED ) Spreadsheet Accounting (MA)
- 040513 KU ( MIXED ) Fundamentals in Managerial Accounting (MA)
B.2.3. Alternative Compulsory Module External Accounting (20 ECTS)
- 040082 KU [ en ] Financial Statement Analysis and Business Evaluation (MA)
- 040125 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) International Financial Accounting B (MA)
- 040159 KU ( MIXED ) BMD Software use in Tax Accounting and Auditing (MA)
- 040657 KU [ en ] International Financial Accounting A (MA)
B.2.4. Alternative Compulsory Module Marketing & International Marketing I (20 ECTS)
- 040087 KU Building Blocks of Marketing 2: Consumer Behavior (MA)
- 040104 KU [ en ] Special Topics in Marketing: International Marketing Management 2 (MA)
- 040135 KU [ en ] Building Blocks of Marketing 1: Marketing Research (MA)
- 040141 KU [ en ] Special Topics in Marketing: Luxury Marketing 2 (MA) - Luxury Marketing
- 040143 KU [ en ] Special Topics in Marketing: Responsible Marketing 1 (MA)
- 040155 KU [ en ] Special Topics in Marketing: Responsible Marketing 2 (MA)
- 040167 KU Applied Topics in Marketing: Staging Marketing B (MA)
- 040177 KU [ en ] Special Topics in Marketing: Luxury Marketing 1 (MA) - Luxury Marketing
- 040252 KU [ de en ] Special Topics in Marketing: Marketing: Marketing Communication 1 (MA)
- 040386 KU [ en ] Building Blocks of Marketing 1: Marketing Research (MA)
- 040410 KU Special Topics in Marketing: Marketing Communication 2 (MA)
- 040517 KU [ en ] Special Topics in Marketing: International Marketing Management 1 (MA)
B.2.5. Alternative Compulsory Module Organisation and Personnel I (20 ECTS)
- 040035 KU [ en ] Contracts, coordination, and incentives (MA)
- 040220 SE [ en ] Seminar Organization and Personnel (MA)
- 040388 KU [ en ] Personnel Economics I (MA)
- 040519 KU Sociology of Organizations (MA)
B.2.6. Alternative Compulsory Module Smart Production I (20 ECTS)
- 040183 KU [ en ] Operations Strategy and Tactical Planning (MA)
- 040185 KU [ en ] Logistics and Material Management (MA)
- 040669 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Simulation I (MA)
- 040899 KU [ en ] Production Analysis (MA)
B.2.7. Alternative Compulsory Module Strategic Management I (20 ECTS)
- 040020 KU [ en ] Business Strategy (MA)
- 040046 UE [ en ] Experimental Methods I (MA) - Laboratory Experiments
- 040088 UE [ en ] Empirical Methods I (MA)
- 040115 KU [ en ] Strategic Decision-Making (MA)
- 040228 UE [ en ] Experimental Methods I: Agent Based Modelling in Organisations (MA)
- 040319 VO [ en ] Economic Psychology (MA)
B.2.7.b Strategic Management I - Variante 2: Consulting and Strategy for International Businesses (20 ECTS)
B.2.8. Alternative Compulsory Module Supply Chain Management I (20 ECTS)
- 040183 KU [ en ] Operations Strategy and Tactical Planning (MA)
- 040186 KU [ en ] Transportation Logistics (MA)
- 040893 KU [ en ] Supply Chain Management (MA)
- 040894 KU [ en ] LP Modeling I (MA)
Specialization in Cultural Sciences (40 ECTS)
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Africa (40 ECTS)
C.1.1. Basic african languages (22 ECTS)
- 143175 VU Zulu: Grammar 2
- 143179 VU [ en ] Zulu: Exercises 2
- 143271 VU Swahili: Exercises 2 / Kiswahili: Mazoezi 2
- 143293 VU Hausa: Grammar 2
- 143311 VU Hausa: Exercises 2
- 143313 VU Swahili: Grammar 2 / Kiswahili: Sarufi 2
C.1.1. African language, history and cutlure (18 ECTS)
- 143033 KU Zulu: Grammar 4
- 143034 KU [ en ] Zulu: Texts 2
- 143035 KU [ en ] Zulu: Conversation 2
- 143149 VO Critical Social Commentary and Historical Reflections in 20th Century West African Cinema - Ousmane Sembène & Co.
