2.2 Studienzweig Botanik
2.2.1 Teil I Botanik (Semester 4-6)
- 270159 VO Physicochemical Basis of Bioenergetics - Physicochemical Basis of Bioenergetics
- 300013 UE+VO Diversity and systematics of cryptogams - Diversity and systematics of cryptogams
- 300015 UE PP course on ethnobotanical phytochemistry - Project Practical course on ethnobotanical phytochemistry in Thailand/ Vienna
- 300029 UE Chemische Übungen II für Biologen - Chemische Übungen II für Biologen
- 300031 UE Chemische Übungen III für Biologen - Chemische Übungen III für Biologen (ergänzende Übungen zu 300029 und 300030)
- 300111 VO Computer applications for biologists - Computer applications for biologists
- 300112 UE Computer applications for biologists - Computer applications for biologists
- 300116 VO Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
- 300117 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
- 300193 UE Concepts & evaluation of ecological experiments - Preparation and evaluation of multifactorial experiments in Ecology
- 300211 SE+UE Submicroscopical anatomy&practical electron Micr. - Submicroscopical anatomy and practical electron Microscopy
- 300215 VO Ultrastructures - Ultrastructures - the basis for new insight into Biology
- 300238 UE Presentation techniques for Botanicts - Computer-assisted presentation techniques for Botanists
- 300277 SE+UE Functional Cytology and Anatomy of Plants - Functional Cytology and Anatomy of Plants: Structure and function of glands of carnivorous plants
- 300279 SE Scientific Film in Biology - Scientific Film in Biology
- 300343 VO Terrestial ecozones of the world - Terrestial ecozones of the world
- 300363 VO Plant Anatomy - Plant Anatomy
- 300364 UE Lecture in Plant Anatomy - Lecture in Plant Anatomy
- 300365 VO Lecture in Plant Anatomy - Lecture in Plant Anatomy
- 300366 UE Plant Anatomy - Plant Anatomy
- 300367 VO Plant anatomy - Plant anatomy
- 300368 UE Lecture in plant anatomy - Lecture in plant anatomy
- 300517 UE+VO Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy
- 300634 SE+UE Project practical course chemical ecology - Project practical course chemical ecology (plant-plant, plant-microbe, and plant-herbivore-interactions)
- 300701 SE Seminar to project course 300015 - Seminar to project course 300015: Ethnobotanical Phytochemistry in Thailand/ Vienna
- 300471 SE Seminar to project course 300262 - Seminar to project course 300262: Comparative systematic methods on selected economic plants
2.2.2. Teil II Botanik (Semester 7-10)
- 280285 VO Cenophytic environments - Cenophytic environments
- 300002 SE Botanical field research and collecting tours - Botanical field research and collecting tours
- 300018 SE [ en ] Privatissimum for PhD Students - Recognition of Double Stranded RNAs by Protein Motifs (Privatissimum for PhD Students)
- 300021 VO+UE+SE Systematics and floristics - Systematics and floristics of European vascular plants
- 300022 SE Botanical ex-situ collections & species protection - Botanical ex-situ collections and species protection
- 300051 SE Scientific guidance - Scientific guidance for master and PhD students
- 300052 VO Habitatmapping - Habitatmapping
- 300067 VO Flora of Austria - Flora of Europa (taxonomy, phylogenetic systematics, ecology, morphology, ethnobotany)
- 300083 VO Chemical Ecology - Introduction to Chemical Ecology
- 300084 VO Ecological Biochemistry - Ecological Biochemistry (Ecological Interactions of Secondary Metabolite Diversity)
- 300110 VO Macromolecules in plant systematics and evolution - Macromolecules in plant systematics and evolution.
