Extension Curriculum German Philology: Theoretical and Methodological Basics (109)
01 German Literature Studies: Theoretical and Methodological Basics (9 ECTS)
Introduction to Literary Studies
- 100147 EU EU Introduction to Literary Studies
- 100148 EU EU Introduction to Literary Studies
- 100149 EU Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft:
- 100150 EU Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft
- 100152 EU Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft
- 100153 EU Introduction to Literary Studies: Heinrich von Kleist
- 100215 EU EU Introduction to Literary Studies
Textual Production and Rhetoric
- 100086 EU Textproduktion und Rhetorik
- 100089 EU Textproduktion und Rhetorik
- 100090 EU Textproduktion und Rhetorik
- 100092 EU Textproduktion und Rhetorik
- 100093 EU Textproduktion und Rhetorik
- 100131 EU EU Textproduktion und Rhetorik
- 100135 EU Textproduktion und Rhetorik
- 100146 EU Textproduktion und Rhetorik
Theories and Methods in Literary and Cultural Studies
- 100002 UE UE Theories and Methods in Literary and Cultural Studies
- 100077 UE UE Theories and Methods in Literary and Cultural Studies
- 100078 UE UE Theories and Methods in Literary and Cultural Studies
- 100081 UE UE Theories and Methods in Literary and Cultural Studies
- 100083 UE UE Theories and Methods in Literary and Cultural Studies
- 100085 UE UE Theories and Methods in Literary and Cultural Studies
- 100213 UE UE Theories and Methods in Literary and Cultural Studies
02 German Linguistics: Theoretical and Methodological Basics (7 ECTS)
- 100009 EU EU Introduction to Linguistics
- 100011 VO History of Language
- 100014 EU EU Introduction to Linguistics
- 100016 EU Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft
- 100023 EU Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft
- 100123 EU Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft
- 100126 EU Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft
- 100133 EU EU Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft
Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01