- 143176 VO History of West Africa 2: Early Modern Developments, Colonial History and Independence Era
- 143182 KU Swahili: Conversation 2 / Namna ya kuzungumza 2
- 143283 VO On the trails of Amadou Hampâté Bâ - Oral Traditions, Local Knowledge and the Cultural Heritage of Humanity
- 143295 KU [ en ] Hausa: Texts 2
- 143316 VO The Sudan in the 19th Century - Hegemonial Intentions, European Colonialism and the "Discovery" of Africa
- 143319 KU Hausa: Grammar 4
- 143329 KU [ en ] Hausa: Conversation 2
- 143333 KU Swahili Grammar 4 / Kiswahili: Sarufi 4
- 143334 KU Swahili: Texts 2
- 143345 VO African History, 1500 to 1800: Turbulent Times
- 143346 VO History of North Africa 2 - Periphery and Centre: New Order(s) of the Mediterranean World
- 143385 VO The Burial of Dennis the Goat - Politics, Satire, Life, Death and Humanity in South Africa's Transition Years
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Europe (40 ECTS)
C.2.1. Europe - Communication (20 ECTS)
- 040076 UK [ it ] Italian - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language I
- 040171 UE [ pt ] Portuguese - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II
- 040179 UE [ it ] Italian - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language III
- 040218 UK [ es ] Spanish - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language I
- 040233 UE [ es ] Spanish - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language III
- 040258 UK [ fr ] French - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II
- 040266 UK [ es ] Spanish - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language I - Summerterm
- 040268 UK [ es ] Spanish - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II - Summerterm
- 040303 UK [ it ] Italian - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II
- 040307 UK [ es ] Spanish - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II
- 040329 UE [ en ] English - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language III
- 040404 UK [ fr ] French - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language I
C.2.2. European History, Law and Politics (20 ECTS)
European History and Law
- 040194 UE Current jurisdiction of the CJEU (MA)
- 040237 VO European Company Law (MA) - (MA)
- 040241 UK International Private- and European Law (MA)
- 070001 VO Further Approaches - Financial History
- 070283 VO History of Science - Wissenschaften, Kolonialismus und die Vermessung der Körper
- 070288 VO Framing the Middle Ages. Approaches to a constructed period.
- 240043 VO EZ1 - Development Policies and Development Co-operation: Lecture Class
- 240045 VO KG1 - International Development in Historical Context
- 240049 VO GM4 - Theories of Science and Critique of Scientific Practices
- 240057 VO Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung
- 240077 VO GM1 - Principles of Development Research
- 240123 SE VM2 / VM6 - Uneven socio-spatial development in the EU - Integration and desintegration from the perspective of development studies
- 240125 VO [ en ] VM3 / VM6 - Borders and development: concepts, practices, struggles
Aspects of political science on the EU
- 040226 SE [ en ] Political Processes and Governance in the EU (MA) - EU in crisis?
- 040229 SE [ en ] Policy in the EU
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Latin America (40 ECTS)
C.3.1. Latin America - Language (20 ECTS)
- 040171 UE [ pt ] Portuguese - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II
- 040218 UK [ es ] Spanish - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language I
- 040233 UE [ es ] Spanish - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language III
- 040266 UK [ es ] Spanish - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language I - Summerterm
- 040268 UK [ es ] Spanish - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II - Summerterm
- 040307 UK [ es ] Spanish - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II
C.3.2. Latin american history, culture, socienty and law (20 ECTS)
- 240043 VO EZ1 - Development Policies and Development Co-operation: Lecture Class
- 240045 VO KG1 - International Development in Historical Context
- 240049 VO GM4 - Theories of Science and Critique of Scientific Practices
- 240057 VO Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung
- 240077 VO GM1 - Principles of Development Research
- 240109 SE VM1 / VM6 - Transformation Processes in Latin America between Movements and the State
- 240125 VO [ en ] VM3 / VM6 - Borders and development: concepts, practices, struggles
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules East Asia - Japan (40 ECTS)
C.4.1. East Asia - Japan I (19 ECTS)
- 150053 VO Japanese Society
C.4.2. East Asia - Japan II (21 ECTS)
- 150033 VO ( MIXED ) Politics and Economy of Japan
- 150105 VO History of Japan
- 150126 UE [ en ja ] Japanese Writing Systems
- 150127 UE [ en ja ] Japanese Grammar II
- 150129 UE [ en ja ] Business Japanese
- 150224 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) Intercultural Negotiation Patterns
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules East Asia - China (40 ECTS)
C.5.1. Language (23 ECTS)
- 040172 KU [ zh ] Modern Chinese 1b - für WiWi Studierende
- 040173 KU [ zh ] Speaking Lab 1b - für WiWi Studierende
- 150087 KU [ zh ] Business Chinese - für WiWi und ECOS Studierende
C.5. China: Additional Courses
- 150110 UE [ zh ] Chinese Reading and Writing
C.5.2. Chinese History, Society, Economy and Law (17 ECTS)
- 150006 SE Seminar (Politics, Economy, Law) (EC)
- 150063 VO ( REMOTE ) Politics and Law in China
- 150065 VO ( REMOTE ) China and East Asia (M4)
- 150109 VO ( REMOTE ) Economic Development of China (M4)
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Slavonic Region (40 ECTS)
C.6.1. Slavonic Language I (10 ECTS)
- 480162 UE [ de sk ] ( MIXED ) Slovak as a Second Slavic Language
Service Module Slavonic Language I
C.6.2. Slavonic Language II (10 ECTS)
- 040200 UE [ ru ] ( MIXED ) Language Learning Level 1 - Russian