- 300114 UE Lab Course in Cell Physiology - Lab Course in Cell Physiology
- 300116 VO Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
- 300117 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
- 300128 VO Introduction to Foto - Film - Video - Introduction to Foto - Film - Video: Scientific Documentation in Biology
- 300129 VO Radiation and life - Radiation and life
- 300130 SE Seminar in hydrobotany I - Seminar in hydrobotany I: New topics and publications on aquatic macrophytes
- 300131 UE Laboratory of Plant Physiology for adv. students - Laboratory of Plant Physiology for advanced students
- 300132 VO Comparative anatomy of aquat. and terrestr. plants - Comparative anatomy of aquatic and terrestrial plants
- 300133 VO Introduction to the Lab Course in Cell Physiology - Introduction to the Lab Course in Cell Physiology
- 300134 VO Plant Physiology for advanced students - Plant Physiology for advanced students
- 300137 VO Ecology and Physiology of the cell - Ecology and Physiology of the cell
- 300155 SE Reproduction ecology (tropical plants) - Reproduction ecology and life strategies of tropical plants (preparation for tropical excursions and special practica studies)
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - New concepts in light- and electron microscopy
- 300160 VO Landscape Ecology - Introduction to Landscape Ecology - principles, methodes & case studies
- 300168 VO+SE Economical plants - Useful plants (morphology, taxonomy, evolution, ecology, phytogeography, social history)
- 300172 UE Foto - Film - Video - Foto - Film - Video: Scientific Documentation in Biology
- 300176 VO Ecography of selected cultural landscapes - Ecography of selected cultural landscapes - structure, vegetation & land use
- 300190 SE Seminar for masters- and PhD-students - Seminar for masters- and PhD-students
- 300192 VO+UE+EX Field trips in ecology - Field trips in ecology, floristics, systematics and morphology
- 300200 VO+UE DNA sequenzing and molecular phylogenetics - DNA sequenzing and molecular phylogenetics
- 300202 VO Bioindicaton by Plants - Bioindicaton by Plants
- 300215 VO Ultrastructures - Ultrastructures - the basis for new insight into Biology
- 300232 SE [ en ] Privatissimum for PhD Students - Chromosome Pairing and Nuclear Architecture (Privatissimum for PhD Students)
- 300235 VO+SE Seminar in Plant Systematics and Evolution - Seminar in Plant Systematics and Evolution
- 300238 UE Presentation techniques for Botanicts - Computer-assisted presentation techniques for Botanists
- 300239 UE Preparation techniques for light microscopy - Preparation techniques for light microscopy
- 300241 VO Tropical ecosystems of South and Central America - Tropical ecosystems of South and Central America
- 300247 SE+UE+EX Special tasks in Vegetation Ecology - Special tasks in Vegetation Ecology and Conservation Biology
- 300248 SE+UE+EX Special aspects in hydrobotany - Special aspects in hydrobotany (for MSc and PhD candidates)
- 300256 SE [ en ] Privatissimum for PhD Students - Initiation and Repair of Meiotic DSBs (Privatissimum for PhD Students)
- 300259 VO+UE Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologists - Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologists
- 300269 SE Methods in bryology - Methods in bioindication and bryology
- 300273 SE+UE+EX Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology - Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology and plant production
- 300275 SE+UE+EX Specific Ecology of Plants I - Specific Ecology of Plants: stress physiology, photo biology, anatomy, urban ecology, ecophysiology laboratory and field analysis, structural analysis, energy and material flow balances in cultural landscapes and urban habitats
- 300276 SE Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen I - Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen I: Schwerpunkte: Stressphysiologie, Baumphysiologie, Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel (v. a. für Diplomanden und Dissertanten).Unter Mitwirkung von Dr.G.Bachmann und Dr.W.Wanek
- 300282 SE+UE+EX Lecture Series in Cell Phys. and Scientific Film - Seminar: Lecture Series in Cell Physiology and Scientific Film
- 300289 VO Theoretical computer applications in ecology - Theoretical computer applications in ecology and conservation biology
- 300290 UE+VO Course in vegetation Ecology 2 - Course in vegetation Ecology 2: Data interpretation and analysis
- 300291 VO Ecology and management of meadows and pastures - Ecology and management of meadows and pastures
- 300298 UE Practical computer applications in ecology - Practical computer applications in ecology and conservation biology
- 300305 VO Elementary hydrobotany - Elementary hydrobotany
- 300306 VO Riverine landscapes: development & vegetation - Development and Vegetation of Middle European riverine landscapes
- 300307 SE Seminar riverine geomorphology - Seminar "Interrelations between riverine geomorphology and vegetation"
- 300356 VO+SE Biological Invasions - Biological Invasions: "Neobiota" and their relevance
- 300360 VO Global Change and fitness of Plants - Global Change a challenge to plant fitness
- 300372 SE+UE EM-Untersuchung an Objekten eigener Wahl - Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung an Objekten eigener Wahl für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 300381 UE Data management in Habitatmapping - Habitatmapping-Data management, -analysis and -interpretation
- 300394 SE Introduction to&guidance in ultrastruct. Research - Introduction to and guidance in ultrastructural Research
- 300400 UE Plant cell tissue and organ culture techniques - Plant cell tissue and organ culture techniques (in vitro culture techniques of plants)
- 300406 VO+UE Electron Microscopy of Plant Cells - Electron Microscopy of Plant Cells
- 300414 SE Ethnobotanic-phytochemical seminar - Ethnobotanic-phytochemical seminar
- 300415 VO heavy metals, trace elements, Significance - Eco-physiological significance of heavy metals and trace elements
- 300416 EX Hydrobotanical excursions - Hydrobotanical Excursions "Characteristic riverine valleys in eastern Austria"
- 300430 UE Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
- 300436 VO Seasonality of freshwater systems - Seasonality of freshwater systems
- 300451 VO Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants - Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants; physiological and ecological Aspects.
