M3.1 Focus in two fields of study (35 ECTS)
- 070019 UE Reading Course Economic and Social History
- 070149 PS Proseminar: Political Education and Democratic Education - Rassismus als Thema der subjektorientierten und diversitätssensiblen Politischen Bildung
- 070172 UE [ en ] Methodological course - Data Structures and Data Management in the Humanities
- 070208 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070214 UE Proposal-Workshop - History, History of Science
- 070222 SE ( MIXED PH-NÖ ) SE Praxisseminar - Fachdidaktische Begleitung der Praxisphase
- 070269 UE [ en ] Methodological course - Digital Humanities Skills: TEI-XML - Text Encoding and Analysis
- 070274 UE Reading Course Introduction in European Studies
- 180033 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Group Epistemology
- 180034 VO-L ( ON-SITE ) Variants of the linguistic turn
- 180054 VO [ en ] Cognitive Science - Introduction and Basic Concepts
- 180062 SE Scientific Instrumentalism
- 180063 SE [ en ] Introduction to Interdisciplinarity: Theory & Practice
- 180065 SE Philosophy of technology of medicine
- 180077 SE [ en ] Blockchain-Governance
- 180146 VO-L Science and democracy
- 180147 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to Cognitive Science I
- 180151 VO-L ( MIXED ) History and philosophy of molecular biology
- 180174 VO-L ( ON-SITE ) The concept of analysis in philosophy
- 180190 SE [ en ] Philosophy of Social Science
- 180193 VO-L Current philosophical gender research
- 180200 VO-L Introduction to Analytical Metaphysics - Lecture with reading
- 180207 VO [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Minds, Machines, and Ethics
- 180208 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) The Nature of Language
- 233030 VO [ en ] Knowledge and Technology Cultures - Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 233041 SE [ en ] Of waste and value - Following innovation residues through society
- 233043 SE [ en ] Science communication and/as activism - Contesting knowledge through digital and material practices
- 290109 VO [ en ] Climate Change and Climate Crisis - Staying within Planetary Boundaries
Last modified: Th 27.04.2023 13:34