- 480001 UE [ bg de ] Bulgarian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480038 UE [ de uk ] Ukrainian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480039 UE [ cs de ] Czech Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480046 UE [ de pl ] Polish Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480047 UE [ de sl ] Slovene Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480048 UE [ de sk ] Slovak Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
Service Module Slavonic Language II
C.6.3. Slavonic Business Communication and Culture (20 ECTS)
- 040034 UK [ ru ] Russian - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language I
- 040070 UE [ ru ] Russian - Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II
- 480012 VO East Slavic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480013 VO Slovak Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480018 UE [ de sk ] Slovak Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480019 UE [ cs de ] Czech Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480020 UE [ de pl ] Polish Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480021 UE [ de uk ] Ukrainian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480022 UE [ de sl ] Slovene Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480023 UE [ de hbs ] Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480025 UE [ bg de ] Bulgarian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480041 VO Bulgarian Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480043 VO Czech Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480044 VO Polish Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480045 VO Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480052 VO Slovene Regional and Cultural Studies
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules South Asia (40 ECTS)
C.7.1. Modern Indian Language I (15 ECTS)
C.7.2. Modern Indian Language II (15 ECTS)
- 142120 SAK Introduction to Hindi II
C.7.3. South Asian Studies (10 ECTS)
- 142041 VO Art, culture and interaction in the Himalayas through the ages
- 142042 VO [ en ] A Global History of Drugs in Modern South Asia
- 142050 VO Art and Religion: An intercultural Indian-Christian perspective
- 142077 PS Beef Biryani or Pure-Veg Thali: Food, Religion and Politics in South Asia
- 142125 PS Visualised medicine exemplified from Tibet and neighbouring regions
- 142137 PS Ayurveda past and present - a historical survey of the theory and practice of an indigenous Indian medical system
- 142147 VO From hermit to scholar - Reflections on the genesis of Indian Buddhism
- 142159 VO [ en ] Cultural evolution: three case studies from South Asia - scripts, tales and classical dance styles
- 142165 PS Buddhist Life Forms in Tibet: Monastics, Lay Practitioners, Yogis and Yoginis
- 142169 PS Mantras: an introduction
- 142396 PS Typology of Classical Indian Dance Styles - cultural, artistic and religious foundations
Integrative Specialization (8 ECTS)
Compulsory Course (4 ECTS)
- 040151 KU [ de en ] Economic Sociology - Basics (MA)
Further Courses (4 ECTS)
- 040024 VO [ en ] Management I - Marketing (MA)
- 040038 VO Econometrics and Statistics (MA)
- 040043 SE [ de en en ] ( REMOTE ) Advances in eServices (MA)
- 040053 VO [ en ] Management II - Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (MA)
- 040082 KU [ en ] Financial Statement Analysis and Business Evaluation (MA)
- 040103 UK Collective and Association Law
- 040107 UK Law of Corporate Groups
- 040111 UK Law of Corporate Reorganisations and Restructuring
- 040125 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) International Financial Accounting B (MA)
- 040148 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) Accounting (MA)
- 040166 KU Solidary Economic (MA) - Cooperative economy and Cooperatives
- 040182 KU [ en ] Implementation of Optimization Techniques - Part 1 (MA)
- 040183 KU [ en ] Operations Strategy and Tactical Planning (MA)
- 040195 KU Alternative management - entrepreneurial organizations and social ingetration system (MA) - MA
- 040196 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Money and Banking (MA)
- 040201 KU Advanced Economic Sociology (MA)
- 040217 KU [ en ] Data Analysis on Organization and Personnel (MA)
- 040245 KU [ en ] Transportation Analytics (MA)
- 040285 UK ( OV ) OLV - Guide into your studies for Master`s
- 040293 VO ( MIXED ) Management II - Finance (MA)
- 040331 KU [ en ] Empirical Methods in Decision Sciences (MA)
- 040408 KU Industrial Sociology (MA)
- 040501 VO [ en ] Foundations of Marketing: Data Analysis for Marketing Decisions (MA)
- 040519 KU Sociology of Organizations (MA)
- 040642 SE [ en ] Seminar Portfolio Management (MA)
- 040657 KU [ en ] International Financial Accounting A (MA)
- 040707 SE International Cooperative Management (MA)
- 040764 UK Private Law Enforcement
Master´s Thesis, Conservatory and Master Exam (24 ECTS)
- 040205 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates
Master´s Thesis Conservatory (2 ECTS)
- 040069 SE ( MIXED ) Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040144 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates - Wirtschaftssoziologie und Soziologie (SPL 4 + SPL 23)
- 040150 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040152 SE ( MIXED ) Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040153 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040175 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Conversatorium for Master Candidates - Transdisciplinary
- 040208 SE ( MIXED ) Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040210 SE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040223 SE [ en ] Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040251 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040262 SE [ en ] Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040276 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040321 SE [ en ] Master's Thesis Seminar
- 040323 SE [ en ] Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 040334 SE ( MIXED ) Conversatorium for Master Candidates - Transdisziplinäres Masterarbeitskonversatorium
Service Module
- 040213 UK [ en ] Repetitorium: Data Analysis for Marketing Decisions in practice
- 040232 UE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Scientific Writing
- 040808 VK Business German
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53