- 300515 UE Data management in Habitatmapping - Habitatmapping-Data management, -analysis and -interpretation
- 300518 VO Primary producers of freshwaters - Primary producers in freshwaters: ecophysiology with implications for the bio-assessment of aquatic systems and the response to climate change.
- 300614 SE Journal Club Chemical Ecology - Journal Club Chemical Ecology (recommended for diploma and PhD students)
- 300615 UE Moulds on Food Stuffs - Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs: Isolation, Identification, and Mycotoxin Analysis
- 300620 SE Mycological research in Austria - Mycological research in Austria
- 300640 SE+EX Ethnobotanic-phytochemical excursion - Ethnobotanic-phytochemical excursion: Diversity and practical importance of bioactive plant products in the palaeotropics
- 300660 VO Biology of Reproduction and Development - Biology of Reproduction and Development
- 300668 VO Mountain ecology - Mountain ecology
- 300677 VO Biology of lichens - Biology of lichens
- 300680 VO [ en ] Forensic Palynology - Forensic Palynology
- 300681 UE [ en ] Forensic Palynology: Crime Scene Studies - Forensic Palynology: Crime Scene Studies
- 300682 VO+UE Genome size (evolution and variation) - Genome size (aspects of its evolution and variation in plants and animals)
- 300685 VO Plant Population Biology - Plant Population Biology
- 300690 SE Biogeography Seminary - Biogeography Seminary
- 300691 VO Ecology & Biogeography of the Mediterranean Flora - Ecology and Biogeography of the Mediterranean Flora
- 300692 SE Data Analysis of the Botanical Alpine Course - Data Analysis of the Botanical Alpine Course
- 300702 VO Einführung in die Submikroskopische Anatomie - Einführung in die Submikroskopische Anatomie und Präparationstechnik
- 310050 SE Seminar on Genetics - Seminar on Genetics: Cytogenetics
- 310073 UE Practical Course Cyto- and Developmental Genetics - Practical Course in Compulsory Topic Cyto- and Developmental Genetics
- 330012 VO Metabolic Physiology of Plants - Metabolic Physiology of Plants
- 300470 UE Practical approaches to botanical - Practical approaches to botanical information retrieval (print, online)
- 300676 VO+UE Systematics and ecology of macrofungi - Systematics and ecology of macrofungi
- 300678 VO+UE Preparation techniques for transmission electron m - Preparation techniques for transmission electron microscopy
- 300693 VO Ecology and Vegetation of the Donau-March - Ecology and Vegetation of the Donau-March-Thaya riverine forests
- 300694 VO Flora and vegetation of Austrian landscapes - Flora and vegetation of Austrian landscapes in a regional view
- 300014 VO Introduction to Plant Genetics - Introduction to Plant Genetics
- 300169 VO Naturschutzpraxis und Landnutzung in den Alpen - Naturschutzpraxis und Landnutzung in den Alpen
- 300389 VO Lectures for an Excursion to Morocco 2007 - Lectures for an Excursion to Morocco 2007
- 300423 VO+UE Spez. prakt.: Ausbreitungsökologie - Früchte/Samen - Spezialpraktikum: Ausbreitungsökologie von Früchten und Samen - Morphologie, Ökologie, experimentelle Ansätze (Aufnahmevoraussetzungen: Syst.- morph. Übungen oder Bot. Übungen f. Pharmazeuten)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34